The horizon is one of the perceptual fault-lines that runs between white and Aboriginal ways of understanding country. There’s an assumption amongst white observers of traditional Aboriginal painting that the horizon is absent. But it is omnipresent, hovering in the space around the paintings. If you sit beside the painters while they work, you feel the horizon all around you. The strangeness is in our habit of hanging the paintings on walls, which must provoke a sense of vertigo, seeing the ground so precariously tilted. Desert paintings are not closed. Laid on the ground, they become part of the earth, open-sided, leading off to connected journeys.
(Mahood, Kim: Position Doubtful- Mapping Landscapes and Memories, Scribe, 2016, p.35)
Welcome to the September/October 2023 edition of Localising Leanganook e-news. With the spring equinox just past, the Dja Dja Wurrung six seasons calendar reminds us that we are in Lawan and Murnong time ( September-October) – the time for collecting seeds including Murnong (yam daisy) and the time when Lawan (the Mallee fowl) make their nests and lay their eggs. This edition includes another feature article- about the Castlemaine Rites of Passage- as well as a diverse array of events and activities within central Victoria to enlighten, inspire and uplift. We hope you enjoy it.
We welcome suggestions and information for future editions- email-
Nikki, Samantha, Keppel and Laurel
Feature article – Castlemaine Rites of Passage- John Terry
What’s happening in Central Victoria?
- Arts and Culture
- Building Community
- Ecology and Environment
- First Nations
- Food Sovereignty, Security and Farming
- Sustainable Economies
- Sustainable Living
- Democracy and Local Government
Letters- (none this edition but we welcome your letters)
Food For Thought
Feature Article: Castlemaine Rites of Passage
Castlemaine Rites of Passage is a group of local people, all volunteers, who have seen the lack of rites of passage in our community and chosen to do something about this. In 2010 and 2011 men from a community group in South Australia were invited to Castlemaine to run rites of passage events for boys and men with the intention of seeding a local group. Since that time the local process has continued and evolved, focusing on acknowledgement, support and celebration of participants as guiding principles.
Rites of passage are intrinsic to many cultures around the world. In these traditional communities boys on reaching puberty are taken into rites of passage both to acknowledge significant transition they are moving through and to acknowledge each young person’s uniqueness. There is ample evidence that young men could well find their own ways, often involving risk taking behaviour, if adults in their community don’t provide rites of passage experiences for them. Arne Rubinstein an Australian GP who has developed rites for young men, notes that many boys do not relate to images of being a man commonly portrayed in media and on the internet, which can leave them feeling unseen and trying to play out roles that are not authentic to themselves.
The Castlemaine program centres around a long weekend shared together out in bush in the local area, with other activities leading into and following this. Participants are challenged in different ways whilst spending time connecting with men, the natural environment and themselves. Participants are supported to be present to the challenges as well as joys of transitioning into manhood in our society. The program involves families and the broader community in support of the boys and men participating.
As well as events for teenage young men and adult men, Castlemaine Rites of Passage has recently begun holding events for teenage girls and women. For more information visit the website:
(John Terry- Chewton)
Arts and culture
Climate Concert- Castlemaine

School Strike for Climate Film Fundraiser

Newstead Arts Hub- Artists’s Talks
Finding a voice: Spring Series of artists’ talks
- Melinda Harper – Thurs 7 September, 5.30 pm – BOOK HERE
- David Frazer, Thurs 12 October 5.30pm – BOOK HERE
- Kynan Sutherland, Thurs 9 November 5.30pm – BOOK HERE
These talks are free, but please book to help with catering.
Django Fretts Gypsy Jazz Quartet returns to Yandoit Cultural
When: Saturday October 21st, 5.00pm
Where: Yandoit Cultural, Uniting Church Road (off High Street), Yandoit
Entry by donation
The Django Fretts are a gypsy jazz quartet from Castlemaine. They are returning to Yandoit after their much-loved concert in August last year. Formed in 2015, the Fretts have an extensive repertoire of tunes taken from the Django Reinhardt songbook as well as a few American jazz favourites. They have played extensively around the goldfields region, honing their up-tempo sound at markets, gigs, and festivals. A set from the Django Fretts will evoke the mood of 30’s Paris with authentic gypsy jazz melodies and acoustic improvisations.
For more information or to book: or mobile- 0432 232 073, or
Swiss Italian Festa returns to Hepburn
When: 26-29 October 2023
Where: assorted venues around Hepburn Springs and Yandoit
Our Swiss Italian History, Music and Stories at Yandoit Cultural
When: Sunday October 29th, 1.00pm
Where: Yandoit Cultural, Uniting Church Road (off High Street), Yandoit
Entry by donation
As part of the Swiss Italian Festa, 2023. Yandoit and surrounding hamlets, was home to many Swiss-Italian migrants who settled during the 1850’s. Some mined for gold, some created farms, some set up bakeries, some built houses from local stone, while others grew grapes for wine. A number of the original families have remained in the neighbourhood for generations. This special event, as part of the Swiss Italian Festa, will bring together decendants from some of the original Swiss Italian settlers, to share memories, tell stories and play music they brought to Australia. There might even be a bus tour to some of the stone houses in the area.
For more information or to book: or mobile- 0432 232 073, or
Early Music Saltbush Ensemble to play Daylesford’s Christchurch
When: Saturday September 30th, 2.30pm
Where: 54 Central Springs Road, Daylesford
The Saltbush Ensemble collaborate with various Early Music artists developing unique and varied programs for an Australian audience and responding to an increasing insatiable thirst for historical or Early Music The name of the ensemble was inspired by the native Australian Saltbush plant which grows in many varied environments and is particularly renowned for its rejuvenating properties in salt ravaged landscapes. Like a Saltbush, the rekindling of Early Music in Australia is rejuvenating the traditional classical music scene bringing new perspectives and repertoire into the fold.
The concert will commence at 2.30pm at Christ Church on Saturday 30 September . Visit the Christ Church Concerts Facebook
page to book
On the couch with Beck Lister

Northern Arts Hotel
MUSIC GIGS [Usually at 7.30pm]
JEFF LANG & LUKE WATT | Fri 22 Sept [sold out]
ANDY BAYLOR & The Central Victorian Serenaders | Fri 29 Sept
NICK ELLERBY | Single Launch ‘This Love’ with BRECKIN | Fri 6 Oct
LET’S GET LOST | Tribute to Chet Baker | Sat 7 Oct
MIDNIGHT MANTRA | with Melinda Traves | Sat 14 Oct
CDOC | Senses of Cinema: Screening + Q&A with John Hughes | Sat 7 Oct 2pm
Guildford Folk Club | Thurs 21 Sept at 7.30pm
PoetiCas with Ross Donlon | Sat 23 Sept at 2.30pm
CFU presents The Tao of Civilisation | Mon 2 October at 7pm
Vale Lok Thornton
Another Roadside Attraction | Wimble St Wall | Nightly
Newstead Arts Hub – Poetry @ the Hub with Melbourne poet Peter Bakowski and inspire your inner poet.
When: Friday 27 October, 7.00 – 8.30pm
Where: Newstead Arts Hub
Booking:BOOK NOW: $20 or $15 concession.
His pep poetry talk will follow the regular Shut Up and Write Session from 4-6pm on Friday 27 October – so please stay on – bring your own dinner or food to share and we will order in pizza before the Newstead Arts Hub Poetry Pep Talk Event begins at 7pm.
Newstead Arts Hub- Random Weaving
Create a contemporary basket using the modern basketry technique of random weaving, guided by expert basket maker Jodie Goldring.
When: Sat. 21 October, 10am-3.30pm
Where: Newstead Arts Hub
$130, includes all materials pre-prepared by Jodie Golding
BOOK NOW: for more details and to book go to our website
Daylesford Ceramic Collection and Exhibition – 2023
Opening : Sat 16th September 3-5pm
Exhibition Dates : 16th of til the 30th September
Where: Radius Gallery, Main Street Hepburn Springs
Meet Author- Chris Hammer
An opportunity to meet leading Australian crime novelist Chris Hammer in person in Castlemaine. A journalist for more than 30 years, Chris’ books have atmospheric Australian settings, a range of colourful characters, intricate plots, descriptive language and emotional depth.
When: Monday October 9th, 5.30 -6.30 including book sales and signings.
Where: Castlemaine Library
Lake of Scars film screening
Explores the beautiful, mysterious, scarred trees, middens and stone scatters of Lake Boort. Presented by the late, great Uncle Jack Charles.
When: Thursday 5 October, 5-6:30pm
Where: On the big screen in the Phee Broadway Theatre, Castlemaine.
2. Building community
Local Futures Summit
When: 29 Sep – 1 Oct
Where: Bristol, UK and online
Program & booking link:
Local Futures is dedicated to renewing ecological and social well-being by strengthening communities and local economies worldwide.
Drawing on Local Futures networking and movement building over four decades, the three-day Summit will be our biggest, boldest and most international event yet. It will bring together leading minds and activists grappling with our planet’s most pressing challenges.
You can buy tickets for a single day, for two days, or for all three. And, for those unable to join us in Bristol, our affordable livestream ticket offers the chance to tune into approximately 16 hours of content, including all plenary sessions. (Free livestream tickets are available for those who need them.) Book tickets
Full Planet Local Summit program available here. Program highlights include:
● Pat McCabe (Woman Stands Shining) explores the links between community and the sacred.
● Charles Eisenstein joins Bayo Akomolafe and Manish Jain in conversation.
● Mika Tsutsumi, a leading investigative journalist from Japan, examines tech dictatorship in the plenary session: ‘The Matrix of the Global Economy’.
● Activists from five continents present their projects in a rapid-fire format.
● Actress Nathalie Kelley performs ‘Visions of the Future: A Short Play in Two Acts’.
And here’s a snapshot of summit break-out sessions (day one):
1) In Search of Wisdom for a Broken World- — with Iain McGilchrist and Bayo Akomolafe
2) From Deadlihoods to Alivelihoods- — with Manish Jain and Salim Dara
3) What Can I Do? Taking Meaningful Action-— open space facilitated by Fiona McInnes-Craig
4) Leading the Way to Local Food Prosperity- — with Jon Jandai, Saad Dagher, Nelson Mudzingwa, Ruby van der Wekken and Morag Gamble
5) Living Lightly Locally- — with Keri Hopeward
6) Right Here, Right Now! Strengthening Local Economies — with Jay Tompt and Diego Isabel La Moneda
Offers and Needs Market
The Offers and Needs Market is one of the most effective methods for revealing local wealth, rapidly deepening connections, and regenerating economies. In the two-hour guided process, folks meet to identify and exchange their passions, knowledge, skills, resources, and opportunities. A powerful yet simple process which shifts the narrative around community resources, creating a culture of trust, empathy, and connection.
Where: Castlemaine Community House
When: 12 November, 10 – 12am
More details: contact Samantha at or 0490501671
Hepburn Seniors Festival
FREE ‘tickets’ for yourself and one friend (over the age of 55):
On 3 and 4 October 2023 (during Seniors Festival), at the Town Hall, the Embolden 2023 National Symposium on Ageism and Respect for Older People is coming to Daylesford!
This symposium, by Celebrate Ageing Celebrate Ageing – Building Respect for Older People is Australia’s only national event that aims to combat ageism and build respect for older people, by emboldening and building the capacity and confidence of service providers, policy makers, community leaders and the older people within our community.
To Register for this event and to obtain tickets go to: Embolden2023 National Symposium | Humanitix
Ticket prices as follows: Waged – $650.00 Unwaged – $70.00
Eddie Wyman, Positive Ageing Officer
Mobile: 0438406538 • Phone: 0353216494 • Email:
Housing for the aged information session
One in six people experiencing homelessness in Australia are aged over 55, with older women adversely affected. Learn about risk factors for homelessness and where you can go to access support.
When: Monday 16 October, 1-3pm
Where: Castlemaine Library
The Wombat Post
Daylesford and Hepburn’s independent community on-line weekly newsletter connecting the community. You can subscribe and receive a link each Friday afternoon in your inbox.
The Old is Beautiful Workshop – Hepburn U3A
When: Thursday October 5th
Where: Daylesford Neighbourhood Centre
A free workshop.
For more information:
North Central Chat
Here’s links to both the September and the October 2023 edition of the North Central Chat, featuring Biodiversity Month, Aussie Bird Count, National Water Week and our very own Chicks in the Sticks. There’s also online courses for Environmental Volunteers, including some webinars next week on targeted recruitment and engaging young people; engaging diverse groups in environmental volunteering; and an introduction to Indigenous cultural awareness.
North Central Chat (
North Central Chat September 2023 | North Central Catchment Management Authority (
Save the date for Chicks in the Sticks –Saturday October 28th.
Jumpleads Team- supporting local initiatives
Jumpleads is a social enterprise that ‘jump starts’ arts and community initiatives to change cultures and invigorate communities for a better future.
Find out more: www.jumpleJumpleads NFP . It includes Make a Change & Pop Up Art programs
Jumpleads is responding to calls from people making a positive impact in their community, such as Bendigo Sustainability Group, pictured here.
3. Ecology and Environment
Castlemaine Free University- the Dao of Civilisation- Freya Matthews
What: A rare opportunity to hear from Freya Matthews, one of Australia’s most important eco-philosophers. Freya imagines our transformation to an ecological civilisation supporting the biosphere.
When: Monday October 2nd, 2023, 6.30 for 7pm start
Where: Northern Arts Hotel, 359 Barker St, Castlemaine
A free event
Seeking landholder for mammal surveys: MSGV
The Mammal Survey Group of Victoria has recently contacted us, as they are seeking sites on private land for wildlife surveys, including phascogales and sugar gliders!
Please see the information below provided by the Mammal Survey Group of Victoria and contact Kathy directly if you are interested in being involved.
If you are curious about the mammals in your area and own a property with a significant amount of native vegetation or have undertaken revegetation activities, we would love to hear from you. Property owners and families are welcome to participate.
Email Kathy Zonnevylle for a chat. For more information about the Mammal Survey Group of Victoria, please click here
Recording the large old trees of central Victoria
Connecting Country has a mapping portal, aimed at helping community citizen scientists map the old, and often large, trees of Central Victoria. Database entries have been fed in over the past 12 months and we have now reached 25 large old trees entered into the portal. The majority of the entries have been around the Maldon, Welshmans Reef, Chewton, Castlemaine and Guildford areas, with a variety of citizen scientists taking some excellent photos and providing data about the tree species, age, height and habitat values.
The interactive mapping portal is part of Connecting Country’s larger project, ‘Regenerate before it’s too late‘ , engaging the community in the importance of old trees and how to protect them. Over the next two years (2024-2025), we will continue to host community workshops and develop engagement resources. We will also help local landholders with practical on-ground actions to protect their large old trees and ensure the next generation of large old trees across the landscape.
We are asking the community, including landholders, Landcarers and land managers, to map their favourite old trees across our region. Anyone can access Connecting Country’s new online mapping portal. The portal uses BioCollect, an advanced but simple-to-use data collection tool developed by the Atlas of Living Australia (ALA) and its collaborators. BioCollect helps users collect field biodiversity data for their own projects, while allowing the data to be easily copied into the ALA, where it can be publicly available for others to use in research, policy and management. This allows individual projects to collectively contribute to science across Australia.
For more information and to join the mapping team :
iNaturalist Workshop
When: Friday October 6th, 2023
Where: Castlemaine Community House
Local naturalist and Castlemaine Field Naturalist Club member Euan Moore will hold the workshop and will cover a range of skills including: How to set up an iNaturlist account and profile, How to upload photos to iNaturlist; How to reach out to naturalists and scientists on iNaturlist to confirm, verify or identify your sightings.
Natural Newstead Blog
Geoff Parks regular blog on local birdlife is well worth subscribing to. Here’s a taste of the September 26th blog:
In some recent posts I’ve remarked about the arrival of spring migrants, a number of which have now appeared – White-browed Woodswallow and Rufous Songlark, to name two.
A less obvious species, but a migrant nonetheless, is the Australian Reed-Warbler. This plain-looking songster can be found in wetlands areas wherever there is tall cover, such as that provided by reeds and cumbungi.
They generally arrive in mid-September each year and announce their presence with rich, scolding calls as they dart between patches of vegetation. While somewhat furtive they will often appear at the top of a plant stem to investigate their surroundings. In my experience they disappear from local breeding sites in early autumn and apparently move north for the winter, although small numbers do remain in some years.
To subscribe:
Alliance for Responsible Mining Regulation (ARMR)
This group includes individuals and groups from central Victoria concerned about the expansion of mining. The group has prepared a 10 point plan. Lock the gate signs are also available. If you wish to be kept informed or to contribute, email
4. First Nations
Large old tree walk: with Uncle Rick Nelson – sold out
Although sold out, please register your interest for future events through the booking link.
This cultural walk is part of Connecting Country’s larger project, ‘Regenerate before it’s too late‘
This is a free event for limited numbers, with lunch provided.
For catering and logistical purposes, please register your attendance – click here
When: Saturday 14 October 2023 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Where: Dry Diggings Heritage Park, Golden Point 3451 (exact location will be revealed once you book)
Voice to Parliament Information session

Voice to Parliament Referendum: Information Session
What: Join Public Law Lecturer Dr Balawyn Jones as she discusses what the Voice is, what a Referendum is, and how they will impact our Australian Constitution from a legal perspective. Ask all the questions you need to to feel informed to vote on October 14
When: Wednesday 4 October, 5.30-6.30pm
Where: Castlemaine library
Democracy for Dinner
Democracy for Dinner supports a Yes outcome in the upcoming referendum to recognise the First Peoples of Australia by establishing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice. We came to this position by listening to local First Nations voices, individually and organisations, by reading the Uluru Statement from the Heart and the Dja Dja Wurrung DJAARA Statement, and meeting to discuss how this aligns with our goals as an organisation. Ultimately, we came to the view that a Yes outcome from the referendum is the best for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians, for all Australians and for democracy in Australia.
A ‘Yes’ outcome is good for democracy –…/a-yes-outcome-is-good-for-democracy
First Nations Artist Commission – Call for applications!
Castlemaine Library has an exciting opportunity for First Nations artists living or working on Djaara Country.
Click here to request a full copy of the Expression Of Interest, with Artist Brief, budget, and details of how to apply.
Applications close 14 October 2023.
Walking Together Article
Prepared by Floria for Friends of Nalderun
This edition is entitled Place and Context
5. Food Sovereignty and Food Security
Hepburn Wholefoods Collective
Opening hours:
Mondays 9.30-11.30am
Wednesdays 2-4pm
Thursdays 3-5pm
Saturdays 11am-1pm
Location: Hepburn Wholefoods Collective, 11 Perrins Street, Daylesford
Membership: $40 per year, $20 per year concession, FREE for volunteers.
If you are able to volunteer time as a shop attendant, fresh food wrangler and shop beautifier, digital content creator & storyteller or cleaner, please contact
Earlier this year HWC was invited to participate in a project with the Open Food Network, along with 6 other Community Food Enterprises (CFEs), to assess the needs and gather evidence of the public value of the Victorian CFE sector. You can read the full report here, and also view an infographic of HWC’s impact here.
TwoFold Bakehouse
Delicious sourdough bread baked in a wood-fired oven in Daylesford. You can order and have your bread delivered every Thursday to Kyneton, Yandoit as well as pick up from Daylesford. Every fortnight TwoFold bakers are at the Sunday Daylesford market. Monthly subscriptions are available.
By ordering Thursday bread you are joining our bread family of farmers, millers and bakers who work to regenerate the land and value small scale, local food systems. Your support means we can bake to order, with no bread going to waste.
Mt Franklin Organics
Fresh produce, seedlings and seeds available. Florian is now back at the Daylesford Sunday market.
For more information or to subscribe to Florian’s newsletter:
Natural Beekeeping Course
Where: Castlemaine
When: November 18 @ 9:30 am – November 19 @ 4:00 pm
This unique course teaches the fundamentals of Natural, Bee Centric, Organic, Beekeeping practices and theories. While also inspiring a reverence for the miraculous, wordless lives of honey bees whose complex communal patterns and systems draw us into greater and more sacred connections to life, nature and community.
For more information and bookings:
6. Sustainable Economies
New Economy Network Australia NENA 2023 CONFERENCE “LIFE AFTER CAPITALISM?”
When: 17-19 November
Where: Canberra
See program and register:
Anyone wanting to join a group to share accommodation in Canberra and transport from the local areas can email
WEBINAR RECORDINGS NOW AVAILABLE! Visit our website to watch and listen to our amazing events held so far this year!
CLICK HERE TO READ THE JULY JOURNAL! As always, we hope these articles provoke discussion and debate, and provide hope and insight into how we can build a new, just and sustainable economy. Please get in touch with the Journal team if you are interested in contributing to these discussions.
If you are a NENA member, join the directory to promote your work!
The Degrowth Network Australia (DNA)
Castlemaine has started up a Degrowth group. Contact Anitra Nelson for more information:
The DNA brings together people interested in degrowth from all around the country, to discuss degrowth issues, to share what we are up to and to plan! Meetings are on the second Wednesday of every month, from 12-2pm (East Coast/AEST), 10am-12pm (WA), 11.30am-1.30pm (SA)
Email if you have questions and wish to be added to the email list. Next meeting : 12pm AEST Wednesday 11 October.
For more information:
Also, for folks outside of Melbourne, we are hosting a degrowth spring festival on October 8th and you are all welcome to join. You can find more info on the Facebook event here –
7. Sustainable Living Resources
Renewable Newstead
A project to generate local energy that’s renewable and competitively priced. Construction of the Newstead Solar Farm is scheduled to begin in October and is due to be completed by late April next year. The farm will begin generating electricity for use by mid-2024.
Find out more at
Tell us how you save money on electricity? We’d love to know. Email your tips to and we’ll start sharing them in our next e-newsletter.
Holmgren Design
Venie Holmgren Environmental Poetry prize winner Prize-winning poem, i watch a cat choke / call it [redacted],
Read Tim Loveday’s winning poem >
Hot seed raising tip from David: fill up your watering can and leave it in a sunny spot (ike a greenhouse or windowsill) to gently and passively warm the contents. That way you can water seedlings and other tender specimens with tepid water, especially useful in early spring when you’re trying to start crops in cold soil.
David Holmgren was recently interviewed on the Circular Metabolism podcast. Hear David talk about what permaculture is, how it can be applied to different contexts and territories, what a permaculture lifeway looks like, and his favourite books and films at the moment. Listen to the podcast episode
Sign up to the Holmgren Design newsletter here
Community Energy Guide- Breaze
Navigating the world of renewables and community energy can often feel like a daunting task. While there are so many examples of communities driving their local energy transition, it’s not easy to know where to begin. BREAZE Inc.’s Regional Guide to Community Energy. This comprehensive guide is a useful resource for those communities throughout central and western Victoria that are eager to take action. Inside, you’ll find information about our energy system, renewable energy technologies, and diverse delivery models and processes. We’ve put an emphasis on practicality, offering real-life examples, illuminating case studies, and links to valuable resources and local organisations.
To explore the Guide, visit the Hepburn Z-NET website here. For more information about BREAZE Inc. – website here.
Glass recycling available at Castlemaine and Maldon
Did you know that glass bottles and jars are accepted at the Castlemaine and Maldon transfer stations?
Drop them off in the purple bins so they can be recycled separately and turned into new products.
Goats as weed control agents
Repair Cafes and Workshops
Daylesford Repair Cafe
When and Where: Sunday October 15th, 1-4pm, Victoria Park Pavillion, Ballan Road Daylesford. For more info including how-to workshops details:
Castlemaine Repair Cafe
When and Where: Sunday October 29th, 10am -1pm, Castlemaine Community House, Templeton St, Castlemaine
Creswick Repair and Share- a project of Transition Creswick
When and Where: Sunday October 1st, 1pm to 4pm, at Creswick Neighbourhood Centre Hall, 19-21 Victoria Street. Contact Tim 0428716544-
Ballarat Repair Cafe
When and Where: last Saturday of the month, 1-4pm, Barkly Square, Ballarat –
Bendigo Share and Repair Shed
When and Where: Garsed St, Bendigo-
Democracy and Local Government
Mt Alexander Shire Open Day and Meet councillors and staff
Subscribe here to receive regular emails with the latest news and information from Hepburn Shire Council.
Food for Thought
The Abundance of Subsistence by Laureli Ivanoff
Depending on your definition of “subsistence”, we Inuit are either just getting by … or we’re living in a way that allows us to obtain the necessities. Which, I would argue, along with food, water, shelter and clothing, include community and belonging. Published in August in Local Futures website Read more
How would David Holmgren manage Australia’s water?
David’s latest piece is filled with serious suggestions for keeping this sunburned country hydrated. Sweeping changes to agriculture, behavioural (dis)incentives for citizens, composting toilets, eco technologies and more. Read it here
Dr Charles Perkins Oration 2023- by Rachel Perkins
Discussion about Industrial Agriculture
Renowned environmental activist and author, Vandana Shiva, joined Russell Brand at our first ever live community event in Hay-On-Wye. Discussion includes how the mainstream media have framed the Dutch Farmer protests, the hidden land grab agenda and how data is not the highest evidence for living, a good healthy body is!
Visions For A More Beautiful World: A Wake Up Call- Charles Eisenstein in conversation with Andre Duqum- Podcast
A home in Hepburn shire- Affordable housing? By Cr Jen Bray
Does politics neglect the needs of younger generations? – Podcast
An ABC radio interview with the first world commissioner for future generations and well-being in Wales.
Milkwood Permaculture Living Handbook
This handbook is a small offering to help you cultivate big change by creating more connection and purpose in your daily life, with you as a valued resident of your ecosystem, at its centre. ‘This book is all about igniting the can-do, cultivating the possible, calming the chaos, delivering the doable. And, above all else, connecting and caring for the community. It’s a home, a safe place to come and grow hope in what is a challenging world.’ Costa Georgiadis
Fact Checking the Yes/No Pamphlet
Revegetation in a changing climate
The event was recorded by Ally from Saltgrass Podcasts.