The natural world is the maternal source of our being…(it) is the larger sacred community to which we belong. To be alienated from this community is to become destitute in all that makes us human.
- Local Lives Global Matters 2020 Convergence- Call for contributions
- Wild Fennel– Aromatics and Lavender- Daylesford
- Introduction to Weaving– Castlemaine
- Hepburn Shire Local Laws– community challenge & upcoming council meeting
- Jazz at the Hub- Castlemaine- supporting local student strikers
- Repair Cafe’s– Castlemaine, Daylesford, Bendigo & Woodend
- Daylesford Culture Club
- Turning the Goldfields Green– radio show & podcast
- Make a Human Sign @Hepburn Wind
- Newstead Arts Hub– exhibitions
- Cicada Story Slam– Daylesford
- Report from People’s Climate Assembly–Parliament House, Canberra
- Introducing APIS– Natural bee keeping
- Harcourt Organic Farm Coop– Veggie subscriptions
- Castlemaine Zen – a special event with Susan Murphy Roshi
- Recycle Update- Castlemaine
- Castlemaine Weekly Farmers Market
- Fermenting: Listen – A Food Concert Project– Castlemaine
- Food for Thought
Local Lives Global Matters 2020 Convergence- Castlemaine- Call for contributions
We are calling for people, groups and organisations to attend and contribute to Local Lives Global Matters 2020 Convergence from Friday March 27th to Sunday March 29th in Castlemaine.
The world stands on a precipice and we are facing an extended period of challenge and change. This Convergence is being organised to rekindle and extend the energy generated at the 2015 Local Lives Global Matters Conference. Convergence 2020 will bring together Central Victorian communities in a transformative process to better meet the challenges ahead.
We are living in a world driven by greed, extraction and growth which has brought us to the brink of social, economic and environmental collapse. First Nations People have borne the brunt of this damage. They also hold some of the knowledge of how to nurture and sustain the land we live and work on.
It’s time to make sense of the crises we face; to collaborate and connect; to take deeper, further and faster action; to build resilience and embed deep adaptation; to transform ourselves and our communities; and to support each other as we relinquish what we need to let go of and restore and create what will sustain us.
We envisage community offerings will include conversational group sessions, presentations, workshops, celebrations, performance and more.
Transformative Change
The 2020 Convergence is underpinned by a deep change approach rather than doing ‘more of the same’. We offer the following to provide a framework and inspire and challenge us in our thinking:
Spirit: What stories do we need to guide us? How do we more deeply connect to the land and each other?
Heart: What do I need to let go of or strengthen? What are we grieving and what are we thankful for?
Head: What is the latest knowledge? How do we make sense of the crisis we face? What do we need to un-learn?
Hands: Where do I put my energies now and with whom? What can we restore and what do we need to create?
Self organising
The 2020 Convergence will be self-organising – the framework and venues will be provided and we’re asking the community to contribute talents and knowledge to make it happen. That could include: curiosity and provocative questions; facilitation of a conversation; running a workshop; food; song and dance; flowers; knowledge; skills etc.
Your contribution to sessions
You or your group are invited to submit a session idea. The organising collective will create a cohesive and diverse program out of proposed sessions. With a focus on insight and action participants will come away from the 2020 Convergence with clarity on where we are now and what we can each do.
Closing date for submissions is February 19, 2020. Late applications may be considered. Send to Session Proposal/Contribution forms are available from Contact Natalie Moxham 0448 372 466 or Laurel Freeland 0498 066 660 if you would like to discuss your contribution further.
Wild Fennel- Lavender and aromatics
When: Saturday February 15, 9.30am – 12.30pm
Where: Senior Citizen’s Hall (rear Daylesford Town Hall)
Lavender is the theme for the first workshop for 2020. Presented by special guest Mara Ripani.
Join the FB group here.
Introduction to weaving- Castlemaine
Learn to weave your own fabric from scratch with Ilka White.
This comprehensive introductory course guides you in the use of a 4 shaft table loom to weave your own cloth. Enjoy the satisfaction of taking yarn right through to finished fabric. We start by weaving a small sample, then plan and produce a simple article of your own design like a bag, scarf, cushion, or table runner. Sample yarn is provided, along with a full set of thorough notes and hire of your own loom for the duration of the course and some weeks after.
Plus a ‘celebratory ‘Show & Tell gathering’ around a month later when looms are returned and finished projects celebrated! Date to be arranged at participant’s convenience.
Cost: $475 . Includes sample yarn, over 2 months of loom hire and our follow-up show & tell session. *Payment plans available.
Hepburn Shire Local Laws- community challenge & Council meeting
For the past few months hundreds of residents from all corners of Hepburn Shire have raised serious concerns about the shire’s local laws #2. Residents are encouraged to attend Council’s meeting next Tuesday February 18th at Daylesford Town Hall, at 6pm, when the Council will vote on the laws. Bring banners expressing your views. You can also ask a question- all questions need to be lodged with the Shire by midday on Tuesday 18th. For more information on the community campaign go to
Below is a media release, distributed in January from the concerned residents group. In addition to some of the prohibitions outlined in the media release, Local Laws #2 also prohibits salvaging and re-purposing material from the tip/transfer station.
Hundreds of concerned residents and dozens of community organisations have issued an Open Letter to the Mayor of Hepburn Shire Council, Cr Licia Kokocinski, her fellow councillors and council staff over the failure to engage in a proper community consultation process regarding overreaching Local Laws.
The letter calls for Hepburn Shire Council to form a working group with residents to redraft the law – General Local Law No.2: Community Amenity & Municipal Places (draft), and to take seriously the concerns raised in over 100 submissions the council has received on the matter.
Spokesperson for the concerned residents of the shire, Dr Patrick Jones, said, “The process of drafting these laws has been in the hands of council officers, and lawyers from Melbourne. Council has effectively sidelined our repeated requests for them to work with the broader community to create bespoke laws that represent the unique culture of the shire.” Mayor Kokocinski recently stated on the shire’s Facebook page it is “not practical” to form a working group, but did not say why.
“When the council advertised the revision of Local Laws No.2 last year they made it appear as they were simply Dog and Cat laws,” said Dr Jones, a long-term resident of the shire. “A friend decided to read the draft law revisions, and it revealed a can of worms.”
Residents couldn’t believe the overreach. The new definitions for ‘a public place’ and ‘event,’ for example, mean that residents will be subject to ever increasing permits, regulations and penalties. A permit will be required, and potentially refused, for residents to clean up fuel loads in their neighbourhoods, and forage for mushrooms or blackberries or wild apples on public land. Horses and their riders won’t be able to ride into town, and the right to freely assemble to celebrate, protest or even sing in a public place as a group, just for the joy of it, could all be subject to permits and thus could be refused.
While Council said it may make some minor changes, it’s pushing to adopt these new laws fairly unchanged. If that happens, the volunteer fire safety work that goes on in the shire involving neighbours and livestock to keep fuel loads down on public land is also at risk of being prohibited. This could undermine the safety of residents, livestock and community amenity and assets.
“I believe the unique rural culture of the Hepburn Shire and its residents is at risk unless Council agrees to form a working party with residents to redraft these laws to better reflect community concern,” said Dr Jones.
Jazz at the Hub- supporting local student strikers
Where: Hub Balcony- 233 Barker st, Castlemaine
When: Friday nights from 7.30pm onwards
Cost: $12 entry, BYO
Enjoy a fun night. All funds raised go to the local student strike collective .
Repair Cafe News
Castlemaine: Next cafe is Sunday February 23rd, 10am to 1pm, at the Town Hall. Take your broken or damaged items, including knives that need sharpening or clothes that need repairing. There is also a basic ‘how to use a sewing machine’ workshop. Places are limited for that so please contact 5470 5508 to book a spot.
Daylesford: The February cafe is cancelled due to double booking of Victoria Park pavillion. A special extra cafe will be held in late March at Daylesford Secondary College. More information in the next e-news.
(Kiara Clifton- photo)
Bendigo: February 15th, (third Saturday of each month) from 11:00am until 2:00pm, at Old Church on the Hill.
Woodend: First Saturday of every month 10am – 1pm- next cafe is March 7th. Open every Farmer’s Market day and operates out of the Undercroft at the Woodend Neighbourhood House
Daylesford Culture Club

Turning the Goldfields Green- weekly radio, interviews & podcasts
Mt Alexander Sustainability Group (MASG) now has its own podcast and radio show. Turning the Goldfields Green is a weekly one hour long interview show about what’s happening locally around the climate emergency. Tuesday at 4pm on MAINfm 94.9 Listen to all episodes at
Contact Alison at for more information or for program suggestions.
Make a human sign @ Hepburn Wind
Newstead Arts Hub

Some inspiring exhibitions coming up in the next couple of months at Newstead’s Arts Hub:
- Printing from Nature – Sunday 1 March, our first workshop for 2020, with Rhyll Plant. Bookings now open.
- The Nature of Colour exhibition, with artists Milton Moss, Craig Gaston, Kate Borradaile, Ange Westcott. Opens Sat 8 February.
- Coming in March: Photographers of the Goldfields, Bronwyn Silver, Geoff Park, Patrick Kavanagh and Janet Barker.
- Our 2020 program: call-out for exhibitions, workshops, talks and events is still open!
For more information:
(Messmates from Dog Rock- Bronwyn Silver)
Cicada Story Slam- Daylesford
The Cicada story slam is back for 2020.
When : Third Thursday evening of the month at 7.15pm
Where: Rear room, Daylesford Hotel
Here’s dates and themes for February and March
Thursday, February 20th: Beginnings
When it all began, the start, the seed, the moment, the first step. We want to
hear about the idea and firsts of all kinds.
Thursday, March 19th: Hindsight is 20/20
Hindsight is 20/20: is a proverb that means it is easy to understand
something after it has already happened. What’s your story?
People’s Climate Assembly – a front line report from Trevor Scott
On Sunday morning, 2nd February, eight of us packed our bags, boarded our hired bus and headed for Canberra; our plan to attend The People’s Climate Assembly on Tuesday 4th February, the first sitting day of Parliament for 2020. Our first day on the large lawn in front of the House, was a day of training. About thirty of us crammed into little tents on the periphery and heard from a number of groups. One such group was Vets for Climate Action: they told us horror stories of wild creatures fleeing for their lives, about the infertility of bulls because the close to 50 degree temperatures had fried their testicles, and how it’s such a terrible time for the koalas because of all the burnt and dying eucalypts. Because of the tragic loss of wildlife and habitat, species such as koalas and wombats may be facing extinction much sooner than we thought possible.
I went to a song writing workshop, and then attended a talk by three religious leaders; one a Buddhist, another a former Catholic nun and yet another, an Anglican priest. They told us to stand strong against our politicians; they are the first ones to tell us not to be afraid. The former nun had a short story about power. She told us of the time she had been arrested and then un-arrested the very next day when the police realised they would be seen in a very bad light for placing a person of such a high standing under arrest. The talk about “bad press” led to a discussion about newspapers and an idea – if your local cafe owner has papers from Newscorp available for reading, quietly tell her that the newspapers (for example The Australian and The Herald Sun) are full of lies, especially about issues such as climate change; and you would be happy to swap them over with issues of The Saturday Paper and The Guardian.
Also on offer later that day was a talk on Livable Cities by Australian Engineers for Climate Action & Biodiversity (David Hood), and Architects for Climate Action (Caroline Pidcock). David and Caroline both expressed the need for conservation and regeneration. “Buildings produce 65% of our emissions. The re-use and re-purposing of our buildings is as important as a passive solar/energy efficient approach to the design of all our new buildings. Redesign must be in collaboration with both the Government and First Nation’s People. Mitigation procedures are essential because this (sixth mass) extinction is happening ten times faster than we first thought.”
Next day, early in the morning, we gathered with our placards and banners, on the edge of the road to Parliament House to “meet and greet” our politicians as they drove in. The smell of smoke was in the air, and the sky was tinged orange-brown as we stood on the kerbside with our messages. One sign that looked like it was on fire read “Scomo and coal lobbyists in Canberra have stolen our Democracy!” Another said “The oceans are rising and so are we!” Before the rally that day, on the lawn, there was a vigil for all those who had lost their lives in the recent tragic fires. It was led by several religious leaders of different faiths and callings. In silence, we placed flowers on a small stone shrine, one for each life lost.
At noon, between 5,000 – 6,000 souls gathered on the lawn in front of Parliament House to listen to moving speeches from Zali Steggal, Adam Bandt (newly elected Greens leader) and Larissa Waters to name a few. Unionists, Fire fighters and school strikers were also represented. When Mark Butler, Shadow (Labor) energy minister came up to speak, he was almost drowned out by the protests. I moved to the front of the crowd, close to the stage and asked him “When is Labor going to end coal?” but he just walked away.
Our compere, Dr. Karl (Kruszelnicki), stepped on to the stage. He said he’d been listening to the First Nation’s People who’d told him of an 80,000 year old prophecy – the oceans were going to rise and engulf the people. “We feel angry, we feel sad” they said. “The Prime Minister should be locked up!” Thirty years ago, Dr. Karl told us, the CSIRO, Australia’s national science agency, opened a Climate Emergency Centre. Up until quite recently, we have been quiet and indifferent about this issue, assuming that if something was wrong, our leaders would take care of it on our behalf. We are the ones who were wrong to think this. My grandfather was an advocate for climate action, he said. He would have been saddened by the tragic loss of human lives, farms and wild creatures. There has been no fires like these ever before in Australia, he told us. 2020 is the year that the tide must turn. It’s time to acknowledge that there has been a fundamental failure; and yes, it is the time to declare a climate emergency for the whole of Australia. “If we don’t act now, our economy will flounder and the cost of our inaction will be beyond our means.”
In the afternoon we formed a long line and walked around Parliament House, surrounding the building and holding hands in a symbolic gesture of defiance.
APIS- Natural Bee Keeping

Harcourt Organic Farm Coop-Veggie subscriptions
Take out a 12 Week Veggie Subscription. First veggie pick up is Wednesday 19th Feb– and the last one is Wednesday 6th May- 12 weeks in total.
After a very slow start to summer and lots of pondering over green tomatoes and bolting salad, we have finally decided to release a small number of weekly veggie subscriptions.
It is a 3 months subscription with produce value averaged out at $35/week (some weeks leaner and others more abundant) so in total you’re up for $420 but if you can’t do that amount upfront, get in contact and we’ll work something out!
To order, follow this link to the Harcourt Organic Farming Co-Ops shop front on the Open Food Network. If you have had a subscription with us Hoes before, please still read the info below. A few things are changing this time around!
The low down…
Gung Hoe Mixed Veggie Subscription
The idea behind a veggie box subscription is that the eater shares the risk with the grower. You pay upfront so that we have the capital at the start of the season to buy seeds, compost, irrigation and tools to then grow the produce for you. Sometimes crops fail. Sometimes there are extreme weather events that we cant predict. We endeavour to provide the full value of your subscription across the length of the subscription, being aware that the start of the season is often quite lean and the end can be more abundant. Getting a veggie box with us is truly eating seasonally and locally.
Boxes are generally suitable for 2-5 people. If you live in a single household we recommend teaming up with a friend and sharing the subscription to avoid death by over consumption on vegetable matter.
We’re also trialling a new set up for veggie collections. If you’ve had our veggie box subscriptions before, you’ll notice the system is a little different. You still need to BYO bag, box or Eski to collect your veggies in and we will guide you through the rest.
GETTING YOUR BOX Ideally we’d love you to choose one pick up option and keep it he same each week. This logistically makes it easier for everyone involved! Please consider this when you choose which pick up location is best for you… of course let us know if life happens and you need it changed, but we’d rather not take your box all the way into town if you’re not there and the veggies could have stayed in the fridge!
Castlemaine Farmers Market Weekly; Wednesdays 3.30-6.30pm (on the grass between the RSL and the Market building-near the big IGA carpark)
or/ Harcourt Organic Farming Co-Op; Fridays 9am-1pm -69 Danns Rd Harcourt –
PAYMENT Please note if you have gotten a subscription from us before that our bank account details have changed.We want our food to be accessible to people on wages as low as a farmer, so if you cant pay upfront for a subscription we are open to other payment options that work for you. Get in touch on – we are more than happy to work with you to figure it out 🙂
Remember that the farm shop is now closed for the season. Thanks to all who have come out and supported it over summer. Stay tuned for re-opening in the coming spring.
Castlemaine Zen- Fight fire with Fire- Susan Murphy Roshi
When: Monday, 9th March (Labour Day), 9:30am – 1:00pm
Where: 133 Duke St, Castlemaine
What: A Special Event with Susan Murphy Roshi
Suggested donation $10 – $50 (depending on your means).
Join Castlemaine Zen group for a morning of collaborative inquiry with Susan Murphy Roshi, the leading voice in Australian Eco-Buddhism. Susan will explore how Zen Buddhism meets and responds to the environmental disaster at our doorstep.
Places are limited and likely to fill quickly.Please register at
Castlemaine Zen: Zen Practice in the heart of the Goldfields
(a) 133 Duke St, Castlemaine, Victoria
Recycle Update- Castlemaine
There are some exciting new opportunities for recycling thanks to a combined effort of Community House, Plastic Bags Free Castlemaine and MASG. Through Terracycle we can now recycle items like dental products, nescafe capsules, pens and textas and bottle tops. Contact Mt Alexander Sustainability Group for their flyer which lists all available recycling points around town for these items and more-
Castlemaine weekly farmers market
Weekly market basics including fresh, seasonal vegetables, fruit, bread, dairy, honey, eggs, meat, wine and several other things, in central Castlemaine on Wednesday afternoons.
It is local, it is fresh, it is delicious. You can either shop for what appeals on the day, or pick up online pre-orders (pre-order via each stallholder’s website, facebook page or phone number directly).
We encourage regenerative farming practices and provide a launch pad for new farmers and producers. All hyper local. The weekly farmers market includes fruit, veggies and milk from Harcourt Organic Farming Cooperative.
Fermenting: Listen – A Food Concert Project- Castlemaine
Castlemaine State Festival in collaboration with Taipei Arts Festival presents FERMENTING: LISTEN. Chun-liang Liu and Long Distance Collective as part of Asia TOPA.
After a successful work-in-progress seasons at Castlemaine State Festival 2019 and Taipei Arts Festival 2019 performance artist Chun-liang Liu will return to Castlemaine to complete her Food Concert project with a final instalment. Featured by Broadsheet this week as one of five must-see events in the extensive Asia TOPA program, Fermenting: Listen will take us on a creative and immersive journey that ‘listens’ to human relationships through foods and the practice of fermentation.
WHEN: 6 – 8 March only- Friday 8pm 6 March, 8pm Sat 7 March, and Sun 8 Mar, 2.30pm & 8pm
WHERE: Castlemaine Botanical Gardens, Tea Rooms
TICKETS: All $25