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What’s On

  • October 2024 Newsletter

    The thing that we did differently was to set out a way of working and ethos. We said, this is how we, as a group of individuals, will work together. The key element of which is: we won’t be confrontational. We can disagree with each other, but we won’t turn that into Westminster-style conflict. We won’t have an opposition that’s always saying no. We’ll particularly emphasise listening. It’s actually got a massive overlap with municipalism and the whole philosophies of councils in Spain where the women have a much greater role.

    There is ‘power over’ and ‘power with’ and we were trying to do ‘power with’: a constructive relationship in which we can use the power that the council has to raise money and to bring in staff to work with the community. That meant changing the relationship, so that people understand this, because we are used to ‘power over’. Even at this community level, people get elected as representatives, and then the public sit back, expecting them to do stuff, and get angry when they don’t. For me that method of representative democracy doesn’t really work anymore, if it ever did, because people are more empowered, more knowledgeable, have access to more facts. So it makes much more sense to have a relationship in which the councillors are facilitating conversations, are catalysing actions, but then are bringing people in.

    Peter Macfadyen, co-founder of Independents For Frome and former Frome councillor – interviewed on the Public Square podcast, 26 November 2020


    Welcome to the October edition of Localising Leanganook ‘s e-newsletter.  This month, council elections will be held across Victoria, reminding us that an important aspect of developing resilient, sustainable communities is enabling all community members to participate meaningfully in decisions about their future. This month’s newsletter leads with a quote from the inspirational community activist Peter Macfadyen, who co-founded Independents for Frome, a grassroots political movement in the UK that pioneered a new way of doing local government. Born out of frustration with an ineffectual council weighed down by party politics and hidebound traditions, Independents for Frome’s model of collaborative local governance has now been taken up by around 20 councils across the UK, and is a role model for local democracy groups worldwide. Our feature article profiles the Chamber of Peoples – Hepburn, one such group in our region that is seeking to build participatory democracy and community empowerment in Hepburn Shire. Another group, Really Local, is doing similar work across Mt Alexander Shire (see more information in the Local Government section) . The newsletter also includes regular updates on upcoming local events for the month of October, plus activities that contribute towards localisation.  We hope you enjoy it.

    Cheers, Nikki, Keppel, and Laurel

    Note to Contributors and Readers

    As you can see, Localising Leanganook’s e-news continues to grow from strength to strength reaching more than 700 subscribers. The monthly newsletter  includes an ever expanding range of localising events, programs and creative initiatives  in  our central Victorian region.  If you’ve got items for inclusion in future editions, let our editing team know – (nikki.marshall@mmnet.com.au). To help our editing team please email through information you’d like included in the following format: program/project/event name plus date, time and location if relevant; summary of event/issue/program, in word format; accompanying photo as a jpeg or png.

    October’s edition includes:

    1. Feature Article: Chamber of Peoples – Hepburn
    2. Arts and Culture
    3. Food Growing, Farming and Food Security
    4. Ecology and Environment
    5. First Nations
    6. Sustainable Living Resources
    7. Building Community
    8. The Spirit and the Sacred
    9. Local Government News
    10. Workshops and Courses
    11. Letters
    12. Food for Thought


    Feature Article : Chamber of Peoples – Hepburn


    The Chamber of Peoples- Hepburn is a grassroots organisation committed to transforming local governance in Hepburn Shire through participatory democracy and community empowerment. It began in 2020 as Community Voice, an organisation which emerged from a shared belief that the Hepburn Shire Council needed to be more responsive to the community’s needs and aspirations, a sentiment echoed in the 2020 Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey.

    In a significant step forward, Community Voice supported the successful election of four councillors in the October 2020 local elections, marking a key milestone in our journey. Building on this success, the Chamber of Peoples emerged in 2024 with a renewed focus on fostering a collaborative and inclusive relationship between the Hepburn Shire community and the Council beyond and between elections.

    As we approach Council elections in October this year, The Chamber of Peoples is poised to play an even more active role in ensuring that the voices of Hepburn Shire are not only heard but are central to shaping the decisions that affect our collective future. Our vision is to create a ‘can do’ culture within the Council—one that prioritises active listening, transparency, the empowerment of all community members, which draws on the wealth of skills within the community, and is equipped to deliver positive outcomes for the people of Hepburn and future generations. 

    The Chamber of Peoples builds on the concept of an Ecological Society, which is grounded in three key principles: a vibrant civil society, practical deliberation driven by problem-solving, and structures that connect state agencies with daily civic life. We believe in the importance of a rich associational life for several reasons:

    • Incubators for Solutions: Associations foster creative solutions to pressing problems.
    • Skills Development: They equip citizens with the skills needed to collaboratively solve problems.
    • Deliberation: Central to associations is the practice of deliberation, essential for informed decision-making.
    • Democratic Education: Civic associations serve as schools of democracy, where citizens learn about collective issues, the knowledge required to address them, and the values that sustain democratic governance.
    • Monitoring Power: Civic associations play a crucial role in holding powerful elites accountable.

    Proposed Objects of The Hepburn Chamber of Peoples

    • Provide a democratic and evidence-based voice for Hepburn.
    • Provide community-led opportunities for people to express their views and Councillors and council officers to listen.
    • Identify and offer the skills of local people to help in strategic planning and better decision making grounded in local knowledge.
    • Form or support existing collectives around communities of interest and knowledge (e.g. housing, climate, agriculture and environment, transport, aged care, youth…), and build alliances between them.
    • Support devolved powers using the community engagement and public transparency policies, astutely and rigorously to benefit the people of Hepburn.
    • Improve Council relations with the community by seeking reforms to make meetings less formal, more open and more interactive.
    • Work together to benefit the shire with humility, honesty, courtesy, integrity, and justice.

    Acknowledging Sovereignty and Building Partnerships

    We acknowledge that Hepburn Shire is on the unceded lands of the Dja Dja Wurrung People. This land is, and always will be, Aboriginal land. The Chamber of Peoples is committed to truth-telling, supporting treaty and reconciliation, and honouring the Dja Dja Wurrung’s cultural heritage, knowledge, and connection to Country. We are dedicated to building a genuine partnership with the Dja Dja Wurrung People, walking together to ensure their perspectives are integral to our work. This partnership reflects our shared responsibility for the land, the community’s well-being, and future generations.

    Values and Principles

    The Chamber of Peoples will advocate that Hepburn Shire Council adhere to the following principles and values:

    • Inclusion and Equity: actively seek out and value the views and contributions of everyone in our community; welcome and acknowledge the strength inherent in diverse views and life experiences in our community;
    • Collaboration: listen to and draw upon the knowledge and experiences of diverse community perspectives; 
    • Localisation: actively support local cultures, environments and people, and increase agency for self-reliance and community-sufficiency. Maintain a shire-wide focus that responds to diverse needs across wards, town centres and rural areas, and devise appropriate responses to distinctive local circumstances, challenges and needs;
    • Innovation: exercise creative response thinking, a willingness to take calculated risks, and acknowledge and learn from mistakes within a team framework; 
    • Evidence-based problem solving: be guided by sound evidence-based processes and local knowledge, experience, and diverse perspectives from the community;
    • Resilience: foster diversity across the community, including broad forms of biodiversity, and build alliances that increase the ability of our community to adapt to rapid changes; balance economic imperatives with social and environmental needs.

    The Chamber of Peoples invites all people in Hepburn Shire to add their voices to help create a more cohesive and engaged community, both now and into the future.

    We are currently in the process of creating a new website, but in the meantime we can be contacted via the Community Voice website below or https://www.facebook.com/groups/communityvoicehepburn/ or email: admin@communityvoice.group


    Arts and Culture

    Swiss Italian Festa


    Equinox Lantern Walk
    The Equinox Lantern Walk was postponed due to the weather. But it’s still happening! Friday October 4th from 5pm the community will come together, with kids and parents from every school around Hepburn and Daylesford walking with lanterns from 10th Street, Hepburn Springs down into the Mineral Springs Reserve. A bit of food, a bit of kids’ entertainment, and a lot of excitement.

    Program Update ‌ ‌
    We’re a month out from 2024 Festa (25-27 October) and a busy program is shaping up: Thursday night heritage dinner, Friday night VIP launch, Saturday street parade to Carnevale in the Mineral Springs Reserve, guided Hepburn Heritage walks, Yandoit Cultural events, hands-on drystone walling, the Landscape Art Prize, Sunday night fireworks……it’s packed!

    We expect a lot of first time Festa folk this year, so we’ll post the early program to our website as well as Facebook and Instagram so you can plan your Festa adventure.‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌

    Yandoit Cultural

    Yandoit Cultural is hosting two special events in October:

    1. Film Screening: The Road to Patagonia

    When and Where: Friday October 4th, 7pm , at the old church in the bush- Uniting Church Rd, off High St, Yandoit

    The Road to Patagonia is a stunning, intimate and unflinching series of love letters within a documentary – firstly a love between two people, and secondly between humanity and the Earth. We follow Matty Hannon on an incredible solo adventure, to surf the west coast of the Americas by motorbike, from the top of Alaska to the tip of Patagonia. But deep in the wilderness – alone with the wolves and the bears – the journeyer’s plans unexpectedly fall to pieces. After losing everything, and on the cusp of quitting he meets the girl of his dreams, a permaculture farmer named Heather Hillier who throws caution to the wind and sells her urban-farm to buy a bike of her own. Together riding south, the duo meet with Zapatista rebels, Amazonian shamans and Mapuche leaders whose salient words crack the adventurers’ cultural veneer, leaving them with existential questions.

    The 50,000km surfing odyssey becomes beautifully complicated by their decision to downshift from motorcycles to horseback, presenting a relational approach to the breathtaking landscapes and a host of challenges that ultimately become extremely rewarding. Hannon and Hillier succeed in beautifully capturing deeply human moments during the world-first expedition, and the noticeable lack of camera-crew becomes The Road to Patagonia’s strength. The theme of deep ecology underpins the entire film, visually communicated through exquisite cinematography and emotional verité sequences. Shot over 16 years, the result is an adventurous exposé on the more-than-human world, offering a physical and spiritual odyssey to better understand our place in Nature

    🏆 Winner – Best Film and Best Documentary – Byron Bay International Film Festival, 🏆 Winner – Audience Choice award – Florida Surf Film Festival, 🏆 Winner – Audience Choice award – Melbourne Documentary Film Festival

    Entry by Donation

    Enquiries: https://yandoitcultural.org/

    2. Yandoit’s Historic Stone Houses Bus Tour- part of the Swiss Italian Festa

    When and Where: Saturday October 26th, 2.30pm – 4.30pm; Gather at Yandoit Cultural– the old church in the bush, Uniting Church Rd, off High St, Yandoit

    Yandoit is renowned for its stone houses, built by the Swiss-Italians who settled in the region from the 1850’s onwards.   This special event, as part of the Swiss-Italian Festa, will visit half a dozen of these iconic buildings. Local historians will share some of the stories associated with these buildings, the families who gathered local stone to construct and live in them, and give insights into the livelihoods of those new settlers.

    Transport to the stone houses will be via mini buses and, at the end, we will re-gather at Yandoit Cultural for more sharing of stories and history, as well as afternoon tea.

    Bookings Essential – https://www.trybooking.com/CVOKX

    Cost: Full price- waged $15; Low Income $10; Family Ticket $25

    Northern Arts Hotel – Music and Community Events program

    The Coolroom at the Northern Arts Hotel, located at 359 Barker St Castlemaine, is a place for a melange of musical experiences – jazz, folk, classical, experimental, cool pop, western, Americana, and other event-based performances in an active listening, quiet room atmosphere. It’s also a place for friends and strangers to come together to share a secret film screening or talk. There’s The Coolroom Bar, where drinks are at reasonable prices, and The Coolroom Cinema home to the Free Sunday Secret Movie Matinee.

    There are also other events, workshops and talks and Festivals that find home in our dedicated and flexible space. Recently we are proud to be involved in the Castlemaine Fringe, Castlemaine Jazz and Castlemaine Pride Festivals. We also host regular events by groups such as Castlemaine Free University, Maine-ly Ukes, Celtic Song Circle, Guildford Folk Club, and PoetiCas.

    THE COOLROOM DIARY [Click on links for event details]
    MUSIC GIGS  [Usually at 7.30pm]

    Friday 27 September | Beare & Smith live at The Coolroom
    Saturday 28 September | The Duck Downpickers with special guests
    Friday 4 October | Andy Baylor with the Banksia Band
    Saturday 5 October | Sarah McDonald Quintet
    Sun 6 Oct 6.30pm | Bendrups & Jiuriansz Studies in Jazz & Fusion
    Friday 11 October | Raziel Gutiérrez Soto Duo [W]
    Saturday 12 October | Suzette Herft ‘Songs that Shaped Me’
    Friday 18 October | Jesse Lawrance Album Launch ‘Some Little Town’
    Saturday 19 October | Castlemaine Chamber Players Heaven & Earth 3
    Sunday 20 October 6pm | Miguel Rios live at The Coolroom  [W]
    Friday 25 October | The Moonee Valley Drifters
    Sunday 3 November, 6pm | Road to Tangier: A Satirist’s Journey
    Saturday 9 November | Sally Ford & The idiomatics
    Friday 15 November | Thieving Magpies – A World of Music [W]
    Saturday 16 November | Kavisha Mazzella with Charles Maimarosia [W]
    Friday 29 November | Jeff Lang Album Launch ‘More Life’
    Sunday 29 Sept at 2.30pm, 6pm, 30 Sept at 6pm | To Thank the Room
    Sunday 13 October 2pm and 5pm | Locals Redux at Phee Broadway
    Thursday 19 September 7.30pm | Guildford Folk Club
    Saturday 21 September 2.30pm | Celtic Singing Circle
    Saturday 28 September 2.30pm | PoetiCas with Ann de Hugard & Rob Wallis
    Monday 7 October 6pm | CFU presents Encore! from Daylesford Words in Winter
    Thursday 10 October 4pm | Maine-ly Ukes
    Ongoing | Ethiopia, Hudad Plateau: A Self Portrait Series
    Every Tuesday | Potluck Dinner from 7pm
    Nightly Dusk to Dawn | Wimble St Wall 

    [W] – World Music

    Newstead Arts Hub- October Exhibition: Mother Mother

    Two sisters, an Artist and a Poet: In this evocative & moving exhibition visual artist Pam French and poet Leni Shilton, explore the cycle of life-long female relationships and links between generations long passed. 

    Mother Mother explores the relationships of mothers and daughters through images and words. Pam French and Leni Shilton are sisters and artists working in collaboration. They have worked together over many years and have collaborated in two previous exhibitions.Their work explores the experiences of life and the creative threads between their work. Despite the work being created in isolation from each other, the visual images and poetry sit alongside each other with an ease and familiarity that comes from their family threads, their shared values.

    Viewers will be able to explore the work through a multimedia experience – artwork, projected images, audio, written and spoken word. This exhibition will be highly accessible and interactive.

    Artist Talk: Sun 6 Oct, 11am. All welcome!

    Radius Art Gallery

    Fundraising Event – Sustainable Fashion Parade

    A unique showcase of Upcycled Clothing and conscious living. Helping raise funds for The Good Grub Club, dedicated to nutritious meals for our local community.  Raffles, Up-cycled & Re-cycled Clothes for sale. Afternoon tea provided.

    When: Sunday Oct 6th October 2-4 pm
    Cost: $25 per person  Bookings: here

    Movie and Meal Night – Curry Night with Raman Richards!
    Our first event was so popular Raman decided to do it all again.  This time it will be a screening of Slum Dog Millionaire and 3 curries (1 Beef & 2 Veg) plus salad and chicken wing entree.  Only 40 places so get in quick.  Booking link below.

    When: Sunday 29th September from 5.30pm
    Cost: $30 per person 
    Bookings: here

    DJs + Live Electro
    Join us for an evening of fresh tech sounds.  Time to get moving and grooving peeps!

    Local Acts / DJ’s including: Square Wave Bounce// Koshka// Timmaculate//Clay Ravin // Justinah // EZC // Fahad. Live Visuals by Michael Groth

    When: October 18th from 6pm  Cost: $10 per person – tix on the door

    Understanding Dyslexic Minds – Talk and Facilitated Discussion
    Join us for a talk with Kim Percy, a PhD candidate and a sessional lecturer in Visual Art.  Facilitated by Peter O’Mara, specialist dyslexic tutor.  Kim will share her observations and research findings at the 2024 British Dyslexia Conference to discuss how we can better understand dyslexia.

    When: Sunday 27th October 2pm – 4pm   Cost: free  More information: here

    Kids’ Events – Holiday Art Program
    Some of you have already met Maya, the latest creative to take up residence at Radius.  After her sell out workshop “Lost Scrolls” for Words In Winter Maya is hosting some more creative fun times for young folk during the hols:

    • Creatures of the Deep (ages 7 – 12) Sat 5th Oct 10-11.30am
    • Shadow Puppet Theatre (ages 8 – 15) Fri 4th Oct 10-11.45am

    Cost: $30  Bookings: here

    Castlemaine Documentary Film Festival Workshops

    Coming right up we have LOCALS Redux, a gala screening of all 22 short films that were submitted to this year’s LOCALS program at the Festival. We also have a wonderful line-up of filmmaking workshops. Facilitated by industry professionals, these Saturday workshops are designed to take you from the seed of an idea, or even simply the desire to make a film, right through to having a short film ready to submit to the LOCALS program – or any other film festival, for that matter!  Designed for absolute beginners, we want to help to democratise filmmaking and allow locals tell their own stories. The first of the workshops is a free talk, Legals & Ethics: a Q&A with a local documentary maker and an entertainment lawyer.

    LOCALS Redux: ROLL OUT THE RED CARPET!  Club CDoc and Chewton Film Society are really excited to present LOCALS Redux – a gala screening of all 22 short films submitted to the 2024 LOCALS program!

    From billy carts to dinosaurs, choirs to cemeteries, the locally made short films are a glimpse at the wonders and worries of local storytellers. Weaving together an eclectic mix of genres and styles, this event is a true celebration of the diversity and creativity of our region. And we can’t wait to bring it all to the big screen! The event will have two screenings of 11 films each. Session 1 is at 2pm, and Session 2 is at 5pm. Drinks and refreshments available from 1pm, and during the break. Please see the ticket link for the program line-up.

    When: Sunday, 13th October, 2024, Session 1: 2pm & Session 2: 5pm  Where: Phee Broadway Theatre, Castlemaine


    Food Growing, Farming and Food Security

    The Orchard Keepers

    Welcome to the 2024/25 fruit season! Last season was the first time we ran The Orchard Keepers as a community-based model. It included some new initiatives:

    • Fruit Crew (a volunteer/work exchange program),
    • A new pick-your-own CSA model,
    • A weekly on-farm series of “how to” classes for volunteers.

    Fruit Crew was a highlight, with more than 30 enthusiastic volunteers helping out over the season. (In fact, many of them are still here almost 12 months  later.)We also picked and sold more than 15,000 kg of fruit. Our farm has been growing fruit for local people for almost 150 years. In fact, we’re one of only about six family-run orchards left in Harcourt (there used to be over 100).

    The pressures on small family farms are huge, but we’re determined to keep supplying our community (that’s you :)) with locally grown, organic fruit. In our quest to create a sustainable community orchard, the model continues to evolve. We’re not quite ready to announce what this season will look like, but we can tell you that Fruit Crew will be reopening for applications very soon!

    Some of last year’s Crew will be staying on, but we have room to take on new volunteers. Do you think Fruit Crew might be right for you? Fruit Crew is a weekly volunteering commitment at the orchard in exchange for fruit, classes, working together, excellent company, and lots of cake. Lucy says:

    “Fruit crew is a fabulous way to contribute to local food growing. I understand the importance of eating as local as possible, so it makes sense to me to pitch in when I can, to support local farmers, to try and help make the whole thing viable. “Oh yeah, I get to hang out with some interesting people and have great conversations!”

    For more information: Website 

    Castlemaine Seed Library

    We have put tomatoes on the board this month, for those of you who want to start them early,(indoors, in case more pesky frosts.) So pop into the library and you will find, for sewing in the garden: Asparagus, Wasabi Mustard, Rainbow Chard, Delta Dusk Snowpeas, Russian Kale, Globe Artichoke, Parsnip, Flat Leaf Parsley, Carrot, Amish Deer Tongue Lettuce and Oriental Poppy

    For those starting their tomatoes early, on the board we have:

    Periforme Abruzze – a fantastic heirloom passata tomato with plenty of meat and minimal seed. Produces plump, pear-shaped fruit with a renowned succulent flavour. Perfect for pasta sauce. An indeterminate so staking required.

    Tommy Toe – an indeterminate heirloom tomato variety with good disease resistance.  It produces great tasting, sweet and juicy, red fruit about the size of a small apricot.  This variety takes 10-11 weeks from sowing to harvest.

    Rouge de Marmande – Climbing (indeterminate). Large, red ribbed fruit. Exceptional flavour. Good all purpose variety. Early maturing. A good variety for cooler climates. Good disease resistance.

    Purple Ukrainian – Plum-shaped purplish-black fruit, I’ve found they can be prone to splitting, so recommend harvesting them as soon as they start to change colour and ripen them inside. An heirloom from Ukraine, the sweet meaty flesh can be used in salads or preserving. Fruits in 7 weeks from transplant; yields 3.5kg per plant.

    Jaune Flamme – Climbing (indeterminate) variety. French heirloom tomato producing juicy round apricot orange golf-ball sized fruit. Early cropping, productive variety with good disease and split resistance due to its thick skin. Fruit contains high levels of Vitamin A due to its orange colouration. Great for drying, roasting or eating fresh, has as light citrusy flavour.

    Beefsteak – Meaty, juicy fruits. Large, thickly fleshed beefsteaks are the biggest type of tomatoes. Growing quickly to at least 6 feet tall, the late-maturing tomato plant will produce a bountiful harvest in about 85 days. Need a sturdy trellis.

    Beams Yellow Pear – An heirloom yellow cherry tomato with vibrant colour and flavour, the pear-shaped golden-yellow fruits with a shiny skin and firm flesh are produced in trusses just7 weeks from transplant. This American heirloom from Indiana has a great flavour and the tasty, yet firm flesh holds well in salads and preserves. Yields 8.6kg fruit per plant. Indeterminate. This is a most prolific producer over many months. Got to be the easiest of tomatoes to grow, but needs support as it will grow over 2m tall.

    Our next working bee will be 3rd Oct, Thursday at 11am, at the Castlemaine library.Web Bug from https://vic.us17.list-manage.com/track/open.php?u=5fcd0f87df0a9b724cffa1528&id=d30ea68617&e=79d86b662f

    Ecology and Environment

    Wombat Forest Care- Protecting the Mountain Skink

    A well-respected skink scientist has agreed to return to the Wombat and Lerderderg to continue his research into the endangered Mountain Skink, but we need to fund his work which will include undertaking further surveys, establishing long-term monitoring sites and collecting additional genetic samples.
    Your support for our Chuffed campaign would be greatly appreciated.

    Don’t Undermine Daylesford

    This group is focused on protecting the mineral water aquifer in our region from mining.

    We are a group of concerned locals . We learnt about the mining exploration project in September 2022, and we were surprised at how close it is to Daylesford town, homes, and Boomerang Holiday Ranch. After doing considerable research we felt that we needed to take action to protect this beautiful part of the world and its unique qualities. We believe that the risks posed by mining operations to our community are too great to ignore.

    That’s why we are calling on everyone who cares about the future of Daylesford and the region to join us in speaking out against this project.  Together, we can make a difference and ensure that this beautiful region is preserved for future generations.

    We have been meeting with key community members and just held a meeting to discuss our next steps. The Hepburn Shire Mayor, Brian Hood and DMRT CEO Steve Wroe attended the last meeting to share our concerns and will continue to engage with  us where they can. Despite several requests to our state government representatives, we have still not received a definitive map to provide us with any comfort that Red Rock has exempted important areas from their exploration licence(s). 
    There are several other exploration licences that cover large areas of the mineral water aquifer.  Protecting the mineral aquifer IS AN ISSUE WORTH FIGHTING FOR. Stay tuned. For more information:  www.dont-undermine-daylesford.website

    Wombat Hill Botanic Gardens


    Day basin restoration- Renovation work is about to begin on the day basin at Daylesford’s Wombat Hill Botanic Gardens. The day basin was a water storage facility and it sits at the base of the historic Pioneer Memorial Tower. The project has been championed by the Friends of Wombat Hill Botanic Garden, who are keen to see the basin restored and celebrated as one of their key projects. Funding has been secured from the Victorian State Government’s Regional Infrastructure Fund, Hepburn Shire Council, and the Friends of Wombat Hill Botanic Garden.

    The garden is beautiful in all seasons, and we encourage you to take a stroll and maybe seek culinary delights at the cafe.

    First Nations

    dum and bundjil time- Dja Dja Wurrung Calendar

    According to the Dja Dja Wurrung calendar, from September to mid-November the weather warms and the peak flowering season for many wildflowers begins.


    Frog and yellow (flowering) time:  September-mid-November – as the weather warms, the peak flowering season for many wildflowers begins. Frosts and rainy days are often still common.

    As the water warms over spring, River Blackfish and Murray Cod become more active. These are caught in traps constructed along waterways using stone and woven baskets.

    Watjarang (Platypus) along Campbells Creek breed and lay eggs. This is peak flowering season for many wildflowers, such as Murna (Yam Daisy), Gitjawil Matom (Chocolate Lily) and Bam (Bulbine Lily), which can be seen at the Muckleford Nature Conservation Reserve, Kalimna Park and Castlemaine Diggings National Heritage Park. Gurndi (Cranberry Heath) berries ripen and are ready to eat.

    This is peak flowering season for many wildflowers, such as Murna (Yam Daisy), Gitjawil Matom (Chocolate Lily), Bam (Bulbine Lily), Sticky Everlasting, Clustered Everlasting, Grey Everlasting and Orchids, as well as for shrubs such as Downy Grevillea, Rough Mint-bush, and Fairy Wax-flower.

    Watjarang (Platypus) breed and lay eggs;  Brushtail Possums carry their young from nests;  River Blackfish spawn;  The bush is bright with yellow daisies that provide a landing pad where insects can warm up on cold mornings;  Australian Reed-warblers begin calling along creeks and rivers;  Rainbow Bee-eaters arrive from northern Australia to nest along creek and river banks;  Large flocks of White-browed and Masked Woodswallow arrive from northern Australia and can be heard calling in the sky;  This is peak frog breeding season – large frog choruses can be heard in wetlands and along creeks and rivers;  Black Wattle and Red Box flower.

    Introduction to Decolonisation- New Economy Network

    Starting 1st October! Join us for this new 4-week introductory course

    Members of NENA’s First Nations Hub are co-hosting a 4-week introductory course for people seeking to build their understanding about what ‘decolonisation’ means in theory and practice, and how principles and practices of decolonisation can be used in our personal and professional lives.

    • Learn about the history and different interpretations of decolonisation, as well as connected concepts including colonisation, imperialism, post-colonialism, Westernisation, modernisation, racism and whiteness studies.
    • Develop your ability to identify, critique and challenge political, economic and governance systems from a ‘decolonial’ perspective.
    • Develop your ability to identify, critique and change colonial perspectives and practices in your profession, workplace and personal life, and learn how to become a ‘good ally’ to First Nations colleagues and organisations
    • Connect and collaborate with a network of like-minded, multi-disciplinary professionals.
    • Engage at a personal and professional level, with a positive, inclusive vision for the future

    Course Facilitators 

    • Ross Williams – Director of Future Dreaming and Bindal/Juru First Nations person
    • Dr Michelle Maloney – Australian Earth Laws Alliance, Director of Future Dreaming and descendant of Irish people who were part of the colonisation of Australia

    Guest speakers include: 

    • Dr Mary Graham – Adjunct Associate Professor, Political Science, University of Queensland and Kombu-merri and Waka Waka First Nations person
    • Professor Yin Paradies – Professor of Race Relations, Deakin University and an Aboriginal-Asian-Anglo Australian of the Wakaya people from the Gulf of Carpentaria
    • Shrishtee Bajpai – researcher and activist, Global Tapestry of Alternatives, India
    • Other speakers currently being confirmed

    Who is it for?
    This course is designed for a general audience and we invite participation from all interested people; from all backgrounds and knowledge disciplines.

    Find out more
    Please visit our Course webpage for costings, scholarship details and more


    Sustainable Living Resources

    NENA Exploring Bio-Regionalsim

    In our October webinar, AELA Convenor and Greenprints creator, Dr Michelle Maloney, will be joined by Emeritus Professor Ian Lowe AO, to discuss what Western science can tell us about bioregions, boundaries and ‘bioregionalism.

    Bioregionalism is a a philosophy that sees human societies and culture as part of nature, and proposes that modern human societies can be more sustainable, successful and meaningful, if our political, cultural and economic systems are organised within natural boundaries such as bioregions and catchments (watersheds). Some have referred to bioregionalism as ‘localisation within the foundations of nature’.

    When: 24 October 12pm – 1.30pm
    Where: online
    Cost: free
    Bookings: https://events.humanitix.com/aela-24oct/tickets

    Grounded- Big Ideas for Affordable Housing

    Grounded is a not-for-profit organisation established to advocate, incubate and accelerate the development of Community Land Trusts in Australia. The group has come together to ensure a diverse mix of housing models is possible. Our name is borne out of the need for more realistic land prices, out of grounding a community with a commitment to not only the best practices on land and housing economics, but also on the social side, with a commitment to social change.

    As housing affordability continues to challenge Victoria, we presented a visionary submission to the state’s “Big Ideas for Victoria’s Future” inquiry. Our submission focuses on innovative, community-driven solutions that can deliver long-term affordability, resilience, and sustainability to regional and urban areas. You can read the submission here.

    Building Community

    Castlemaine Free University-  CFU




    ZINE workshop planned for Monday 7 October, as below.

    Guided by amateur and professional artists, graphic artists, writers and the like.

    Look forward to seeing you then. As always share this notice and news with others. All welcome.

    School Holiday Activities

    Have you started planning activities for the upcoming school holidays? Hepburn Shire’s Library and Youth and Family teams have come up with a program of activities for children of all ages.

    Check it out…and don’t forget to book.

    Trentham Family Clothing Swap


    This time all the family are invited! Come and join the fun, hang out and pick up some great pre-loved clothing & accessories: women’s, men’s and kids’. Bring up to 8 items. Door prize and arvo tea included. Gold coin donation appreciated. Bring your friends along too.


    When: 20th October 1 – 3pm
    Trentham Mechanics, 66 High St, Trentham
    free – gold coin donation appreciated


    We are looking for helpers on the day to assist with running our popular event. If you can help out, even for an hour, please email or SMS Susan on 0493 647 819






    Wombat Post

    The Wombat Post is a community news publication for the Daylesford and Hepburn Springs region, which is published every Friday afternoon. .

    The purpose of the Wombat Post is to

    • inform the community of news and events that contribute to community building community and community well-being,
    • promote a positive image of the local community,
    • contribute to the historical record, and
    • provide a medium for advertising services and trades offered to the community.

    The Daylesford District Community News Association Inc. (DDNA) is responsible for The Wombat Post.

    Repair Cafes across Central Victoria

    Castlemaine: last Sunday of each month- October 27th, 10am to 1pm at Castlemaine Community House,  30 Templeton St.

    For more information: Chris Hooper chrislhooper1050@gmail.com

    Daylesford– 3rd Sunday of the month- October 20th 1-4pm at Victoria Park Pavillion, Ballan Rd, Daylesford

    For more information: https://www.facebook.com/daylesfordrepaircafe/

    Creswick Repair and Share: a project of Transition Creswick- 3rd Sunday of the month- September 15th, 1-4pm at Creswick Neighbourhood Centre

    For more information: https://creswicknc.org/groups/post2-nn6m5

    Ballarat: 1-4pm last Sat of the month at Barkly Square- Saturday October 26th

    For more information: https://www.facebook.com/ballaratrepaircafe/

    Bendigo Share &Repair Shed: Thursday: 10am – 1pm, Saturday*: 10am – 1pm, at 120-126 Garsed Street

    A community based organisation that started as the Bendigo Repair Cafe in 2017 and has since grown to include a Tool Library, Useful Bin, Food is Free Table and a range of other ‘re’ and ‘up’ cycling services. We also offer a ‘one stop’ recycling drop off for small items and a Community Swap table.

    For more information: https://bendigoshareandrepairshed.org/

    Reskillience Podcasts


    Reskillience is a podcast that asks: What are the skills we need for the future we want?



    Hepburn Shire Seniors Festival events

    Seniors Festival is nearly here!! The Victorian Seniors Festival is a major state-wide festival for and involving seniors. The festival runs from 1–31 October every year.  There are 5 events scheduled in Hepburn Shire this year:

    Positive Ageing Expo 2024

    Hepburn Shire Council’s Positive Ageing Expo is a free event, with free catering, unique, informative and fun! There are guest speakers, stalls and public announcements! Come and make new friends and network with other community members, community groups and service providers. 

    When and Where: 10 October, 10am – 3pm RACV Goldfields Resort, 1500 Midland Highway, Creswick
    free, For more information and bookings: Positive Ageing Expo 2024

    Friendship and Fun at the Men’s Shed – 55+ men’s only session

    A wonderful opportunity for locals to experience the camaraderie of the Men’s Shed, meet new people, learn new skills and for those who would like to be more hands on, contribute to an identified community project or simply come for a cuppa. Lunch will be provided, allowing for the opportunity for some conversation and connection in a supportive and inclusive environment.

    When and where: 15 October, 10am – 1pm.  Cost: free  Bookings: here

    Friendship and Fun at the Men’s Shed  – 55+ women only session

    The Creswick Men’s Friendship Shed has more recently developed a women’s group, coming together once a week to enjoy the art of woodwork, learn new skills and be empowered to create and contribute to an identified community project. This women’s session is a wonderful opportunity for locals to experience the camaraderie of the Men’s Shed and meet new people. A free lunch will be provided at this free event, allowing for an opportunity for conversation and connection in a supportive and inclusive environment.

    When and Where: 16 October, 10am – 1pm , 15 Bridge St, Creswick  Cost: free Bookings: here

    Movement and Fun – CHRH 55+ – Link to this event – Movement and Fun – CHRH 55+

    Local Central Highlands Rural Health exercise physiologist and Allied Health Assistant will host a fun interactive session around movement, with a focus on exercising and stretching. Participants will also have the opportunity for social interaction and healthy competition while playing the variety of life-sized games including connect four, chess, draughts, Jenga and corn hole, along with card games. A free lunch will be provided at this free event. Some of the life-sized games have been modified to allow chair-based participants and those with a disability to also enjoy them.

    When and where: 23 October, 10am – 1pm, 24 Vincent St, Daylesford, Cost: free , Bookings: here

    Healthy Eating, Healthy Conversations – 55+ – Link to this event –  Healthy Eating, Healthy Conversations – 55+

    Local Central Highlands Rural Health dietitian/nutritionist and Allied Health Assistant will host an interactive session around Try 4 Five campaign, healthy snacking, healthy eating on a budget, cooking for one. Participants will enjoy a free nutritious meal together while getting to know one another at this free event.

    When and where: 24 October, 10am – 1pm, Trentham Mechanics, 66 High St, Trentham,  Cost: free, Bookings: here

    Quick Response Grants

    Hepburn Shire’s Quick Response Grants are now open! Quick Response Grants have been designed to support community groups who may have experienced an unforeseen disruption or urgent issue, and to facilitate smaller projects that are less costly than the amount available in the Community Grants scheme.  Grant applications will be assessed monthly to ensure a timely response to community issues. Applicants can apply for a grant up to $1,000 at any time but can only receive one Quick Response Grant per year.

    Applications are assessed monthly, however due to the upcoming Council Election in 2024, the outcome of grant applications received after 17 September 2024 cannot be announced until after 26 November 2024.

    For more information and to apply, visit: https://www.hepburn.vic.gov.au/Residents/Support/Grants


    The Spirit and the Sacred

    Yandoit Sacred

    Yandoit Sacred is a sanctuary, a place for stillness and silence, a place for ceremony, prayer, song and ritual. It is an ecumenical place of connection beyond religious or philosophical divisions, where we foster curiosity about how to live in the world with love and joy and wisdom as we face the challenges and big questions for humanity and other species at this time.

    Yandoit Sacred is a gathering place where our hunger to share the deepest movements of our hearts can be fed. It is a community beyond denominations, open to the mystery; a community where our gifts are nurtured and appreciated; a community open to wisdom teachers, past present and emerging.

    Yandoit Sacred meets every 6 weeks in and around Yandoit’s Uniting Church in the bush.

    Enquiries: nikki.marshall@mmnet.com.au or 0432 232 073

    The Grail Community

    The Grail Chapel in Green Gully is home to the Castlemaine Johannine Community, a spiritual community that practises ‘pagan Christianity’: a spirituality based in the mystical tradition of St John, Mary Magdalene and the Rosicrucians, and grounded in deep reverence for the sacredness of the Earth and the wisdom of the ancient Celtic, Aboriginal and Native American spiritual traditions. Through both inner and outer work, we seek to collaborate with the impulse of Christ and Sophia to bring healing and renewal to our communities and the Earth. We meet monthly for Eucharist services and other special events shaped by the sacred calendar of the seasonal Christian and Celtic festivals.

    October events: Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th October 1pm till 4pm each day, Gospel of St. John workshop

    All enquiries to Ken Killeen – Johannine@hotmail.com


    Castlemaine Zen- Zen Practice in the heart of the Goldfields

    Castlemaine Zen is a thriving Zen community in the heart of the Victorian Goldfields.

    We offer monthly orientation, weekly zazen (seated meditation), monthly zazenkai (day of Zen practice), dharma discussions, sutra chanting, dharma talks, special events and dokusan (dharma interviews) with Kynan Sutherland Roshi. We also offer seasonal yatras (silent Zen walks) in the beautiful box-ironbark forest around Castlemaine.

    Our sangha (Zen community) is passionate about realising the dharma in the flow of everyday life. We place a strong emphasis on environmental action, social justice, community building and the arts. You do not need to be a buddhist to join our activities, just someone who longs for a settled, earthy and vital life. Beginners welcome!

    The next sit will be on Sunday 6th of October 8.30am-10.30am, at West End hall, Castlemaine.
    This will be a Sutra Service. Come along for a lovely morning of practice. Everyone is welcome.

    Local Government News

    Local government election information

    Voting is by mail- Voting opens by mail on 7 October and ballots must be posted back (or dropped in a ballot box at an election office) by 25 October 2024.

    Key dates

    • 17 Sept 2024: Candidate nominations close
    • 29 September – 10 October: Meet the candidates events
    • From Monday 7 October ballot papers sent by mail
    • 7 October – 25 October 2024 vote and return ballot by mail or election office
    • Ballots must be received by 6pm Friday 25 October to be counted
    • Before 15 Nov: Results finalised

    Really Local

    Council election period is nearly upon us! Mount Alexander Shire will be going to the polls in October, along with all but one other Council in the state.  Local group Really Local will be holding ‘meet the candidates’ events in in all contested wards (see below), building on the series of local community conversations held across our Shire in recent months.  The events are independent, non-aligned, and community-led. For more information check out www.reallylocal.au.

    Coliban Ward (Chewton, Elphinstone, Taradale and surrounds)

    • Who are the candidates? Kelly Ann Blake, Phillip Walker and Max Lesser
    • Where can I meet them? Wed 2 October 2024 6:30pm Chewton Town Hall, 141 Main Road, Chewton.
    • How do I register? Jump in here


    Campbells Creek Ward (Campbells Creek, Mackenzie/s Hill)

    • Who are the candidates? Bill Maltby and Gavan Thomson
    • How can I meet them? Sat 5 October 2024, 2:30-4:30pm, Five Flags Merchants, 151 Main Road, Campbells Creek
    • How do I register? Get tickets here

    Calder Ward (Harcourt, Sutton Grange, Redesdale)

    • Who are the candidates? Kerrie Allan, Tony Cordy, Ken Price
    • How can I meet them? Thu 10 October 2024, 6:30-8:30pm, Old Railway Station, Station Street, Harcourt
    • How do I register? At this link

    In each of the remaining five wards, only one candidate nominated, so they will be elected unopposed, and no vote will be held. (Not sure of your ward? check out this map.) Three of those five candidates, (Rosalie Hastwell in Tarrengower, Lucas Maddock in Moonlight Creek, and Toby Heydon in Forest Creek) will be new Councillors. Current Mayor Matthew Driscoll, and Deputy Mayor Rosie Annear were also elected unopposed.

    Really Local has met with all five of the provisionally-elected Councillors during the course of this year and we are confident they will bring a collaborative, community-minded approach to the new Council and we congratulate them on their appointment.

    Stay tuned for opportunities to meet your new Councillors after October!

    Ward map

    The Chamber of Peoples – Hepburn

    The Chamber of Peoples hosted a Meet the Candidates event in Hepburn Springs  in late September, where candidates and community members were asked to respond to 3 questions: What fires you up? What’s your dream? Who shapes Hepburn Shire’s future?

    A further Meet the Candidates session will be jointly hosted by The Chamber of Peoples and Glenlyon Progress Association on Monday October 7th, 6.30 pm at Glenlyon Hall

    Candidates will respond to questions including: What attributes do you bring to Council?

    How  do you see Council and the community working together for the benefit of Hepburn Shire shire now and into the future?  What mechanisms do you envisage will enable local knowledge and representation in Council decision making given there are no wards  for this term? 

    For more information:  Community Voice website below or https://www.facebook.com/groups/communityvoicehepburn/ or email: admin@communityvoice.group


    Workshops and Courses

    Castlemaine Documentary Film- Club CDOC Workshop

    Free Industry Talk: Legals & Ethics
    Date: Saturday, 19 October 2024 Time: 2pm – 4pm Location: Castlemaine Community House
    Facilitators: Hollie Fifer (Director/Producer), Shaun Miller (Entertainment Lawyer)
    Free, but please register here.

    When it comes to making documentaries, getting the legal stuff right is a must. From talent releases to music rights, clearances keep your film above board. But it’s not just about paperwork – it’s about telling true stories ethically and respectfully. Join us for a free Legals & Ethics in Documentary Filmmaking discussion, where we’ll break down the must-know legalities and explore how to handle real stories with care and integrity. In conversation with local award-winning Documentary Filmmaker Hollie Fifer, and Entertainment Lawyer, Shaun Miller, you’ll learn about all the essentials to protect your film, and your subjects.


    No letters for this edition.

    Food for Thought

    Towards Eudaemonia : https://towardseudaemonia.substack.com/

    Post Carbon Institute: https://www.postcarbon.org/

    Small Giants Academy : https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/roman-krznaric-how-history-informs-the-future

    Milkwood : https://www.milkwood.net/2023/06/06/we-cannot-help-transform-a-world-that-does-not-know-us/?

    Many people would throw a tantrum at this point’: An Israeli and a Palestinian discuss 7 October, Gaza – and the future- A Guardian article https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/sep/13/israel-palestine-7-october-gaza-orna-guralnik

    Understanding Relationships and Ecology: Fritjof Capra interview on the Great Simplification podcast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPVnR-FiQ4k

    Local Futures- Feminine Futures- Healing the Earth, Healing Ourselves 

    Continue reading →
  • September 2024 e-news

    We live in capitalism.  Its power seems inescapable – but then so did the divine right of kings.  Any human power can be resisted and changed by human beings.  Resistance and change often begins in art.  Very often in our art, the art of words. 

    Ursula K Le Guin, speech to the National Book Awards, 2014

    Welcome to the September edition of Localising Leanganook ‘s e-newsletter.  In this month’s newsletter, enjoy our feature article- Future Hepburn Forum– Lightning Talk on Climate-  by Taryn Lane. The newsletter also includes regular updates on upcoming local events for the month of September plus activities that contribute towards localisation.  We hope you enjoy it.

    Cheers, Nikki, Keppel, and Laurel

    Note to Contributors and Readers

    As you can see, Localising Leanganook’s e-news continues to grow from strength to strength reaching more than 700 subscribers. The monthly newsletter  includes an ever expanding range of localising events, programs and creative initiatives  in  our central Victorian region.  If you’ve got items for inclusion in future editions, let our editing team know – (nikki.marshall@mmnet.com.au). To help our editing team please email through information you’d like included in the following format:

    • program/project/event name plus date, time and location if relevant
    • summary of event/issue/program, in word format,
    • accompanying photo as a jpeg or png.

    September’s edition includes:

    1. Special Feature: Future Hepburn Forum- Lightning Talk on Climate
    2. Arts and Culture
    3. Food Growing, Farming and Food Security
    4. Ecology and Environment
    5. First Nations
    6. Sustainable Living Resources
    7. Building Community
    8. The Spirit and the Sacred
    9. Local Government News
    10. Workshops and Courses
    11. Letters
    12. Food for Thought

    1. Special Feature: Future Hepburn Forum- Lightning Talk on Climate, by Taryn Lane

    Background to Future Hepburn Forum

    At the Hepburn Shire Future Forum, organised by community members and held on August 4th at Radius Gallery in Hepburn Springs, conversations were opened up, ideas were seeded, and actions proposed via Lightning Talks designed to help shape the future of our shire. These brief  4-5 minute talks presented ways forward for the immediate and longer term of Hepburn shire:  4 years, 40 years  and 400 years. Local thinkers and activists shared their visions and strategies around the themes of Climate (Taryn Lane- Hepburn Energy), Environment (David Holmgren- Holmgren Design), Liveability and Affordable Housing (Karl Fitzgerald- Grounded), and Governance (Tammi Jonas- local farmer and Australian Food Sovereignty Alliance). Lucy Richards- social entrepreneur for future generations- commented on each of the lightning talks from the perspectives and needs of young people.

    These talks were provocateurs to peoples’ thinking, action and agency.  They also provided inspiration, identified flaws in existing policies and processes, and highlighted tangible ways forward. With local government elections coming up in October this year, the Future Forum also heard from Cr Jen Bray about the realities of being a councillor, with suggestions for effective community engagement. Cr Tim Drylie spoke about the challenges, responsibilities and satisfactions of being a councillor, the candidate process, and encouraged others in attendance to consider standing in the 2024 elections.  Participants were made aware of the limited time available to recruit candidates, volunteers and voters before the October elections.

    The talks were followed by hearty discussions amongst participants, well facilitated by local resident, Peter O’Mara. Some themes emerging included the high turn-over of staff within the Shire, the extensive use of consultants without local knowledge, and the wealth of skills amongst our local residents which could be drawn upon for the benefit of our community and shire. The end of the ward system poses new challenges and/or threats including potential lack of representation and local knowledge for sections of the shire, especially small hamlets.  The Future Forum was organised by some original members of Community Voice, formed during the campaign for the 2020 local government election. Interest and enthusiasm from those attending the Future Forum has seeded a new community group:  The People’s Consultancy- Hepburn.

    Here is a summary of Taryn Lane’s Lightning Talk relating to Climate. 

    The next 4 years: the time is now for action on climate. We have the community wide goal of net zero by 2030 under the banner of Hepburn ZNET – the key focus areas are agriculture, energy, transport, and waste, and ensuring our Wombat Forest remains the carbon sink that it is. Hepburn Shire Council has its Sustainable Hepburn plan for council infrastructure that is integrated with the community goals of Hepburn Z-NET and also covers biodiversity and circular economy.

    On the energy front we have firstly a once in a lifetime opportunity for a wealth transfer to occur away from energy companies and into homes via electrification and renewables. In the past 12 months we saw 4mw of rooftop solar deployed in the shire, with ward areas such as Holcombe and Cameron going from 24 and 26 percent of rooftops to 39%. So, the work of now is largely a retrofit project.  Rooftop solar is now in aggregate the biggest energy player after coal and gas. We need all the homes that can to have rooftop solar. We need all the existing homes, regardless of solar, to be energy efficient, cheap to run, and as thermally comfortable as possible, resilient to fires, storms and floods. This will be supported by minimum standards for energy efficiency for rental homes under the state government and new 7-star minimum standards for new houses under the federal government. We need our existing local electricity grid to be smart and resilient – enabling us to use our hot water systems and our cars as batteries. We need money to be saved and kept in the local community.

    For Hepburn Shire, as a small local government area with a tight budget, the only way to effectively get action on climate change is through community- council partnerships and collaboration with local groups. The Z-NET partnership has overseen more than $6.5m in community value through bulk buys and energy efficiency programs since 2019. Another example is our Electrical Vehicle (EV) charging network in the Shire that now has four 100% community owned EV chargers by Hepburn Energy. This has come about through the partnership between Hepburn Energy, Hepburn Shire Council, Central Highlands Water and Chargefox.

    This coming year it is anticipated that Hepburn Shire Council should reach zero net emissions for their infrastructure. This should allow an increased focus on supporting the community to reduce emissions, to protect and expand our biodiversity, and to promote circular economies. In addition, a key focus needs to be support for our farmers to continue reducing farm operational emissions, regenerate farmland and increase carbon sequestration.

    In 2020 a big group of us gathered underneath the turbines to spell out 1.5 degrees in a human sign, as a symbol of the need to stay within a safe climate trajectory. We are now consistently breaching this temperature rise and are more in reach for 2-3 degrees.

    In 40 years I hope we can look back at how everyone played an active part in reducing emissions, adapting to climate change and Caring for Country.”

    (Taryn Lane is the General Manager of the local energy co-operative Hepburn Energy, and has been taking care of the 2 turbines ‘Gale’ and ‘Gusto’ since they were built in 2011. Hepburn Energy supports the community towards the community-wide goal of zero-net emissions by 2030 through a range of community-based programs such as bulk buys and energy efficiency.) 

    2. Arts and Culture

    Yandoit Cultural- A special evening with Virtuoso Guitarist, Alex Tsiboulski

    Renowned classical guitar master Alex Tsiboulski presents a unique one-off program in the special atmosphere and acoustics of Yandoit Uniting Church- Yandoit Cultural. An artist known for his virtuosity, intensity and depth, Tsiboulski presents a program spanning music from three centuries, listeners will see and hear an original 200-year-old guitar from Italy, a Telecaster electric and a modern Spanish guitar.

    Recently returned from an extensive tour of Ukraine, the ARIA-nominated Daylesford resident Tsiboulski splits his time between touring and teaching at the University of Melbourne.  His last two solo albums have received five-star reviews in the Weekend Australian.

    When and Where: Friday 27 September 7:30PM, at Yandoit Cultural, Uniting Church Rd, off High St, Yandoit

    Seating and Bookings: Seating for this concert is limited for visibility and acoustic reasons. Bookings essential: https://www.trybooking.com/CUQVU

    Enquiries: sasha.bookings@carpecook.fr Phone: 0401-162-796 or nikki.marshall@mmnet.com.au 0432 232 073

    Tsiboulski is little short of a magician […] producing astonishing varieties of tone from the lute-like early music to virtuoso feats of contemporary dexterity . . .” (The Advertiser, Adelaide)

    Here’s a few taste tempters for Alex Tsibulski: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCBJYfIoEk0


    Newstead Arts Hub



    To see all exhibitions, performance and workshops click here

    Shut up and Write- Friday 27th September 1-5pm

    The Newstead Writers Group meets monthly at the Arts Hub on the 4th Friday of the month. This is a space for professional authors, occasional writers and budding authors to write without the interruptions of day to day life.  The writers take a break for 15 minutes or so mid afternoon to join in a conversation with other writers.  Otherwise they find a spot to sit and shut up and write!  A small donation to attend is requested.

    Friday 27th September 6.30 – 8pm-  Thrutopia – Beyond Utopia and Dystopia: a new writing genre for the future.

    Bring  your imagination to join in an Experiential Thrutopian Writers Lab to seed new stories for the Future. Stories are a powerful force to change the world for the good of all.  They can pierce outdated beliefs and behaviours to bring new light and optimism.  This will be an interactive and joyful experience exploring a new global writing genre to find a cut through pathway between Utopia and Dystopia to seed a viable future for all life.

    The Bedridden Return for a Second Concert at Yandoit Cultural

    When and Where: Saturday September 14th, 7.30pm.  Uniting Church Rd, off High St, Yandoit

    The Bedridden were formed in Canberra in 1989. Five albums and several line-up changes later, Dave, Raz and Alex are based in Central Victoria and are the undisputed kings and queens of acoustic psycho muppet punk.

    “The Bedridden are brilliant, childish, side-splittingly funny, mean-spirited, musically outstanding, puerile, visionary, insular, hugely talented, immature, poetic, condescending, and capable of making albums that challenge, disgust & inspire”.

    Listen via youtube and spotify: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IuRldykgWi8


    Entry by donation. Bookings and Enquiries: http://yandoitcultural.org/

    Radius Gallery

    RadiusFathers Day Event: Mouth watering curries and heart warming comedy.

    Sunday 1st September 6pm – 9pm

    Join us for a fun evening of food and film as we launch Feast & Flicks at Radius. Join local legend Raman Richards as he crafts an array of curries followed by a screening of classic movie The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel.  READ MORE for full Radius Program.

    Northern Arts Hotel

    There is always something on at the Coolroom.  World music is on from August to November.  You can go to Las Gatas album launch, listen to Yirrmal live and an array of fabulous performers and other events through to November.  Events are usually at 7.30pm.  Click on the Coolroom diary links below for details of September. Remember Potluck dinner is on every Tuesday from 7pm.

    Friday 30 August 7.30pm  | STANO In Between Silence, where we really exist
    Saturday 31 August 3pm | Las Gatas Album Launch ‘Feelings’
    Friday 6 September | Indigenous music with Yirrmal  [W]
    Saturday 7 September | Ms Onur Kurt & DJ Luqman  [W]
    Sunday 8 September 7pm | She: Beccy Cole, Felicity Urquhart & Lyn Bowtell
    Friday 13 September 7.30pm | Namrock House: Solomon Island Reggae  [W]
    Friday 20 September 7.30pm | The Jack Pantazis Group in concert
    Saturday 21 September 7.30pm | Trudy Fatnowna Edgeley Album Launch  [W]
    Friday 27 September 7.30pm | Beare & Smith live at The Coolroom
    Saturday 28 September 7.30pm | The Duck Downpickers with special guests
    Friday 29 November 7.30pm | Jeff Lang Album Launch ‘More Life’
    Friday 30 August7.30pm  | STANO In Between Silence, where we really exist
    Saturday 24 August 2.30PM | PoetiCas at The Coolroom
    Ongoing | Ethiopia, Hudad Plateau: A Self Portrait Series
    Every Tuesday | Potluck Dinner from 7pm
    Nightly Dusk to Dawn | Wimble St Wall 

    Swiss Italian Festival Amici

    The Swiss Italian Festival Committee is looking for 100 community supporters prepared to donate $100 to be recognised as a Festa Amici and provide a solid $10 000 financial base to help guarantee the future of our Swiss Italian Festa. Will you be an Amici – a friend of the 2024 Hepburn Swiss Italian Festa?

    The Festa was revived last year after a COVID-enforced break, the sort of break that’s made so many other community celebrations and festivals unviable. In 2024 we have an expanded, enthusiastic volunteer committee working hard to deliver a bigger, better Festa on the last weekend in October. We do have some business sponsors and in-kind donors, and have received some State Government funding, but we need community funding to ensure we can host the Street Parade, Lantern Parade, Festa day at the Hepburn Mineral Springs Reserve and – of course – the traditional fireworks!

    Every $100 Amici will be listed in our program, on our website and recognised in our social media. And every Amici will be in the draw for a major prize donated by one of our business supporters. If you can be an Amici this would be a big help for this year’s Festa. Please contact us if you would like to discuss the Festa.

    You can donate directly to the Swiss Italian Festa Bank Account – Or you can go to our Swiss Italian website  https://swissitalianfesta.com/ to make a payment.

    For more information: email Eddie Beacham  beacham@mooltan.com.au

    3. Food Growing, Farming and Food Security

    Milkwood- Beginners Guide to Veggie Gardening

    NEW: our free Beginner’s Guide to Veggie Gardening

    4. Ecology and Environment

    YIMBY – Yes in My Back Yard – Composting – Update – July ‘24

    • We have reached the grand milestone of composting 50,000 kgs of kitchen organics! (anyone with the time and skills to help us visually represent this please get in touch)
    • Costa and the Gardening Australia crew spent a day filming some of our YIMBY crew on Tuesday 23rd July for a segment on Gardening Australia. We appreciate their interest in telling YIMBY’s unique story as we also think it is a story worth telling! It will go to air sometime before Dec, date TBA.
    • YIMBY was grateful to be nominated as the receiving charity for Container Deposit Scheme (CDS) for two weeks in July. Thanks to all who took their bottles and cans down so that we can buy more straw. And remember, you can always nominate YIMBY to receive funds through the CDS, just ask the friendly staff at the Chewton Service Station.

    Upcoming events:Weekly coffee catch up at Tortoise Cafe, every Wednesday from 8-9am. Everyone welcome.

    Anyone got the time and skills for…We have a new section on our website Get Involved showing all the ways you can help YIMBY including…

    • Weekly collection of CDS bottles and from The Tap Room – largish vehicle needed (about a 1.5 hour weekly commitment – or occasional help).
    • Fortnightly collection of buckets from Don KR – largish vehicle required
    • Grant Writing
    • Help to visually represent our statistics, what does 50,000 kgs of kitchen scraps look like?!
    • YIMBY is still looking for a home. A place to run our workshops from, store our buckets, pile our straw and plan our future. If you have any ideas on potential locations we would love to hear from you.
    • Horse poo collection or donations.
    • Donations of wood chips as a carbon source for our composters
    • Please get in touch with the YIMBY team if you can help. hello@yimbycompost.com

    This month’s Compost Conversation articles:TAKE IT OUTSIDE – kitchen caddies; ADDING SOIL, OR NOT?

    • Reminder: All YIMBY Compost Conversation articles are available on our website under our new Resource Hub.

    Green Drinks return to Hepburn at Radius Arts

    Fri 30th August, 6pm  at Radius Gallery, 76 Main Rd Hepburn Springs

    After a much-anticipated break, Hepburn Green Drinks is making its comeback, and we couldn’t be more excited to reconnect with our wonderful Hepburn Shire community!

    Join us this Friday, August 30th, from 6 pm at Radius Art Gallery. Whether you’re looking to meet like-minded individuals, catch up with old friends, or enjoy an evening of engaging conversation, this is the place to be.

    Our special guest speaker for the evening is Tammi Jonas, who will share insights into the launch of The People’s Consultancy—Hepburn. This promises to be an enlightening and thought-provoking discussion, setting the tone for a future where community voices are at the forefront of decision-making. You can expect a fun, casual atmosphere where everyone is welcome. We’ll have nibbles and drinks ready, so all you need to bring is your enthusiasm and maybe a friend or two!

    Image by KamranAydinv Freepic

    Feathery Festival

    A collaborative venture with Connecting Country, Birdlife Castlemaine District and Barkers Creek Landcare and Wildlife Group.
    Join us for a series of events in celebration of woodland birds including films, walks, talks and books
    September 2024 on Djaara Country

    The Message of the Lyrebird Film Fundraiser

    When and Where: Thursday 5 September 7:30pm (doors open at 6pm for dinner and music) at Theatre Royal Castlemaine

    Tickets $25/$20 concession HERE

    This is a special fundraising event also featuring live music by Joel Bloom and Hilary Blackshaw and a conversation with local Landcarers and ecologists.

    All proceeds from ticket sales will go towards – Connecting Country’s Conservation Program and Balangara Films Education Distribution Program. 

    Guided Bird Walk

    When and Where: Saturday 7 September 9am, Rise and Shine Nature Conservation Reserve, Newstead 

    Join expert bird watchers from Birdlife Castlemaine District on a free guided walk in one of the region’s bird watching hotspots, including a ‘how to identify birds’ session, followed by a delicious brunch in the outdoors with entertainment from the Chat Warblers. Kids welcome. Reserve your spot HERE

    Birds and Beers

    When and Where: Wednesday 11 September, Talk starts at 7pm (come down earlier for dinner), Shedshaker, Castlemaine 

    Enjoy a beer and some delicious grub, and Join Tanya Loos, author of forthcoming book Living with Wildlife: a guide for our homes and backyards, while she delves into the delights of our local bird fauna. As well as describing commonly seen birds of the Castlemaine region, Tanya will provide tips on how to make sure our homes and backyards are havens for birds.  Practical advice will include preventing window collision, owl friendly rodent control, how to stop birds attacking windows and why bird baths are a better option than feeding birds. 

    Natural Newstead

    The Importance of Lerp #1

    Lerp, the sugary secretions created by psyllid insects, plays a vital role in the natural economy of many ecosystems, especially so in the box-ironbark woodlands of central Victoria. At times when other food may be scarce, often over winter, lerp provides a crucial source of energy-rich starch (along with some protein and fats) for woodland birds.

    River Red-Gum lives (mainly) in ecological harmony with psyllids and it is not uncommon to see trees covered in scars where the sugary casings have been plucked from the surface of leaves. This Brown-headed Honeyeater was feasting on red gum lerp at Rotunda Park, performing some impressive gymnastics as it picked its way through the leaf clusters.

    Read more from Geoff Park 


    Clean Energy Children’s book

    There’s a new children’s book about clean energy out now and we love that the wind character was inspired by Hepburn Energy’s turbine Gale.

    Amy’s Balancing Act is an illustrated children’s book about the transition to clean energy and the power of diversity. The author, Dr Bjorn Sturmberg, is an energy researcher at ANU, award-winning science communicator, and long-standing member of Hepburn Energy. Its illustrator is Melbourne artist Laura Stitzel.

    With National Book and Science Week coming up in August, Bjorn is donating books to Hepburn Energy for us to distribute amongst local schools and libraries. Bjorn will match every copy bought using the code “Hepburn” on his website: https://bjornsturmberg.com/shop/ (the code also provides free shipping).

    If more than 10 books are bought he’ll donate 50% of the sales price to the Hepburn Energy community battery fund.


    Australian Conservation Foundation Central Vic- Community Forum: Saving Nature, Saving Ourselves

    Central Victoria ACF community is hosting this forum on the government’s ongoing reform of Australia’s 20 year old national  Environment Protection and Biodiversity Protection (EPBC) Act, laws that continue to fail to adequately protect nature, or prevent extinctions. The government knows that nature is in crisis. This forum will provide an important opportunity for our region’s community to engage with our Federal Member, Lisa Chesters, and to demonstrate our support for strengthening nature laws, to ensure a halt to the destruction of nature and habitat.

    The government plans to establish Environment Protection Australia (EPA), a new national body to be responsible for overseeing and protecting our natural environment, tasked to ensure well-being and survival of the many plants and creatures that depend upon it. We will be urging our MP, Lisa Chesters, to use her voice to convince the Environment Minister and the PM to accelerate and be more resolute with their plans to legislate for stronger laws and action to implement them.

    Join us at our Saving Nature, Saving Ourselves forum. Attendance at this dynamic event will help us demonstrate the breadth and depth of community support for strong and effective nature laws.

    On the panel, you’ll hear from:

    • Lisa Chesters – MP for Bendigo
    • Brendan Sydes –  Australian Conservation Foundation Biodiversity Policy Advisor (and Castlemaine resident)
    • Kelsey Macdonald – Central Victoria Youth Climate Network
    • Sean Dooley – Birdlife National Public Affairs Manager
    • MC – Josh Meadows, ACF Media Adviser  (and Castlemaine resident)

    When: Saturday August 31st, 1.30 – 3.30 pm

    Where: The Gallery, Library Student Union Building, La Trobe University Bendigo, Edwards Rd, Flora Hill, VIC 3550

    To register: Central Victoria ACF Community  Community Forum: Saving Nature, Saving Ourselves

    Bird of the Month Grey Currawong (Strepera versicolor)

    At my home in Campbells Creek, I regularly see the imposing Grey Currawong. The individuals I see are likely to be the same pair I’ve been watching for years. The small birds are a bit scared of the Grey Currawong, with good reason as you’ll read below, but they are an important part of the forest ecosystem despite their small vertebrate munching habits. If you are lucky enough to see one up close, you’ll notice the bright yellow eye, so beautiful against the grey plumage and probably summing you up in a way that feels both intelligent and slightly intimidating. Read more  at Connecting Country  To find out more about Grey Currawongs and listen to its call, click here.

    To find out more about Pied Currawong and listen to its call, click here.

    Central Vic Climate Action

    Some us attended the forum about planned burns in Victorian forests, presented by Adjunct professor Phil Zylstra  It was very confronting to understand the flawed science. Attached is a summary.
    Bernard continues to work away at the fossil free super campaign. It’s a great project. You can contact him if youd like to help out. Lots of info here: https://fossilfreesuper.org/
    contact Bernard for more info: 0459 472 558 
    On Saturday 31st August, some of us will be attending the ACF Community forum:  Saving Nature Saving Ourselves, Latrobe University Bendigo from 1.30 pm. Maybe well see you there?
    Monday 2nd September, help hand out fliers at the No to Violence conference. Join the fossilfreesuper campaign in calling out the super fund HESTA for supporting coal and gas. We plan to flyer the conference to invite more community sector agencies to dump Hesta who persist with about 2.3 Billion of investments in climate wreckers while claiming to represent the Health & Community sector (see below Market Forces Climate Wreckers Index ). Check out:  fossilfreesuper.org  and
    On Tuesday 10th September, 11 am Central Vic Climate Action crew will be joining a protest outside the weapons expo at the International Land Defence Expo in Naarm (Melbourne). We’ll be dressed as red or black rebels. Well be highlighting the links between arms sales, war and climate change. Consider taking the day off and joining us! Contact us if you’d like more info.
    Saturday 21st September, join us for a coffee from 1 pm at Saffs cafe, Castlemaine.
    29th September, Meet the candidates, Royal Theatre, Castlemaine from 11 am. Sunday 15th 
    20/21st November, many of us will be heading up to the Rising Tide action in Newcastle. Some of us will be camping, some of us will be sharing accomodation. The Ballarat crew will be hiring a bus. Get in touch if you’re interested in coming along. Here’s the details: https://www.risingtide.org.au/  

    5. First Nations

    Drawing on Indigenous Wisdom at the Creative Resilience Lab for Mt Alexander Shire

    On August 1 and 2 The Centre for Reworlding in partnership with Mount Alexander Shire Council held a 2-day Creative Resilience Lab at Newstead Community Centre. The Centre for Reworlding work is grounded in Indigenous knowledge systems and protocols based in the concept of relationality that foreground inclusion, mutual benefit sharing and the plurality of knowledges including those often absent in climate and disaster management discourses.

    The purpose of the Lab was to bolster literacy about localised climate emergency context and the role of arts and culture; to cultivate greater understanding of creative resilience approaches to local disaster risks and build relationships that enable longer and deeper cross sectorial collaboration working with diverse community and equity denied groups. The workshop fulfilled that purpose.  It was enlightening, interactive, engaging and inclusive.  The group took a systems perspective on building the scaffolding needed for our current and future generations to survive and thrive.

    Up to 80 people from Mt. Alexander Shire participated in the lab, representing Indigenous knowledge-keepers, culture & the arts, physical & social sciences, emergency services, local government, funders and community groups were invited to participate. (Laurel Freeland, Newstead Connecting Stories Ally group)

    6. Sustainable Living Resources

    Degrowth Central Victoria

    Plenty of thought-provoking articles to read  via substack.

    Read more 

    Renewable Newstead Community Energy Project

    We at Renewable Newstead are excited to be able to share details of another of the local community benefits that our Newstead Community Energy Project (solar farm) is bringing to our community. It’s called the Newstead Local Community Benefit Program. (See info attached.) You’ll discover a great way to support Newstead clubs, organisations and projects if and when you sign up to buy your electricity from Flow Power, the company retailing the energy generated at Newstead.

    The Newstead solar farm will feed electricity into the grid and then to Newstead homes and businesses. It will be built and managed, and electricity will be supplied and billed by our partner, Flow Power. Currently, grid energy to Newstead homes is billed by various retailers charging different tariffs

    For more information: https://renewablenewstead.com.au/
    m: 0403 801 147

    Grounded – Community Land Trusts and Affordable Housing

    The Vision for Grounded, (located in central Victoria) is focused on bringing best practices to the affordable housing market in a new ‘for purpose’ housing model for Australia. Community Land Trusts (CLT’s)  have been successful in the northern hemisphere in identifying raw community needs, whether that be in housing, farming, or saving a beloved local pub. Together, we can get the economics right so that our land and housing payment streams go towards supporting our community, rather than draining it. We can make affordable housing and responsible land stewardship a reality for all. Dig into CLTs here.

    Grounded has assembled a passionate team of changemakers determined to disrupt our current housing model and finally deliver real, intergenerational affordability. We hope you can join us as a member or donor.

    An update on Airbnb and BTR Inquiry: Our Airbnb cap n trade report is still making the news with a run in the media including an article in Smart Property Investment (SPI)

    Hepburn Energy Electricity Retail Offer

    We consider our retail offer one of the most ethical and environmentally sustainable offers on the market. What better way to support your co-operative and community power? We’d now like to extend this pilot offer to another group of Hepburn Energy members across Victoria. Our community retail offer is delivered through our retailing partner Flow Power. The electricity plan on offer is called Flow Home, a unique electricity plan that rewards greener habits, provides free energy monitoring tools, opportunities to increase your feed-in tariff when you export at the right time and support from their Melbourne-based Customer Success team.

    As we continue to beta test this product, we’re looking for members who are happy to provide feedback on their experience, so we can make our offer the best it can be! In particular, for this second round, we are looking to test our product with people knowledgeable about the energy industry and EV and/or battery owners.

    The best-fit customers for round 2 onboarding are: Victorian Hepburn Energy members; Battery owners; EV owners; Customers with no rooftop solar, but would like to benefit from cheaper daytime solar from the grid (and support the energy transition);Customers who have rooftop solar but use most of it; Customers interested in participating in the energy transition actively with their home energy system.

    Contact our Preference Centre if you are interested. To learn more about the offer, jump on our website here. Or email info@hepburnenergy.coop.

    Land Care Grants

    $300,000 Landcare Australia Community Grants program is now open to revive nature, boost biodiversity and support volunteers

    All landcarer groups  are encouraged to apply for this exciting new grant program. It’s an opportunity to celebrate and build on the wonderful work and dedication to landcare activities taking place in your local patch.

    Grant applications for a minimum of $5,000 to a maximum of $20,000 (excluding GST) are available.

    Applications are now open, and close on  Friday 20th September. Successful applicants will hear by Friday 18th October 2024.

    $300,000 Landcare Australia Community Grants program is now open (activehosted.com)

    Castlemaine Vigil shines light on Homelessness

    Over 70 community members attended a vigil in Castlemaine in early August as part of Homelessness Week  to honour those in our community who are homeless. Thirty candles were lit at the event to represent the dozens of rough sleepers in our community. Attendees urged both State and Federal Governments to take stronger action on homelessness. Over 50 letters were signed and sent to The Hon. Harriet Shing, Victorian Minister for Housing, calling for more support. Additionally, many petitions were signed advocating for a significant increase in social and affordable housing at the federal level.

    The event also raised around $500 in donations for Dhelkaya Health’s Housing team, which will go directly to supporting local rough sleepers. The vigil was organised by My Home Network and Dhelkaya Health’s Housing team. It was timed to coincide with Homelessness Week, an annual national event raising awareness of homelessness and its impacts, as well as the deeper systemic changes needed to address it. Attendees held one minute of silence to acknowledge the impacts of homelessness on our community.

    Attendees  heard about the many other initiatives being driven by My Home Network, including action on vacant dwellings, tiny homes on wheels, Homeshare, and the tenants’ rights and advocacy working groups.

    The Mount Alexander Shire has dozens of rough sleepers, 78 community members homeless, hundreds of families in housing crisis and a shortfall of around 600 social housing units. Far more crisis and transition housing is need to meet current demand.

    You can learn more about My Home Network on this site or donate to Dhelkaya Health’s Housing team to support local rough sleepers.

    Article extract from  Dhelkaya Health Website and the Castlemaine Mail : https://dhelkayahealth.org.au/castlemaine-vigil-shines-a-light-on-homelessness/

    Repair Cafes across Central Victoria

    Castlemaine: last Sunday of each month- September 29th, 10am to 1pm at Castlemaine Community House,  30 Templeton St.

    For more information: Chris Hooper chrislhooper1050@gmail.com

    Daylesford– 3rd Sunday of the month- September 15th 1-4pm at Victoria Park Pavillion, Ballan Rd, Daylesford

    For more information: https://www.facebook.com/daylesfordrepaircafe/

    Creswick Repair and Share: a project of Transition Creswick- 3rd Sunday of the month- September 15th, 1-4pm at Creswick Neighbourhood Centre

    For more information: https://creswicknc.org/groups/post2-nn6m5

    Ballarat: 1-4pm last Sat of the month at Barkly Square- Saturday September 28th

    For more information: https://www.facebook.com/ballaratrepaircafe/

    Bendigo Share &Repair Shed: Thursday: 10am – 1pm, Saturday*: 10am – 1pm, at 120-126 Garsed Street

    A community based organisation that started as the Bendigo Repair Cafe in 2017 and has since grown to include a Tool Library, Useful Bin, Food is Free Table and a range of other ‘re’ and ‘up’ cycling services. We also offer a ‘one stop’ recycling drop off for small items and a Community Swap table.

    For more information: https://bendigoshareandrepairshed.org/

    Mount Alexander Sustainability Group- Newsletter




    7. Building Community

    Community Celebrates Landmark Decision In Liquor Commission

    Daylesford community members have welcomed the decision handed down by the Victorian Liquor Commission on 14th August, overturning the Liquor License granted to The Endeavour Group Ltd to establish a Dan Murphy’s on the corner of Bridport Street and Central Springs Road.

    “It was always going to be a huge battle to go up against a corporate entity as big as Dan Murphy’s but we felt we had to stand up and let the Liquor Commission know how this was going to impact our children, our teenagers and the broader community,” commented Jen Bray, local resident and Hepburn Shire Councillor. (Ms Bray participated in the hearing as an individual community member and did not represent Hepburn Shire).

    The Liquor Control Reform Amendment Act 2021 changed to include a new definition of harm arising from the use and misuse of alcohol and much of the hearing before the Liquor Control Commission centred around the potential for “harm”. Importantly, this legislative reform was triggered by the Parliament’s commitment to implement all 227 recommendations that came from the Victorian Royal Commission into Family Violence in 2016. In a landmark decision, the Commission overturned the granting of the Licence concluding that granting the licence would be conducive to or encourage harm to the local community, especially minors.

    Lynda Poke, a Daylesford resident who gave evidence at the hearing said, “We are seeing that the levels of violence against women and children were clearly linked with the harms induced by alcohol consumption. The regulatory reforms to address the issue appear to be finally working and giving decision makers the capacity to change how laws are interpreted and implemented. This will change peoples lives for the better.”

    Hepburn Shire CEO, Bradley Thomas said, “Council welcomes the Victorian Liquor Commission decision to refuse Dan Murphy’s a licence to operate in Daylesford. Council strongly advocated for the refusal during the submission process and at hearings, along with a number of committed community members who contributed their time and presented evidence. This is the first time the new definition of “harm” under the Liquor Control Reform Act has been used to refuse a licence, making it a landmark decision.”

    Resident Michelle Stephenson said “This has restored my faith in due process. Sometimes you feel like you are going up against Goliath and you haven’t a chance but there was a process in place which we pursued by going to the Liquor Commission and we really didn’t give up the fight.”

    Note: Extract from article published in the Wombat Post, August 16th, 2024

    Castlemaine Free University

    Community Campaign to Save Guildford General Store

    A local family has bought the Guildford General Store, which closed in March this year. The small Victorian community had campaigned to keep the 108-year-old store in local hands.

    A community campaign to save the general store in a tiny central Victorian town has paid off with a local family swooping in to buy it. The 108-year-old Guildford store went to auction on Saturday with a reserve price of $750,000. It was sold at $710,000.  Anton Perry said the purchase, made by his 89-year-old nan Norma Hancock, was a sudden decision. “No-one was making a bid, and I just kicked my nan in the ankle and said, ‘C’mon, let’s do it, [let’s] throw in something,'” he said.

    The family, who bought the shop in an auction, say they want to turn it back into the “soul of the town”. The family plans to turn the Guildford General Store back into a meeting place for the community as well as a place to buy takeaway and essentials.

    Community Heritage Meeting- Maldon

    The Maldon Heritage Network, a group of community members who share an interest in protecting, preserving and promoting Maldon’s heritage, is holding a community meeting about our local heritage on Wednesday 18 September at the Maldon Neighbourhood Centre at 7.30pm.

    Whether it be an Aboriginal cultural heritage site, an old building, a significant tree, the remains of gold diggings, stories and oral histories, or long running events and groups, what makes heritage important is that it plays a role in our lives, even if we don’t give it much thought: it is part of the continuum of our local world and history and our place in it. Our local heritage is also fundamental to larger questions of development, land use, ownership, sustainability, community participation and design.

    We are keen to hear your views about Maldon and district’s heritage, including any concerns you may have or priorities that you believe need addressing. These ideas will be collated and used to inform future directions for the group, which you are welcome to join.

    Castlemaine Seed Library


    The Seed Board is restocked and awaiting you!
    We have: Rainbow Chard, Red Onion, Land Cress, Red and Green Chard, Purple Sprouting Brocolli, Coriander, Leek, mixed Lettuce, Mizuna, Mustard and Wasabi Mustard, Russian Kale, Carrot, Chamomile, Chicory and Parsnip.

    Next Working bee is Thursday September 5th. We meet at the library at 11am, usually in the foyer, inside the library if an event is on, on the first Thursday of every month. Put it in your diary and come along and join the team.

    All welcome to winnow and pack seeds with us.


    Support Hepburn Residents Doing It Tough

    Small acts of kindness can have a BIG impact. Join our GenK (Generational Kindness) inter-generational workshops on Thursdays in September (6-7.30pm), light dinner provided.

    Hear from services about who is doing it tough.Work in inter-generational teams. Help combat ageism & build stronger communities. Be supported to do a simple act of kindness.Hear from services about who is doing it tough. Share the kindness to encourage others.

    Workshops led by Celebrate Ageing in partnership with Elder Rights Advocacy,  U3A Hepburn and Daylesford Neighbourhood Centre.

    GenK is an initiative of the Centre for Intergenerational Power, an initiative of Celebrate Ageing. GenK takes a kindness lens to the problem of ageism & builds stronger local communities. RSVP Catherine Barrett – 0429 582 237

    Local Futures

    Discover this bustling world of hands-on activity: 

    • Watch and share our new film, The Power of Local – a medley of 30+ initiatives across six continents.
    • Read the heartening account of the Caravan of Hope, which travelled across Japan, uncovering gem after gem of local action and participating in 25 World Localization Day events over 40 days!
    • Engage your head, heart and hands with our newly updated Localization Action Guide.
    • If you’re in the UK, take part in our Feminine Futures events at Schumacher College, September 1 & 2

    We have recently updated our Localization Action Guide and encourage you to check it out to discover some great new localization resources, including:

    • The ‘Community Wealth Building Action Guide‘, by the Democracy Collaborative (US), helping economic development practitioners, community activists and organizations, anchor institutions, local government agencies and leaders, and other interested stakeholders advance Community Wealth Building, “an economic development model that transforms local economies based on communities having direct ownership and control of their assets.” This can be found in the policy section of the guide here.
    • The ‘Growing Community Food Enterprises toolkit‘ by Sustain (UK), is produced as part of Sustain’s Connecting Community Food Enterprises and “aims to support community food projects to develop more sustainably, with tips, tools and guidance.”  Explore it here.
    • City Fruit in Seattle US organizes Fruit for All pop-up farmstands across the city, as well as donations to food banks and meal programs, and cider press rentals. More information in our ‘Get involved in gleaning‘ section.
    • For governments seeking to defend pro-environment laws from possible corporate ISDS (Investor-State Dispute Settlement) attacks, we’ve included a new toolkit from CIEL (Center for International Environmental Law) called ‘Safeguard Fossil Fuel Measures from Investment Treaty Claims‘. We’ve included it in the ‘Policy Action: Oppose ISDS agreements’ section of the Action Guide, here

    8. The Spirit and the Sacred

    Yandoit Sacred

    When and Where: Saturday September 28th, 2024, 2.00pm at Yandoit Uniting Church , Uniting Church Rd, off High St, Yandoit

    Yandoit Sacred is a sanctuary, a place for stillness and silence, a place for ceremony, prayer, song and ritual. It is an ecumenical place of connection beyond religious or philosophical divisions, where we foster curiosity about how to live in the world with love and joy and wisdom as we face the challenges and big questions for humanity and other species at this time. Yandoit Sacred is a gathering place where our hunger to share the deepest movements of our hearts can be fed. It is a community beyond denominations, open to the mystery; a community where our gifts are nurtured and appreciated; a community open to wisdom teachers, past present and emerging. 

    Yandoit Sacred meets every 6 weeks. 

    Enquiries: nikki.marshall@mmnet.com.au or 0432 232 073

    Supported by Rev Sarah Tomilson, Castlemaine and District parish.  Everyone Welcome.


    Castlemaine Johannine Community – Grail Chapel

    The Castlemaine Johannine Community gathers at the Grail Chapel in Green Gully regularly for teaching, healing, meditation and Christ centered spiritual growth and upliftment. This site details meeting times, contact information and special events. Your pastors are Rev. Kenneth Killeen and Rev Diane Thompson.

    The Castlemaine Grail Community continues to meet regularly to connect through rituals of celebration, initiation and renewal. We share in the transformative power of the Eucharist regularly and in September we have a two day seminar/workshop on the Gospel of St. John as a guidebook for initiation.

    These are the dates for our upcoming events in September:

    Sunday 1st September Father’s Day Eucharist 11 am followed by shared lunch

    Sunday 29th September Michaelmas Eucharist 11 am followed by shared lunch

    All enquiries to Ken Killeen – Johannine@hotmail.com 


    9. Local Government News

    The People’s  Consultancy- Hepburn

    The People’s Consultancy of Hepburn is a grassroots organisation committed to transforming local governance in Hepburn Shire through participatory democracy and community empowerment. Founded in 2020 as Community Voice, the organisation emerged from a shared belief that the Hepburn Shire Council needed to be more responsive to the community’s needs and aspirations, a sentiment echoed in the 2020 Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey.

    In a significant step forward, Community Voice supported the successful election of four councillors in the October 2020 local elections, marking a key milestone in our journey. Building on this success, The People’s Consultancy was established in 2024 with a renewed focus on fostering a collaborative and inclusive relationship between the Hepburn Shire community and the Council.

    As we approach the next term of Council with elections in late October this year, The People’s Consultancy- Hepburn is poised to play an even more active role in ensuring that the voices of Hepburn Shire are not only heard but are central to shaping the decisions that affect our collective future. Our vision is to create a ‘can do’ culture within the Council—one that prioritises active listening, transparency, the empowerment of all community members, and which also draws on the wealth of skills within the community, and is designed to deliver positive outcomes for the people of Hepburn and future generations.

    We want to change the way the Council works, to make it better at listening to what people want and to create a ‘can do’ culture. The People’s Consultancy invites all people in Hepburn Shire to add their voices to help create a more cohesive and engaged community.

    To register your interest: https://communityvoice.group/

    Really Local

    Really Local is a small group of locals interested in connecting community and government in Mount Alexander Shire. We believe that open, respectful dialogue between community, elected representatives, and people working in government is key to bettering communities for its people. (More about us)

    Council election period is nearly upon us! Mount Alexander Shire will be going to the polls in October, along with all but one other Council in the state.

    Candidate nominations open on 9 September and anyone wishing to run needs to have their registration, candidate statement and photo submitted the Victorian Electoral Commission by 12 noon on 17 September.  Voting will be held via mail between 7 October and 25 October.
    There have been some changes to voting in the Mount Alexander Shire this time around with Castlemaine changing from three councillors in one ward, to four wards with one councillor in each. The other four rural wards are largely unchanged.
    Local group Really Local, will be holding meet the candidates events throughout late September and early October, building on the series of local community conversations held across our Shire in recent months.  The events are independent, non-aligned, and community-led. For more information check out www.reallylocal.au.

    Key dates

    • 9 Sept 2024: Candidate nominations open
    • 17 Sept 2024 (12 noon): Candidate nominations close
    • Late September – mid October: Meet the candidates event/s (TBC)
    • From Monday 7 October ballot papers sent by mail
    • 7 October – 25 October 2024 vote and return ballot by mail or election office
    • Ballots must be received by 6pm Friday 25 October to be counted
    • Before 15 Nov: Results finalised
    Ward map

    Mt Alexander Shire News:


    10. Workshops and Courses

    Expand Your Impact Workshops- Make a Change Team

    FREE Expand Your Impact workshops start online next Tuesday 3rd September. These workshops are relevant to any area of life: personal, family, work, career, or community care – ANYTHING you want to address!

    Expand Your Impact is particularly helpful if you’re:

    • feeling stuck, frustrated & unmotivated
    • looking for inspiration
    • working on something that isn’t going well
    • interested in picking up tips & tricks to get stuff done
    • looking for new ideas
    • wanting to kick-start something new

    Invest just 2 hours for 3 weeks to see what you’ll discover. We’ll gather as a supportive group, to discuss, explore & learn.

    Find out more & register here

    Experiential Thrutopian Writers Lab – a new writing genre for the future beyond Utopia and Dystopia

    Friday 27th September 6.30 – 8pm- at Newstead Arts Hub

    Bring  your imagination to join in this Writers Lab to seed new stories for the Future. Stories are a powerful force to change the world for the good of all.  They can pierce outdated beliefs and behaviours to bring new light and optimism.  This will be an interactive and joyful experience exploring a new global writing genre to find a cut through pathway between Utopia and Dystopia to seed a viable future for all life. Cost: $18 or $15 Members  To book Humanitix

    New Economy Network-  Re-imagining the Good Life Free Webinar

    Join NENA and the University of Newcastle for this special event  A Pluriversal perspective on community well-being in Australia

    When:  12th September @ 12pm AEST (QLD,NSW,VIC)

    Click here for Event Details, speakers and to book FREE TICKETS


    Rewilding Central Victoria Symposium

    Two-day premiere event exploring ‘rewilding’ in our region and beyond.

    Date: Friday 13 and Saturday 14 September, 2024
    Location: LaTrobe University, Bendigo + local rewilding project sites

    For more information and tickets

    Download Symposium Program 

    Ecologist Lance Lloyd, Restoration Scientist (Aquatic Ecology) at Winton Wetlands, is the Keynote Speaker at our Rewilding Central Victoria Symposium Dinner. Lance is set to speak on the fascinating topic – The Time is Now: Rewilding aquatic species to improve biodiversity and ecosystem function. Image credit @Dave Watts

    Swiss Italian Festa- Equinox Lantern Parade


    When : Friday 20 September

    Where: Hepburn Springs  Mineral Springs Reserve

    Navigating Direct Democracy: Global State of Direct Democracy- Webinar

    When: AEST 1.30am Friday Sept 6th 

    Democracy is under pressure worldwide. The number of democratically governed states has fallen significantly in the last ten years. But there are also developments that give us hope. Above all, democracies in which citizens are not only allowed to vote, but also to be elected, are proving to be extremely resilient. You are invited to join the authors of the Global State of Direct Democracy Report  for a discussion on trends in direct democracy around the world. (English language)

    Programme: explore various findings of the report and its classification approach; delve into current trends and predictions in direct democracy; ask questions to the authors and engage in a discussion. Register now!


    Bruno Kaufmann, democracy correspondent for the Swiss Broadcasting Company
    Prof. Raul Magni Berton, European School of Political and Social Sciences, France
    Prof. Clara Egger, Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands 

    11. Letters

    Would-be president, Donald Trump, has built a whole empire on lies, deception and fear. With no respect for the law or proper process, he has recently lent his name to “God Bless the USA Bible” a publication that includes the Constitution. You don’t have to look far for more examples of this blatant hypocrisy: the insurrection of the White House on 6th January ‘21, and “the election they stole from me” to name but two. Now as a convicted felon, he is standing for president again. Furthermore, he’s a climate denier, and if returned to power, wants to increase USA’s oil production.

    Why does all this matter to Australians? It matters because we have a democracy based more on fairness and less so on the rights of wealthy individuals. To have a misogynist, antiabortion, climate denier president   of the most powerful nation is a threat not only to Australia, but also to the World. Furthermore, his pro-oil stance assists our government in its on- going support for fossil fuels. We are bound to the USA by ANZUS and AUKUS, a contract for nuclear submarines which, arguably, we do not need. While war rages against Palestine and more recently Lebanon, we are linked to the nation supplying Israel, the aggressor, with missiles, weapons and armaments.

    What can we do? If you have a friend, acquaintance, relative or business connection in the USA, please write and let them know of your concern. Perhaps you could even stress the importance of voting responsibly.


    Trevor Scott, Castlemaine

    12. Food for Thought

    North Central Catchment Managementhttps://www.nccma.vic.gov.au/documents/1566/North_Central_Chat_-_August_2024.pdf

    Unlocking Enough with Stephen Jenkinson– podcast :    https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/unlocking-enough-with-stephen-jenkinson-encore/id1108741194?i=1000663715024

    Conversation with Joanna Macy- Post Carbon Institute https://mailchi.mp/postcarbon.org/wcpgr-bonus-69352?e=e959617162

    Continue reading →
  • August 2024 e-news

    ‘The equal right of all people to the use of land is as clear as their equal right to breathe the air: it is a right proclaimed by the fact of their existence.
    For we cannot suppose that some people have a right to be in this world, and others no right.’

    Henry George, Progress and Poverty.


    Welcome to the August edition of Localising Leanganook’s e-newsletter.  In this month’s newsletter, our feature article by local economist Karl Fitzgerald describes one of the hidden factors contributing to the chronic shortage of rental housing in Australia, and an innovative scheme for fixing the problem. The newsletter also includes regular updates on upcoming local events for the month of August plus activities that contribute towards localisation.  We hope you enjoy it.

    Cheers, Nikki, Keppel, and Laurel

    Note to Contributors and Readers

    As you can see, Localising Leanganook’s e-news continues to grow from strength to strength reaching more than 700 subscribers. The monthly newsletter  includes an ever expanding range of localising events, programs and creative initiatives  in  our central Victorian region.  If you’ve got items for inclusion in future editions, let our editing team know – (nikki.marshall@mmnet.com.au). To help our editing team please email through information you’d like included in the following format:

    • program/project/event name plus date, time and location if relevant
    • summary of event/issue/program, in word format,
    • accompanying photo as a jpeg or png

    July’s edition includes:

    1. Special Feature: Airbnb’s hidden threat requires a sensible response
    2. Arts and Culture
    3. Food Growing, Farming and Food Security
    4. Ecology and Environment
    5. First Nations
    6. Sustainable Living Resources
    7. Building Community
    8. The Spirit and the Sacred
    9. Local Government News
    10. Workshops and Courses
    11. Letters
    12. Food for Thought

    Special Feature: Airbnb’s hidden rental threat requires a sensible response

    By Karl Fitzgerald

    Should Airbnb’s be allowed to run unhindered or should we cap the numbers and channel some of the profits towards affordable housing? That’s the question we’ve asked in Grounded’s recent report “Airbnb: from a housing problem to solution”. Thirteen of Australia’s leading tourism towns were analysed, revealing that Airbnb investors enjoyed a stunning 81% higher return than a traditional landlord. Such a premium provides an incredible incentive for investors to switch towards short-term rentals (STRs). The housing supply is going backwards in the towns studied, with more of it going towards Airbnb than it is to either the rental or ownership markets. Over the last decade, the equivalent of 74% of new supply has migrated towards these short-term profits. Airbnb sponsored reports typically water down their impact by comparing their stock to total dwellings. “Nothing to see here, we account for just 5.7% of total dwellings”.

    When investors prioritise short-term returns over a long-term community, the rental market is where the pain is first felt. People on the margin are forced to make ends meet, by paying 50% of incomes on escalating rents or worse, sleeping precariously. Analysis should focus on where this change has been enforced – the rental market. Such a comparison shows that Airbnb’s account for 35% of rental supply. No wonder there’s a housing crisis, as this ABC segment describes. Apollo Bay and Noosa Heads both have more than twice as much short-term rental supply as is available for traditional renters. Investors in these towns receive a return on investment of more than 100% above the typical rental property.

    Meanwhile, Castlemaine only has 121 total STR listings (96 active listings), out of 5,059 total dwellings. However, despite the low STR concentration, the number of active STR listings is up 4%. This is despite annual revenues being down 12% to $40,800. If we compare STR incomes to median rents at $19,022 p.a (Census 2021 indexed to 2024), we can see a clear signal to the market: invest in STRs.  Averaged over a decade, Castlemaine produced 76 news homes per year. Despite this, only 64 new rental homes were produced over this same time frame to 2021 (Census, ABS). Meanwhile, 96 active STRs appeared.

    Whilst shocking at first glance, our numbers are unsurprising to analysts of the short-term rental market. They’re actually quite conservative because we looked at active listings rather than total listings. That provides a 25%+ discount to the numbers analysed. So it’s likely that Airbnb is actually equivalent to 50%+ of rental supply.

    Our report details how and why we must cap the number of Airbnbs, reducing the number every two years. By auctioning off STR licences that increase in value alongside their scarcity, Airbnbs become less profitable. Importantly, rising licence fees discourage marginal Airbnbs, incentivising them to rejoin the traditional housing market.  Not only does the Airbnb cap-and-trade system reallocate investments, but it raises revenue for the funding of affordable housing.

    As this ABC article describes:

    ‘Mr Fitzgerald estimates that in the Hepburn Shire where he lives, there are around 1,400 short-term rentals but only 1,100 of them are active. “So the beauty of the ‘cap and trade’ system is that it works most effectively on marginal sites,” he said. “Those excess 300 sites that aren’t so active would probably head back onto the market.” ‘

    A significant advantage for government is that it doesn’t have to spend much to drive meaningful change. Housing policies are costing billions of dollars these days because you barely get two affordable homes for a million dollars. We need to help the market help itself.

    In my discussions with Airbnb operators, they prefer the cap-and-trade system over the 90 day cap rate because the latter would wipe out much of the industry – even for those providing innovative tourism experiences. The cap-and-trade system gives entrepreneurs time to adjust. Those that aren’t operating effectively will likely return to the traditional housing market quite quickly.  Over time, as the cap-and-trade licensing fee increases, the funding should be given to local councils to fund affordable housing. Community Land Trusts (CLTs) can then partner with councils, working together to lock in perpetual affordability, maintaining and recycling any public subsidy. By rolling the cap-and-trade policy in over time, we would expect the licensing to start at around $3,000 in year one. By year 8, it would account for some $8,500 on a median $42,000 in net profits. That’s a small price to pay to ease the housing crisis.

    If you need further convincing of why this change is needed, just plug your suburb into one of the many rental listings websites to see how few homes are available for renters. Then pop over to Airbnb to see how many short term rentals are on the market. Do we really need 1000 plus Airbnbs in Sydney’s Canterbury, when it only has 196 rental properties? In West End, Brisbane, there’s 542 long-term rentals to 1000 plus Airbnb’s. Merri-bek in Melbourne’s inner north has only 664 long term rentals to 1000 plus Airbnbs. These numbers are replicable across the nation, which is why it is time for change. The STR incomes earned will see this as a juggernaut that is only just beginning. Ask your Treasurer whether we need housing resources allocated this way – particularly during a never-ending housing crisis?

    Watch out for the international figures being released very soon, covering global cities such as Berlin, Barcelona, Zurich and others.

    Check out the Youtube recording of the recent public event discussing the report – Channelling Airbnb Profits Toward Community Land Trusts. It features Professor Peter Phibbs (AHURI) and a number of councillors discussing the impact of STRs on their community.


    Arts and Culture

    Words in Winter Festival- Daylesford and Surrounds

    When: Friday 23rd – Sunday 25th  AUGUST

    Where: Assorted venues in Daylesford, Hepburn Springs, Yandoit, Clunes, Trentham

    This year’s Words in winter theme is ‘Connection of the Heart’- A sensory feast of community and beyond. Featured events include in conversations with writers and thinkers Arnold Zable and Bruce Pascoe. There are also Author talks, poetry readings, comedy, travel writing , open mic’s and much more.

    Words in Winter is a literary and arts festival held in August in the Hepburn Shire and surrounding districts. Words in Winter is a celebration of words, stories and ideas in all their forms shared by locals and visiting presenters through readings, poetry, theatre, music, talks, workshops, author talks, and exhibitions.

    Band without Borders play at Yandoit Cultural

    When and Where:  Saturday August 10th at 3pm, at Yandoit Cultural, (the old church in the bush), Uniting Church rd, off High st, Yandoit

    Dance and clap your way through Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Scandinavia and beyond with this mighty 10 musical ensemble. Klezmer, Gypsy, Balkan and Greek tunes to raise your spirits and get your feet moving. Band without Borders, formally known as The KGB, hail from various towns and villages from Victoria’s central highlands. They are drawn together by a love and passion for music from the Middle East, Balkans and Scandinavia. With relentless passion and enthusiasm they fill a room with beautiful music that makes  the audience happy and want to dance & they appeal to all ages.

    Entry by donation- Please be generous to support musicians. 

    For more information and Bookings: https://yandoitcultural.org/

    Acceptance is the Door to Freedom

    When and Where:  Saturday August 17th, 5.00pm, Yandoit Cultural– the old church in the bush, Uniting Church Rd, off High St, Yandoit

    “Imagine just being diagnosed with cancer and because the letter C is close to the letter D on the keyboard, I made the word ‘cancer’ into the word ‘dancer’, so my diagnosis became somewhat different” .

    In this special performance by renowned French clarinet player, Benoît Oury, and local artist Petrus Spronk, Petrus will share the story of his experience with cancer and how he overcame it until Mr Parkinson’s tripped him up.

    Entry by donation.   For more information and Bookings: https://yandoitcultural.org/


    Radius Gallery

    Love’s Brother 20th Anniversary Celebration

    Celebrate 20 years since Love’s Brother was filmed at the Macaroni Factory in Hepburn Springs. Join us for a glass of wine and some nibbles. Entry by donation. Seating is limited to 40 people, so please reserve via link below. Movie starts 7:30pm.

    Sunday 28th July 7-8pm  



    Local Elections Future Forum

    As council elections approach in October, we are reigniting our collective spirit and inviting you to be a vital part of enhanced democratic participation in Hepburn Shire.- see more in  the Local Governement section below. 

    Sunday 4th August 10.30 am – 12.30 pm at Radius Gallery 


    Also, there’s lots of events being held at Radius Gallery for the Words in Winter Festival: https://www.radiusart.com.au/

    Northern Arts Hotel

    The wonderful documentary concerning the last 100 days of Maggie Fooke’s iconic Brooklyn Arts Hotel, To Thank The Room will have an encore screening on Wednesday 31 July at 6.30pm at Cinema Nova, Carlton. All welcome.
    Don’t forget there is a new 16 week Permaculture Design Course starting NOW ON 29 JULY. It conducts much of the course at the Northern Arts Hotel as well as including a tours of  a range of other local permaculture projects. For details and registration, see the Courses and Workshops section of this newsletter.

    THE COOLROOM DIARY [Click on links for event details] MUSIC GIGS  [Usually at 7.30pm]
    Saturday 27 July 7.30pm | Maggie Jackson NY Jazz Trio | Lush Jazz…always
    Saturday 3 August 7.30pm | Kavisha Mazzella Trio | Italian Songs
    Friday 9 August | Derrin Nauendorf launches The Desert Machine.
    Saturday 10 August 7.30pm | Deep in a Dream: Tribute to Chet Baker
    Friday 16 August 7.30pm | Rose Turtle Ertler & The Cherry Reds
    Saturday 17 August 7.30pm | The Anticlinal Fold with Jo Huf
    Friday 23 August 7.30pm | Geoff Achison – Acoustic
    Saturday 24 August 7.30pm | Langue de Chat – French Musette Quartet
    Sunday 8 September 7pm | She: Beccy Cole, Felicity Urquhart & Lyn Bowtell
    Sunday 28 July at 2.30pm  | Free Secret Sunday Matinee
    Wednesday 31 July at 6.30pm | Cinema Nova Carlton | To Thank The Room
    Monday 5 August | CFU presents Tale of Two Peoples
    Saturday 27 July 2.30pm | PoetiCas with Lina Shilton (4th Saturday of every month)
    Monday 29 July | 16 weeks | Permaculture Design Course Starts
    Thursday 1 August 4pm | Maine-ly Ukes (every Thursday except school holidays)
    Monday 5 August | CFU presents Tale of Two Peoples
    Thursday 15 August 7.30pm | Guildford Folk Club (3rd Thursday of every month)
    Saturday 17 August 2.30pm | Celtic Song Circle (3rd Saturday of every month)
    Ongoing | Ethiopia, Hudad Plateau: A Self Portrait Series
    Every Tuesday | Potluck Dinner from 7pm

    Open Mic for Words in Winter at Yandoit Cultural

    When: Sunday August 25th, 11.00am

    Where: Yandoit Cultural, the old church in the bush, Uniting Church Rd, off High St, Yandoit

    Yandoit Cultural will host another Open Mic as part of this years Words in Winter festival, around the theme-  ‘Connection of the Heart’. A chance for anyone and everyone to have their 5-10 minutes and share a  story, song , poem, musical piece, local history and more.

    Always an eclectic range of offerings, listenings and connection with others in our community. And there’s time at the end for a cuppa and the best of Yandoit’s country hospitality.

    Contact Katy to express your interest: katylbauer@hotmail.co.uk or 0430 530 868


    Newstead Arts Hub


    Newstead Spinners: Fibre to Fabric ’24 

    Exhibition: Starting NEXT Sat 3-18 Aug, Weekends 10am-4pm.  

    The Newstead Spinning and Weaving Group have been busy spinning, weaving, felting and hand knitting creations. There will be lovely things to look at and purchase.

    Come along to see all their beautiful creations and demonstrations. The whole Hub will be buzzing.

    Food Growing, Farming and Food Security

    Hepburn Wholefoods change to opening hours


    From July we will be changing our regular shop opening times. We will no longer be open on Wednesdays, but will be extending our opening hours on Saturdays from 11am until 2.30pm (starting on Saturday 6th July)



    Flourish Loddon Campaspe Regional Food System Framework

    Healthy Loddon Campaspe (HLC) has worked with stakeholders from across the region to develop the Flourish Regional Food System Framework.

    Flourish will help guide the work of local government and key stakeholders across the Loddon Campaspe region to create a healthy, equitable and sustainable regional food system. Flourish provides a strategic framework to guide food system decisions and actions to secure the future of food in our region. A future where everyone has enough to eat and is well-nourished, where landscapes are healthy, farming contributes to biodiversity and secures rewarding livelihoods, and where communities can reconnect with food in their neighbourhoods.

    Transforming our food system is no small task and is a shared responsibility that requires broad, collaborative, and innovative approaches. Food is everyone’s business. Read the Flourish launch media release here.

    Ecology and Environment

    Natural Newstead- Silvereyes

    The gentle calls of Silvereyes are with us year round, but they are not the same birds.

    If you have a close look at our local Silvereyes at present they’re likely to have rich chestnut flanks, indicating that they are ssp. lateralis, winter migrants from Tasmania. Click here for a more detailed discussion on the movements of our local Silvereyes.

    Silvereyes will opportunistically take nectar, often piercing the corolla to get at the sweet liquid inside. Irish Strawberry is a popular garden tree with a propensity to go rampant on areas of disturbed and depleted soils. It has become an environmental weed in some areas in nearby places such as Creswick, where large specimens have established in mature conifer plantations. The species is found naturally across the Mediterranean basin and also in south-west Ireland, hence its common name.

    The Creek Kids Podcast

    This local podcast is produced by climate champion Rob Law from the banks of Campbells Creek. Give it a try on the next road trip with the kids. Join the Creek Kids on their adventures along their local creek. You may be surprised what mysteries lay in store, and what creatures they will encounter along the way. A podcast audio book series created by Ralph and Otto Maguire-Law and Rob Law. All music and sound production by Rob Law. Created in Central Victoria on the lands of the Dja Dja Wurrung in January 2023. Cover art by Anna Read (Copyright 2023).



    Winter in the Gardens-Wombat Hill Botanical Gardens and Daylesford Convent

    All day Saturday & Sunday 3/4 August
    Wander the heritgage listed Wombat Hill Gardens and use the gate to enter the garden of the neighbouring Convent.

    10am-4pm Sat/Sun Winter Flower Competition- Alf Headland Conservatory, Wombat Hill Botanic Gardens. Host: Agricultural Society
    11am-3pm Daylesford Museum, 100 Vincent St, Daylesford. Special display of historical material related to Wombat Hill. Host: Historical Society
    Saturday 3 August- 1.30pm Guided walking tour of Wombat Hill Botanic Gardens & Convent Garden significant trees with Arborist & Horticulturist John Beetham, Host: Horticultural Society
    3pm Afternoon Tea (by donation) Stanbridge Hall, 54 Central Springs Rd, Daylesford, Host: Horticultural Society
    3.30pm “Victoria’s Botanic Garden Legacy.”- Talk by Janet O’Hehir, Camperdown Botanic Gardens & Arboretum. Stanbridge Hall
    6.30pm Winter in the Gardens Celebration Dinner, Daylesford Town Hall 76/78 Vincent St ., Daylesford, Guest speaker Peter Leigh, Post Office
    Farm Nursery, Hellebore specialist. Eureka string Trio, complimentary champagne on arrival. $75 BYO.
    Bookings: https://www.trybooking.com/

    Sunday 4 August, 10am “La Trobe the Plantsman” Senior Citizens’ Rooms, rear Daylesford Town Hall, Talk by Helen Botham, La Trobe specialist with
    National Trust & Australian Garden History Society
    11.00am Morning Tea (by donation) Senior Citizens’ Rooms. Host: Friends of Wombat Hill Botanic Gardens
    11.30am “Unearthing our public garden history – The Ken Duxbury postcard collection.” Senior Citizens’ Rooms, Talk by Helen Page, horticulturist, foundation member Australian Garden History Society

    “Winter in the Gardens” is a joint project in partnership between The Friends of Wombat Hill Botanic Gardens, Daylesford & District Horticultural Society, Daylesford & District Historical Society, Daylesford & District Agricultural Society, Hepburn U3A, The Convent Daylesford, supported by Hepburn Shire Council and the Daylesford and District Community Bank.

    Friends of the Box-Ironbark Forests AGM

    When and Where: Monday 12 August 2024 at 7.30pm,  Castlemaine Senior Citizens Centre, Mechanics Lane, Castlemaine  

    Local ecologist Geoff Park will talk about Woodland birds in central Victoria – historical observations, current status and future prospects.

    Woodland birds are an iconic and special element of the box-ironbark forests and woodlands of central Victoria. The impacts of European settlement, from gold-mining to agricultural intensification, have contributed to a steady decline in species diversity and populations. This decline is now being exacerbated by the clear and present effects of climate change.

    Geoff’s talk will span some historical perspectives on what are now locally extinct or rare woodland bird species, discuss what we think we know about the current situation and consider options and possibilities for future conservation efforts.

    For more information: Friends of the Box-Ironbark Forests (FOBIF)

    Central Vic Climate Action Film Night

    Repair Cafes

    Castlemaine:  Sunday July 28th, and Sunday August 25th, 10am -1.00pm at Castlemaine Community House.

    For updates: https://www.facebook.com/groups/castlemainerepaircafe/

    Daylesford: Sunday August  18th, 1-4pm at Victoria park Pavillion.

    For updates: https://www.facebook.com/daylesfordrepaircafe/

    Creswick: Sunday August 18th, 1-4pm at Creswick Neighbourhood House


    Joan Kirner Landcare Award-  Winner: Marie Jones

    The Joan Kirner Landcare Award honours a long-term Landcarer in Victoria who has forged partnerships and inspired, encouraged, and mentored others to undertake on-ground action. Marie Jones is an exceptional grassroots environmental leader, who has been involved in Landcare for 30 years with Golden Point Landcare Group, Post Office Hill Action Group, Friends of the Box Ironbark Forest and Connecting Country.

    Marie has an impressive history of making things happen in Landcare through partnerships, advocacy, and delivery of on-ground projects, including at landscape scale. She has provided inspiration to others by finding innovative ways to involve the community in landcare, and mentoring and supporting many volunteers and staff.

    Winter 2024 edition of the Victorian Landcare & Catchment Management magazine is here! You can read Issue 87 online or download it in PDF forma

    First Nations

    Harcourt Organic Farming Coop- Listening to Djaara

    Here at Harcourt Organic Farming Co-op we have been working to listen and build a new relationship with Djaara, and new understanding of the history of this place. Here, Katie Finlay reflects on the process over the past couple of years that has led to “Supporting Djaara leadership and management at Leanganook” being included as a key component of our new Whole Farm Plan. We share it here not to pat ourselves on the back, but because we know it has already generated questions and interest from other farmers keen to take similar steps, and we’re committed to openly sharing the resources and process that we have worked on.

    Discovering the farm’s true history: When I was a little girl, I grew up riding my pony and walking all over Mount Alexander. I never heard it called Leanganook, and didn’t know that was its original name…. read more at : https://hofcoop.com.au/2024/07/11/listening-to-djaara/

    Sustainable Living Resources

    Community Electricity Offer- Hepburn Energy

    We’re piloting our community electricity offer with a small group of co-operative members.Our community electricity provides a closer link between our energy and what customers use at home. Our offer comes with 100% GreenPower, Melbourne-based support staff and tools to lower your energy use.

    Register here


    Castlemaine Seed Library- Mini Seed Swap

    The next working bee is Thursday 1st August, 11am, at the library, when we can all start thinking about what we want to plant in our Spring and Summer gardens.

    Bring your little ones along and grab some seeds. Bring seeds to swap, or just take some seeds away.


    Whole of Home Resilience project

    Mount Alexander shire is offering free energy efficiency and resilience home assessments to 150 households in the shire. Receive a free home energy and resilience assessment. Express your interest in a home assessment that will help us achieve a more energy and climate resilient shire.

    The assessments are designed to help participants understand the risks around natural hazards like bushfire, flood, storm and extreme heat, and prepare their homes accordingly. The project will look at a range of house types, old and new, with a variety of construction materials and techniques, for example weatherboard, brick, brick veneer.

    Data from the assessments will help us identify how to best support our community to prepare their homes against natural hazards.

    Expressions of interest close 31 July 2024

    Worm Farms Available in Hepburn Shire

    Council is offering a limited number of subsidised worm farms for $40 (including worms). Pop down to your local transfer station to give the worms a new home!

    What do you need? You will need to show proof of residency in the Shire.

    Keep your eyes open for subsidised compost bins, tumbler compost bins and pet poo composters coming soon.

    Find out when your local transfer station is open.


    At Jumpleads we have the privilege of witnessing inspiring communities in action throughout Australian regional towns. Every day we see people connecting, to learn & grow… sharing wisdom, experience, know how, skills, time & most importantly care. Local people are working to make their communities stronger & their towns more resilient.

    Check out this example from one of our recent local gatherings on young people leading the way

    Opportunities to join in: If you know us, like what we offer or even love our work, we’d hope to see you again soon  at one of our upcoming gatherings. If you haven’t made it to one of our FREE events please come along

    Building Community

    Castlemaine Free University – A Tale of Two Peoples

    Mount Alexander Affordable Housing Trust

    We’re progressing plans to make affordable housing possible for more people in our shire by establishing an affordable housing trust. The trust is an independent charitable organisation, which will hold land and funds for the development of affordable housing locally.

    We’re excited by the trust and its possibilities, but understand it’s complex, so we’ve created a space online where you can ask questions and get them answered by Council’s Housing Solutions Broker.

    Visit www.shape.mountalexander.vic.gov.au to find out more about the trust and ask us questions. We’ll also be holding face-to-face information sessions in the coming weeks.

    Learn more about the trust

    For the shire news: https://mountalexandershirecouncil.cmail20.com/

    Castlemaine Community Cooperative

    We are now 167 members STRONG.  Local lawyers have reviewed our Debenture Disclosure Statement.  Our final due diligence steps are mapped out ahead of launching on offer on the Hub.

    If you have skills and a bit of time, we could use some help with: conveyancing, accounting, migration of our documents to Microsoft 365 SharePoint, and planning a big launch and fundraising drive!

    Everyone is also welcome to our next Board meeting 9am Saturday 17th August at the Castlemaine Community House (Castlemaine Institute is moving!)

    Castlemaine Community Coop have been included in the CoPower 2024 democratically elected budget. CoPower is Australia’s cooperative energy not-for-profit electricity retailer. The revenue they generate is used to fight poverty, tackle the climate crisis and support communities. Customer members decide how revenue is spent. We are included in this year’s vote for $1,500 to help us leaflet households across our town about our upcoming campaign to buy the Hub. If you are a CoPower customer member, vote for us! If not, you can switch your energy to CoPower here and help disrupt the energy market for good.


    Degrowth Central Victoria

    Clever Town Crossword Challenge

    Clever Town Challenge
    Are you a crossword enthusiast, or want to improve your skills? Come along to our crossword challenges across the Shire on Saturday 3 August, from 10.30 – 1130am.

    • Creswick Library, Daylesford Library and Clunes Attitude

    Remember, no Googling or texting a friend, but reference books are allowed.

    The Spirit and the Sacred

    Yandoit Sacred

    Yandoit Sacred is gathering every 6 weeks at Yandoit’s historic Uniting church in the bush.  We gather again around things that matter, wisdom sharing and with time to connect to the earth and to each other. We’ll be exploring the sacred in our lives. All welcome.

    Our next gathering will be on Saturday afternoon, August 3rd at 2pm.at the Yandoit’s Uniting Church.

    For more information: nikki.marshall@mmnet.com.au or mob.  0432 232 073

    The Grail Chapel

    The Grail Chapel in Green Gully is home to the Castlemaine Johannine Community, a spiritual community that practises ‘pagan Christianity’: a spirituality based in the mystical tradition of St John, Mary Magdalene and the Rosicrucians, and grounded in deep reverence for the sacredness of the Earth and the wisdom of the ancient Celtic, Aboriginal and Native American spiritual traditions. Through both inner and outer work, we seek to collaborate with the impulse of Christ and Sophia to bring healing and renewal to our communities and the Earth. We meet monthly for Eucharist services and other special events shaped by the sacred calendar of the seasonal Christian and Celtic festivals.

    This month’s events include an Imbolc Eucharist on Sunday 5th August from 11am followed by a shared lunch. Imbolc is a seasonal Celtic festival that marks the midpoint between the Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. At this time, the light of the Sun is beginning to return as the days start to grow longer, and with it comes the first stirrings of new life.

    Where: the Grail Chapel, 75 McMillans Rd, Green Gully

    Cost: all events are free, donations are welcome. Enquiries: contact Ken Killeen on 0423 194 878 or email: johannine@hotmail.com

    Castlemaine Zen Winter Sesshin

    Registration for our upcoming Winter Sesshin led by Kynan Sutherland Roshi, is now open. Sesshin is an opportunity to become more intimate with oneself and our own experience. This is a gift to ourselves which becomes a gift to others.
    The venue (Fryerstown Primary School) is well set up for Sesshin, has a great wood heater and easily accessible amenities. If you have any special needs- dietary or otherwise please let us know. If you are coming from further afield and require accommodation we can help with that too. We look forward to coming together, sitting together in Sesshin.
    Dates: Thursday August 22 (4.30pm) — Sunday August 25 (5.30pm)
    Attendance: There are two ways to attend this sesshin: Residential and Non-residential.Residential means camping onsite in one of the many flat campsites with your own tent, sleeping bag and mattress. The Residential timetable is 4.30pm-8.30pm (Thursday), 4.30am-8.30pm (Friday to Saturday), 4.30-5.30 (Sunday). Vegetarian breakfast, lunch and supper is provided.Non-residential means you can sleep at home and drive in each day. The Non-residential timetable is 4.30pm-8.30pm (Thursday), 9am – 5.30pm (Friday to Sunday). Vegetarian lunch and supper is provided. You are welcome to stay on for the evening session if you decide to do so.Note that places are strictly limited to 20 people so be sure to register early to secure your place.
    Cost: Residential — $400 + Dana; Non-Residential— $300 + DanaNB. Concession rates and scholarships are available by request. If you are facing financial hardship please do not hesitate to contact our sesshin coordinator.
    Website: Full details can be found at: https://castlemainezen.com.au/events/sesshin2024

    Local Government News

    Hepburn Shire

    Community Voice- Hepburn Shire Future Forum

    May be an image of 5 people and text
    As the council elections approach in October, Community Voice is reigniting our collective spirit and inviting you to be a vital part of a movement for enhanced democratic participation and decision-making in Hepburn Shire. Join us for an invigorating strategy session and potluck lunch at Radius Gallery, 76 Main Rd Hepburn on Sunday, August 4th, 10:30 am–12:30 pm.

    Why Should You Attend?-

     Meet Your Candidate: Get to know some of the candidates running and learn how you can step forward to represent our community or encourage others to do so.
    📢 Shape Our Future: Voice your opinions on the values, policies, and causes that matter most to you.
    🔮 Forge a Vision Together: Help decide the future direction of our community group and whether we should adopt a new name and platform for ‘Community Voice’.
    💪 Contribute Your Talents: Discover ways to contribute your skills and time to the 2024 campaign and beyond.

    Hepburn Matters and Local Government Elections

    When and Where: Sunday 11 August, 11am -3pm; Paddock Room, Daylesford Neighbourhood Centre, 13 Camp St.

    An information day for those who: have decided to stand for Council;  are thinking about standing for Council; are thinking of encouraging others to stand; and are interested in obtaining more information.

    Running for Council and being elected needs to be considered carefully and this seminar has been designed to help assist you with your decision or with helping others. We have brought together a team of people to discuss their experiences on how to be elected, the challenges of being a candidate and how the one ward election works. Each has a unique insight into the process.

    Speakers are : Clair Ferres Miles, Independent candidate for Casey, past CEO of Sustainability Victoria, current CEO of Jobsbank. Clair will share her experience of running a campaign; Kate Redwood, Ex Councillor of Hepburn on being a candidate; Dr. Danny McDiarmid, Government expertise across all levels on getting elected, including how to put a support team together.

    Cost includes a light lunch: $40.00 for non-Hepburn Matters members. ( includes membership of Hepburn Matters if requested)
    $25.00 for Hepburn Matters members.

    RSVP : David Reilly 0419 985 245 or Jenny Beacham 0427 512 159 jennifer.beacham@gmail.com

    Pastures not Pavements

    Pastures Not Pavements is a grass-roots community-led group made up of farmers, residents, business owners and the wider community of people that are concerned about the Daylesford and Hepburn Spring Draft Structure Plan (April 2024). We want to preserve active farmland that is essential to maintaining the rural character of our townships and not succumb to unnecessary “greenfield development”. Because once it’s gone, it’s gone!

    As a community, we are coming together to articulate our key concerns and opposition to a town boundary expansion, provide resources for the community to use in making individual submissions to Council in response to this draft (by the deadline of 26 June 2024).

    And provide Council with innovative, sound and well considered alternative solutions direct from the community, for the future of Daylesford and Hepburn Springs and growth requirements that the community is naturally expected to have in the next coming decades.

    For more information: https://pasturesnotpavements.com/

    Hepburn Arts and Culture Strategy

    Council is pleased to present the first Arts and Culture Strategy for Hepburn Shire. It was endorsed at the June Council meeting and informed by many community feedback sessions and industry cultural standards. The strategy objectives are based on community needs and achievable positive outcomes for creative industries and the Museum sector.

    Valuable insight was sought from our Traditional Owners, DJAARA, who contributed significantly. Art and Culture has long been important in Hepburn Shire, with many artists and creative industry businesses residing in the Shire. We also have several Museums that hold Council collections that are run by dedicated volunteers.

    Mount Alexander Shire

    Really Local


    We’re a small group of locals interested in connecting community and government in Mount Alexander Shire. We believe that open, respectful dialogue between community, elected representatives, and people working in government is key to bettering communities for its people. (More about us)

    Next Really Local event is at Wesley Hill

    Want to make your voice heard? Local conversation about how Council works, what matters in Wesley Hill and how we can work together to influence.

    Date: Aug 4, 2024 2:00 PM- 4:00 pm  Location: Wesley Hill Hall
    Join us for a cup of tea and a casual and respectful conversation on:
    1. How council works and the role of Councillors
    2. Our priorities to take to Councillor candidates (sharing concerns and ideas)
    3. What we can do to make sure our voices are heard in Council

    In the October elections, Wesley Hill and surrounds will have two Councilors representing our end of Castlemaine (one from either side of Duke St). It’s an important opportunity to find someone local who can represent us and to have our voices heard about what is most important for Council to do over the next four years.

    For more information: https://www.reallylocal.au/

    Join the Affordable Housing Trust Advisory Committee

    Mount Alexander Shire Council is inviting community members to express their interest in joining the Advisory Committee to the Mount Alexander Affordable Housing Trust. The trust is an independent charitable organisation that will hold land and funds for the development of affordable housing locally. Council is looking for six representatives to advise the trust on housing needs in the shire, bring a range of professional expertise, and represent the community.

    Members of the advisory committee will:

    • Advise on affordable housing needs and opportunities in the shire.
    • Represent the community in an inclusive way that accounts for all affordable housing needs.
    • Present informed, balanced and fair advice based on objective evidence and broad engagement with the community.
    • Provide advice free from personal or representational bias.
    • Provide advice on potential projects, donation and funding opportunities in and for the community.

    To register your interest:

    Expressions of interest close Sunday 4th August at 11.59pm

    Let’s Work Together to Support Young People in our Shire

    Mount Alexander Shire Council is inviting the community to have their say on the services, programs, opportunities and challenges that affect young people aged 12-25. The feedback will be used to inform a new Youth Plan, which will outline Council’s commitment to supporting young people through its youth programs, initiatives, and events over the next four years. Council is inviting input from three different cohorts within the community – young people, parents and carers, and youth service providers.

    Through community consultation, Council is aiming to better understand:

    • The needs, issues and challenges facing young people and their families.
    • The gaps in local services.
    • How our shire could be a better place for young people and their families.

    To have your say, visit shape.mountalexander.vic.gov.au/youth-plan

    Workshops and Courses

    Castlemaine Permaculture Hub: Permaculture Design Course (PDC)

    Design a life that works for you, your community and the planet. This Permaculture Design Course (PDC) focuses on the application of permaculture to a wide range of situations. It’s not just about food growing (although that’s a big part of it). Local permaculture experts, Beck Lowe, Ian Lillington and Joel Meadows, will guide you through a 16-week course that may change your life! Taught through a combination of classroom sessions and site visits, the PDC course offers ways to:

    – Increase household resilience

    – Grow food where you live

    – Design gardens, farms and buildings

    – Lower your carbon footprint

    When and where: from Monday 29th July, 9.15am – 3.15pm for 16 weeks at the Northern Arts Hotel, Castlemaine.

    Cost: single payment of $1400/$990 concession or 2 monthly payments of $720/$500 concession

    Further information and registration: castlemainepermaculturehub.com.au/pdc/permaculture-design-course-mondays-july-to-november-2024/

    Healthy Landscapes Regenerative Agriculture Program

    Holistic Grazing Management Short Course

    Mount Alexander Shire Council is inviting local landowners to sign up for a Holistic Grazing Management short course. The course will assist landowners in improving their skills and knowledge about grazing livestock. It will also include discussions and six visits to various farms, a visit to each participant’s property to develop a plan, and online tutorials. The course is structured for large and small landholders with grazing livestock. Landholders in the Macedon Ranges Shire, Hepburn Shire, Mount Alexander Shire or the City of Greater Bendigo are eligible to attend.

    When and where: August 2024 – May 2025

    Cost: $150 per property.

    To apply: visit www.mountalexander.vic.gov.au/HealthyLandscapesApplications close Sunday 28th July.

    Healthy Landscapes free events

    Planting the right plant
    Date and time:
    Monday 29 July, 10.00am to 12.00pm
    Location: Lancefield Mechanics Institute
    Register: https://events.humanitix.com/planting-the-right-plant-understanding-evc-s-info-session

    Multi-species cropping
    Date and time: Friday 30 August, 3.30pm to 5.30pm
    Location: Woodstock West
    Register: https://events.humanitix.com/farm-walk-multi-species


    No letters this month…we welcome your ideas.

    Food for Thought

    Renewable energy: Are optimistic scenarios feasible? by Peter Yates- https://degrowthcentralvictoria.substack.com/

    What binds you? by Peter Yates  https://degrowthcentralvictoria.substack.com/

    SBS Audio’s Everything we need: a series of podcasts about communities leading the way on adapting to climate impacts and making change in their lives for the better. Read more here

    An  interview with Isabel Cavelier Adarve, winner of the 2022 Climate Breakthrough Award,

    Isabel explains how she unexpectedly became a climate negotiator for the Colombian government in 2011 and how she approaches self-care in order to “stay with the trouble.” She also shares her path to realizing that “solving” the climate crisis requires a transformation in how we relate with one another and the more-than-human world.



    The Nightingale’s Song– An Interview with Sam Lee- In this interview, which weaves conversation, song, and the music of nightingales, folk singer Sam Lee speaks about the transformative experience of collaborating with nightingales, the stories of ancestors passed through folk music, and the space for communion that is opened with silence:  https://emergencemagazine.org/interview/the-nightingales-song

    Milkwood– Skills for Living like it Matters: https://www.milkwood.net

    North Central Catchment Management Authorityhttps://www.nccma.vic.gov.au/media/documents/North_Central_Chat-_July_2024.pdf

    Beyond the Horizon of Possibility workshop practice will help you to make sustainability transitions feel possible and to create a local context in which interest can turn into action, together with others. https://practise.transitionmovement.org/

    Joan Scheckel, a master storyteller with a preternatural gift for story structure, emotional rhythm and throughline. A deep dive into storytelling as a means to heal and connect rather than generate conflict.  https://www.smallgiants.com.au/wisdom-and-action-podcast

    Shades of Green: Finding a Middle Path Through the Forest by Chrissy Sharp – A book review by David Holmgren

    Feminine Futures – a program by Local Futures in collaboration with Schumacher College, UK – as well as other upcoming events.

    Dive deep into the global-to-local worldview with Charles Eisenstein and Diego Isabel la Moneda in our newest Planet Local Voices episodes.

    Sharpen your big-picture perspective with two new blogposts from Local Futures that get under the skin of mainstream (mis)representations of global trade and climate change.

    Continue reading →
  • July 2024 Newsletter

    Degrowth aims to reframe economies away from socially and ecologically destructive growth. Sustainability means that everyone’s needs and Earth’s ecological needs must be met, neither more nor less. This means transforming everyday practices and cultures to restore and preserve the regenerative capacities of Earth and of our collective selves.

    (from Degrowth Central Victoria  –  a collective supporting degrowth aims and practices in our local area) 

    Welcome to the July edition of Localising Leanganook’s e-newsletter.  In this month’s newsletter our feature article is Anitra Nelson’s opening remarks at the  Degrowth Central Victoria launch held in May this year.  The newsletter also includes regular updates on upcoming local events for the month of July plus activities that contribute towards localisation.  We hope you enjoy it.

    Cheers, Nikki, Keppel, and Laurel

    Note to Contributors and Readers

    As you can see, Localisising Leanganook’s e-news continues to grow from strength to strength reaching more than 700 subscribers. The monthly newsletter  includes an ever expanding range of localising events, programs and creative initiatives  in  our central Victorian region.  If you’ve got items for inclusion in future editions, let our editing team know – (nikki.marshall@mmnet.com.au). To help our editing team please email through information you’d like included in the following format:

    • program/project/event name plus date, time and location if relevant
    • summary of event/issue/program, in word format,
    • accompanying photo as a jpeg or png

    July’s edition includes:

    1. Special Feature: Degrowth Central Victoria Launch
    2. Arts and Culture
    3. Food Growing, Farming and Food Security
    4. Ecology and Environment
    5. First Nations
    6. Sustainable Living Resources
    7. Building Community
    8. Local Government News
    9. Workshops and Courses
    10. Letters
    11. Food for Thought

    1. Special Feature: Degrowth Central Victoria Launch- Opening Remarks by Anitra Nelson 

    Degrowth Central Victoria was launched as a Castlemaine Free University Event on May 13th this year. Here’s an edited extract of Anitra Nelson’s opening remarks:

    “Welcome everyone to this Degrowth Central Victoria launch session of Castlemaine Free University (CFU). Tonight we have four speakers on degrowth and degrowth activities here in Central Victoria. I am wearing two hats tonight, one as the CFU convenor and the other as an active participant in Degrowth Central Victoria. We’ll each speak for 5–10 minutes. Then we’d love to hear your thoughts, suggestions and questions about degrowth.

    Free universities foster free and open access to knowledge and skill sharing. Free universities are based on social and ecological values and creativity, principles guiding our Castlemaine program. We can make these sessions free because speakers donate their time free and Northern Arts Hotel offers this venue and their support staff free. Even though CFU has been operating for a few years, it has been accepted as an activity of Degrowth Central Victoria because CFU has strong social and ecological values and encourages open discussion, creative responses and is guided by degrowth participatory approaches.

    First, we acknowledge that Australia is founded on the genocide and dispossession of First Nations people. We pay our respects to Elders past and present of the Dja Dja Wurrung peoples of Djaara Country. Sovereignty has never been ceded. It always was, and always will be, Aboriginal land. This acknowledgement of Country, its custodians and caretakers is very relevant to degrowth. When this continent now known as Australia was invaded by peoples from the other side of the world, the very localised, interconnected, culturally rich and sophisticated ecologically sustainable practices of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders were disrupted and largely destroyed. There were around 500 distinctive nations, 250 languages and 600 dialects in the late 18th century, when the singular English language and standardised capitalist practices of private property and production for trade, money and profits was inflicted on peoples whose descendants now only make up around three per cent of Australia’s population. Today they identify with around 250 ‘mobs’ with distinctive connections with Country and cultures.

    Meanwhile, life in mainstream Australia and much of the planet, is typified by late capitalism with the flagship of economic growth – growing gross domestic product (GDP), growing productivity, growing profits. In contrast, degrowth is a movement which addresses the two great challenges of capitalism today – growing economic and socio-political inequities, and growing ecological unsustainabilities. One example is inequities and unsustainabilities in housing, the scarcity of affordable, secure and ecologically sustainable housing.

    Degrowth aims to reframe and recreate economies that respect Earth’s regenerative limits so as to achieve socio-political equity and ecological sustainability. This means improving disadvantaged people’s access to basic needs while reducing excess production and consumption by privileged others. Degrowth is about everyone getting enough. And, ‘enough is enough’. Degrowth encourages what we call ‘frugal abundance’ instead of over-consumption. While growth imaginaries focus on quantity, degrowth is about quality and conviviality. Degrowth is about living one-planet footprints in more attractive ways than we do today, with the average Australian living a four-planet footprint. The degrowth movement actively works for much greater political participation, diversity in ecological systems and landscapes, and a flourishing of creativity, care and commoning – all using renewable energy and materials.

    The international degrowth movement has risen to prominence over the last two decades. I’ve been active in it since May 2012 when I participated in the first international degrowth conference of the America in Montreal. I’ve collaborated on writing a degrowth book – Exploring Degrowth: A Critical Guide – and co-edited two collections, Housing for Degrowth and Food for Degrowth.

    Although Australian academics have integrated degrowth thinking into their approaches to more sustainable and equitable futures, the activist Degrowth Network Australia was not launched until early last year at the 2023 National Sustainability Festival. Now it’s quite active. Indeed ten campers from Degrowth Network Melbourne spent several days at Butts Reserve at the base of Mt Tarrengower recently, engaging with Degrowth Central Victoria folk, doing practical work such as planting, discussing and doing exercises around some ‘essentials’ research.

    We’re exploring ‘essentials’ for everyday life here in our local community, identifying what are essentials; how we can concentrate on essential work; and assessing how many essential goods and services are produced locally. We’re starting to run a series of workshops and to ask people to keep diaries for a short period of time on identifying all our household’s different essentials. Our first workshop is at Northern Arts Hotel in Castlemaine on Monday 3 June at 6pm as a CFU session of 90 mins. Anyone interested in being involved can request more details by emailing degrowthcentralvic@proton.me

    I just want to finish this introductory talk by pointing out the obvious – that there have been many degrowth activities here in Central Victoria that predate our recent formation as an active degrowth group. There are activities such as the Castlemaine Repair café, YIMBY composting and Friends of Box Ironbark Forests (FoBIF). We could go on pointing to programs and practices that exist and express degrowth values and aims. Still we felt that a dedicated Degrowth Central Victoria group would help impress the importance of minimising our use of nature and treasuring our social relationships. This is especially the case as green appliances and technologies, such as electric cars, are seeing us continue to exploit nature when we should, instead, be minimising our impacts. Degrowth encourages using our legs and bikes. And, given that many of us in this rural region rely on cars, we would love to see efforts put into sharing electric cars and electric public transport.

    On Friday 28 June again at 6pm here at Northern Arts Hotel we have Marisa Holmes, the Brooklyn NY based filmmaker, activist and author of Organizing Occupy Wall Street: This is Just Practice in conversation with the Friends of the Earth campaigns Coordinator Cam Walker. Hope to see you there then.”

    2. Arts and Culture

    Newstead Arts Hub

    Winter Festival @ the Hub  

    • Workshop: Charcoal Painting, Stories from the Fire, Sat 29 June 10am-3.30pm Book now!
    • Concert: Jo Huf – Electro pop to Bossa Nova, Fri 5 July 7pm Book now!
    • Exhibition: Pleinair… Belinda Prest…Saul Roche, 6-21 July Sat & Sun 10am-4pm
    • 150th Celebration of the Newstead Railway! Sun 7 July, 2.30pm
    • Movie Night – Spears from All Sides: Sat 13 July, 7pm
    • Movie Night + Directors Q&A, Stephen Amis – Defend Conserve Protect: Sat 20 July, 7pm
    • Concert: Medieval to Modern, Buninyong Players: Sun 21 July, 2.30pm
    • Writers Talk: ‘Never bore an audience’: Fri 26 July, 6.30pm
    • De-Stash Market: Sat 27 July 10am-3pm. Book a stall!

    For more details and how to book or head to our website to read more! To become a member of the Hub and receive discounts on ALL these fabulous events go HERE 

    Bliss Bombs Burlesque

    The Bliss Bombs are back with more tantalising comedy burlesque at the Maldon in Winter Festival this July.
    Bliss Bombs Burlesque presents In the Spotlight!
    Maldon in Winter Festival
    Tongue-in-cheeky Comedy Cabaret from the Queens of Tease.
    A sumptuous and hilarious night out!
    Friday 5th July & Saturday 6th July
    7:00pm Doors open for drinks at bar
    7:30pm Show starts

    Performing sultry cabaret, dance and tease with lashings of vintage costume and cheeky comedy. The Bliss Bombs have been wowing audiences for years with sell-out shows at the Castlemaine State Festival, Castlemaine Fringe, Chill Out, regional tours and The Grande – Hepburn Springs.

    To make the night a real occasion, dress to impress in your vintage glamour and book a table with friends.
    Drinks available at the bar, and patrons may bring their own grazing platter.

    According to Weekend Notes the Bliss Bombs are:
    “Tantalising …. these women are comic geniuses…. there wasn’t a man or woman in the audience who wasn’t totally blown away by their performance.”

    Bookings essential on: https://www.trybooking.com/CSKRO
    18 yrs+
    LOCATION: Maldon Progress Hall, Community Centre
    6 Francis Street, Maldon Victoria

    Venie Holmgren Environmental Poetry Prize Open

    Entries for the Venie Holmgren Environmental Poetry Prize are open until Sunday August 4th. The winner will be announced at Daylesford’s Words in Winter Festival.  The judges for the 2024 Prize are Tim Loveday and Jodi Vial. You can read the details and enter your poem here:  https://holmgren.com.au/news/launched-the-2024-venie-holmgren-environmental-poetry-prize/ 

    Club CDoc

    Club CDoc membership is for our vibrant network of makers and lovers of every shape of documentary.
    It’s a way of supporting the Festival that comes with lots of perks, including:

    • Access: a free six-month subscription to documentary streaming service DocPlay. Only applies to the first 100 to sign up.
    • Discounts: Enjoy reduced prices on tickets and events.
    • Early Bird Access: Get your tickets before they’re available to the general public.
    • Special Events: Gain exclusive entry to member-only screenings, networking events and discussions.
    • Members-Only Newsletter: Stay informed with updates and stories curated just for you.

    Annual subscription $45/ $35  Membership is free for First Nations people. To apply, email hello@cdocff.com.au

    Club CDoc continues our deep dives into documentaries and connects you to an uplifting community that guides creators, shapes ideas and inspires conversations.

    Ceramics Collection at Daylesford Museum



    A new collection prepared by local ceramicists is now on show at the Daylesford Museum. Launched in May, the exhibition is staged as a mock dinner party, the table replete with ceramics and the guest of honour is local ceramicist, Petrus Spronk, who helped bring this collection together with museum curator Gary Lawrence.

    Open on SATURDAY’s 11.00 AM – 3.00 PM,  OR BY APPOINTMENT

    100 Vincent St, Daylesford VIC 3460- (3 doors down from the Post Office)
    ENTRY FEE Adults $5, Children free

    Radius Gallery- Hepburn Springs- Exhibitions, Pop up Cinema, Local makers Art Store

    Thur / Fri / Sat 10am – 4pm- 76 Main Rd,  Hepburn Springs

    We showcase and promote local artists through curated exhibitions, events and an online store. We foster creative learning with workshops, classes and the exchange of skills and expertise. We encourage the curious mind within us all.

    We understand that art is subjective and not all art is beautiful. Art may challenge us, confound us and make us think. We are inspired by the artists, ideas and creative possibilities that flourish in our amazing community.


    This years fundraiser is for the beloved Swiss Italian Festa is a screening of the touching film Loves Brother.  Filmed on location in Daylesford & Hepburn, join us for a cosy night in the gallery. Tickets will be for sale online soon.  Limited seats.  Register your interest below.

    28th July – Doors Open 6pm


    For more information: https://www.radiusart.com.au/

    Northern Arts Hotel

    THE COOLROOM DIARY [Click on links for event details]
    MUSIC GIGS  [Usually at 7.30pm, Sunday 5.30pm]

    Saturday 29 June | Peter & the Wolves: Hibernation Hootenanny
    Friday 19 July 7.30pm | Aether + Vassallo Album Launch – Unbroken
    Saturday 20 July 7.30pm | Blue Tango Live at The Coolroom
    Saturday 27 July 7.30pm | Maggie Jackson NY Jazz Trio | Lush Jazz…always
    Saturday 3 August 7.30pm | Kavisha Mazzella Trio | Italian Songs
    Sunday 30 June 2.30pm | Sunday Secret Movie Matinee
    Saturday 6 July 7.30pm | Film Freedom is Beautiful | RAR Castlemaine
    Sunday 21 July 3.25pm | Cinema Nova Carlton | To Thank The Room
    Friday 28 June 6pm | CFU: Organising Occupy Wall Street
    Thursday 18 July 4pm | Maine-ly Ukes
    Thursday 18 July 7.30pm | Guildford Folk Club at The Coolroom
    Monday 22 July | 16 weeks | Permaculture Design Course Starts
    Ongoing | Ethiopia, Hudad Plateau: A Self Portrait Series
    Every Tuesday | Potluck Dinner from 7pm

    3. Food Growing, Farming and Food Security

    Harcourt Organic Farming Co-op – Sharing the Research on Small Farm Viability

    The Orchard keepers team, Hugh, Katie, Fruit Crew & Friday Crew vollies at Harcourt Organic Farming Co-op have been really industrious with recent webinars and short films celebrating the relaunch of the Co-op early June including the screening of a new short film about their journey and achievements.  They’d been working with Mitch at MDP Photography & Video and were excited to share the results!   As well they shared their new collaborative farming resources with tools and guides to support sustainable farming practices. You can also download thr Small-Farm Viability Casestudy Report.  Read more here.

    They gained some valuable insights into what they have been working on, opportunities and ‘what’s next’ for the Co-op.  ‘They shared one of their final grant puzzle pieces this week, developed through our Innovate to Regenerate grant from WWF Australia.  You can also read about Sellar Dairy hitting their target of ten milkers here  and the Orchard Keepers Season Update: A Year of Fruit and Community (and cake) here

    Two Fold Bakehouse- Local Bread for the Local Community

    Why join our bread family?

    By ordering Thursday bread you are joining our bread family of farmers, millers and bakers who work to regenerate the land and value small scale, local food systems. Your support means we can bake to order, with no bread going to waste.

    Where can you buy our bread?

    THURSDAY BREAD, WEEKLY; ordered online weekly as a one off, or monthly as a subscription with pick up each Thursday from Daylesford, Yandoit or Kyneton hubs.

    DATES 2024

    June 30th, July 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th

    Fresh bread every Thursday from 3:30pm


    4. Ecology and Environment

    Rose Robins in Winter


    In Natural Newstead’s blog Geoff Park writes : ‘What a delight to spend some time today with some Rose Robins.  One of our most spectacular winter migrants it has been a couple of years since I’ve had the pleasure of recording one. The Australian Bird Guide the definitive field guide to Australian birds, notes the following about the Rose Robin … Breeds in tall wet sclerophyll forest and rainforest with a dense mid-storey, especially gullies with large acacias such as Silver Wattle …

    Read on

    Biolinks Re-wilding Seminar

    Join us for our Rewilding Central Victoria Webinar with special guest presenter, Annette Rypalski, Biodiversity Director at Odonata Foundation. Annette will provide insights into what it takes to ‘rewild’ Central Victoria and move towards a nature-positive future for our region.  Don’t miss this webinar exploring what ‘rewilding’ means in Central Victoria.
    Date: Thursday 27 June 2024
    Time: 6-6.45pm (AEST)
    Location: Online via Zoom Register here (spaces are limited)

    Photo credit: © Dave Watts 

    Read more 

    EV day at Newstead Enviroshop – July 6

    Seeing EVs in the showroom is one thing, but talking to the owners of the vehicles is better. EV Insights sessions will feature a particular EV at Newstead Enviroshop and a discussion with their owner about all aspects of their EV experience. Sessions will be held once a month on Saturday mornings throughout 2024. To provide an opportunity for a close encounter with the vehicle and the owner (minus any showroom sales pitch) a maximum of 25 guests per session can be accommodated. Please click here to register for the July 6 session with Martin Hurley and his BYD Atto 3.


    Wombat Forest Care


    June Newsletter: https://www.wombatforestcare.org.au/newsletters/WombatForestcareNewsletter68_Jun_24.pdf



    Bird of the Month

    A partnership between Connecting Country and BirdLife Castlemaine District

    Australasian Grebe (Tachybaptus novaehollandiae)

    Australasian Grebes hold a special place in my heart, simply because they have such cute fluffy bums and can often be seen on dams. They are seemingly half fish, spending their lives on or under water. They nest on rafts and can spend long periods under the water foraging. On land they are quite ungainly and walk very awkwardly. And then there’s the chicks, the cutest striped balls of fluff riding on a parent’s back, tucked safely away in a bed of living feathers.

    Appearance can vary quite a bit. In the breeding season, both males and females have a glossy-black head with a chestnut stripe on the face extending from behind the eye through to the base of the neck and a distinctive yellow patch below the eye. In contrast, the non-breeding plumage of both sexes is dark grey-brown above with silver-grey below and lacks the distinctive yellow patch. Juveniles are quite different again, with camouflage-type black stripes on grey plumage.

    Juveniles are quite different again, with camouflage-type black stripes on grey plumage. Photo: Damian Kelly

    They are adaptable and can be found in varying habitats from small farm dams to larger bodies of water. Food includes fish, snails and aquatic arthropods usually collected by diving. Grebes are also known to eat their downy feathers and feed feathers to their young. Various reasons have been suggested for this behaviour ranging from aiding digestion to assisting the formation of pellets to help eject fish bones, but definitive reasons are yet to be determined.

    Grebes are known to be quite mobile and will fly to new areas as water levels change. Flight is generally undertaken at night. They have also colonized New Zealand in recent times.

    The Australasian grebe is common on freshwater lakes and rivers in greater Australia, New Zealand and on nearby Pacific islands. Photo: Damian Kelly

    Nests are a floating mound of vegetation that is usually attached to a submerged branch or other fixed object. Over a season, two or three clutches of 3-5 eggs are laid. At times two females may lay in the same nest.  Young can swim from birth and are fed by both parents. However, if a second clutch is laid the young of the previous brood are driven away. To hear the call of the Australasian Grebe, please click here

    5. First Nations

    Supporting First Nations solidarity -Liyanganyuk Banyul

    Image of the Boorp-Boorp-Boondyil permanent exhibition, Market Building Castlemaine.

    A local network has recently formed connecting Mount Alexander community members with a shared commitment to First Nations justice, self-determination, anti-racism, and ongoing learning and action in solidarity with First Nations people.

    The network aspires to keep up to date and to connect with struggles for self-determination and justice across the continent. The network has the support of Senior Djaara Elder Uncle Rick Nelson (who also approved the name) and other local First Nations people.

    There are three ways people can engage with the network:

    • Join the WhatsApp Community – a space to share resources and ideas and to make announcements across the network
    • Quarterly in-person gatherings – will be organised using an ‘open space’ model where you can bring issues or themes for discussion or action planning
    • Occasional newsletter – you can sign up to a mailing list here

    The group has developed proposed principles to guide the network, including meetings and online interactions. The network will grow and develop responsively to strengthen accountability to First Peoples and the needs and possibilities that arise.

    For more information contact: solidarity.liyanganyuk@gmail.com

    6. Sustainable Living Resources

    Repair Cafes

    Daylesford: Sunday July 21st, 1-4pm at Victoria park Pavillion. The July cafe includes a chain-saw sharpening workshop.

    Castlemaine:  Sunday July 28th, 10am -1.00pm at Castlemaine community House

    Creswick: Sunday July 21st, 1-4pm at Creswick Neighbourhood House

    International Repair Cafe Webinar

    Date: Mon, Jun 24, 2024 at 8:05 PM
    Subject: Repair Cafe webinar on Friday, July 12 (4-6 PM CET)

    This two-hour online event will cover various topics. For example, we will hear more about the Repair Cafe movement in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand. We will also focus on data collection at Repair Cafes: why is this important, and how are the data being used? Speakers from several countries will share their views.  Read more and register: The webinar is in English. More information about the programme can be found on our website. There you can also register for the webinar.

    Goldfields Libraries Newsletter



    Grounded- AirBnB- From a Housing Problem to a Solution

    Grounded’s first report has been released, Airbnb: From a housing problem to solution. It highlights the concerns raised by rampant Airbnb growth. No wonder there’s nowhere to rent, the equivalent of 74% of new housing supply has gone towards short term rentals over the last decade. Why has this happened? The net profits in Airbnb properties are 81% higher than traditional rentals.

    This is world first research, with a cap ‘n trade system proposed to cap Airbnbs, reduce their number, auction off operational licences and channel the funding towards CLTs – of course. A lot of thinking has gone into it, as you can see in the Cap ‘n Trade Explainer. Alan Kohler references it here. Thankfully he has retweeted it. We need lots of that so please read the report and share with your networks.

    See where your favourite holiday destination ranked


    For more information: https://grounded.org.au/

    Renewable Newstead and Flow Home Electricity

    Renewable energy at competitive prices. You can help speed up Australia’s adoption of cleaner, cheaper energy by joining the Flow Home electricity plan, you’ll join a 100% GreenPower certified plan that’s linked to the Newstead Energy Project.

    That means the Newstead Energy Project will send a kilowatt of green energy back into the grid for every kilowatt of energy you use, effectively offsetting your electricity’s carbon footprint. We’ll link your energy use to the Newstead Energy Project – the local, renewable generator championed by your community. Our solar farm with back-up battery will be connected to the grid for supply security and will offer electricity at competitive rates from our partner, Flow Power. Generating as much clean electricity as is consumed each year, the first stage of the two-stage solar farm will reduce Newstead’s annual CO2-equivalent emissions by about 5750 tonnes/year.

    Want to learn more? If you’d like to learn more about the offer or its terms and conditions, https://flowpower.com.au/our-service/

    7. Building Community

    Castlemaine Free University

    Maldon Heritage Network – Why does it Matter?


    When: Saturday 6 July 2024 at 1.30 pm

    Where: Maldon Community Centre, 6 Francis Street, Maldon

    Maldon Heritage Network is hosting a free public presentation titled ‘Maldon’s Heritage: Why Does it Matter?’ on  at the Maldon Community Centre.


    Degrowth Central Victoria- Essential workshop

    Our follow-up workshop which is especially for those who took away diaries – another 90-minute workshop at 6 pm on Monday 1 July at Northern Arts Hotel in Castlemaine.
    Please don’t feel bad if you have found it difficult or impossible to do your diary entries – we love you all the same and you are invited to the follow-up workshop which has more to it than the opportunity to report on that experience. We will propose plans for moving ahead with this Essentials Research project.

    We will have some short talks on ‘voluntary simplicity to collective sufficiency’ (Peter Yates) and ‘barriers to action’ (Lucy Young). And discuss topics for public talks and working groups, which will be announced in future DCV e-news and open to all.

    Actions for future DCV working groups include developing a set of tool libraries (such as for farming, gardening, kitchen, and so on), which we’d like further ideas on. Also let’s brainstorm details for the DCV site Directory page listing each by name with a URL link to detail and/or a contact. If you want to send ideas ahead of of the workshop – some of you mentioned ideas – please send details to degrowthcentralvic@proton.me
    Finally we are talking with other locals on a partnered activity to map sustainable futures locally — more on that too!

    Castlemaine Community Cooperative

    Castlemaine Community Coop is now 150 MEMBERS strong and has raised $10,000 for Hub due diligence checks, meaning we reached our fundraising goal!!  Our focus remains on increasing our member base, so please keep helping us spread the word (only 2 more weeks to become a founding member!).

    It’s full steam ahead now with the due diligence activities for the Hub.

    • We have a new donations page on the website https://castlemaine.coop/donations/
    • We have a new bookkeeper (local Stu!)
    • We will hold another Working Bee on launch activities for the Hub offer – details in the next update
    • We are exploring an institutional membership, so we can attract investment from other funders.

    Yandoit Sacred

    Around 30 locals gathered at Yandoit’s old Uniting Church in the bush on Saturday June 22nd to learn about the remarkable 16th century Spanish mystic,  Teresa of Avila, who created the silent order of Carmelites.

    All are welcome to our next gathering in early August- date to be confirmed.

    Email : nikki.marshall@mmnet.com.au if you are interested.


    Future Ready Libraries


    8. Local Government News

    Really Local

    Really Local is mobilising community in Mt Alexander shire ahead of the October local government elections. We are a small group of Mount Alexander locals, interested in connecting community and government in our Shire. We’re calling ourselves Really Local, at least for now (we have grown out of a similar group, Democracy for Dinner, which formed in Castlemaine in 2010 to build grassroots democracy).

    Our focus for 2024 is to increase understanding of council, amplify community voices and to encourage people to run for council in the October elections. We have no funding, no political alignment or policies we want to push.  (We are exploring with the Mount Alexander Shire Council on whether they can partner with us on some of this, so if they can, we will let you know!)

    We think Mount Alexander is a pretty awesome community, with some of the most diversity in any regional area. We believe that diversity makes us stronger and old and new together makes us better. We believe we need to meet everyone’s needs, not just the loudest. (More about us here)

    Really local is holding a series of events focused around: What matters locally? Who is responsible for what? What does your council do anyway? What is it like inside a Council meeting? These events will be fun, interactive and include current and past councillors, and people who just want to find out more, and kick off future conversations. The first event was held on June 25th at the Taproom in Castlemaine.

    Starting in July, they’ll cover topics like:

    • What do people love about Mount Alexander Shire?
    • What (if anything) they want to change?
    • What people want in their local Council representatives?

    We’re starting in Maldon in July, and are also planning conversations in Wesley Hill and elsewhere in Castlemaine. Get in touch  if you’d like to help host local conversations

    View our website


    Shire News-  Mt Alexander Shire:


    Hepburn Matters

    Hepburn Matters believes a strong, pro-active, transparent Hepburn Council is in the best interests of the community. The outcome the Council election in November this year is critical to what happens  in our community over the next 4 years.

    We are endeavouring to identify candidates who can lead our community, who have a clear vision for Daylesford and Hepburn with goals about what they wish to achieve over their four years as a councillor.

    As a group we will advocate for our long-stated objective for community assets that deliver long term, intergenerational benefits for a connected and thriving local community within the Hepburn Shire.

    We need councillors: – who can provide an authoritative public voice in addition to the Council Officers and speak for our community in a thoughtful way; who will take a balanced and needs based approach in relation to community assets for Hepburn Shire, considering ageing infrastructure, community interests/needs, particularly in areas of the shire where community assets/infrastructure have not been upgraded for a long time; who will ensure that community members are consulted in an appropriate, systematic and regular manner;-who support the attainment of Community Spaces that foster community cohesion, including opportunities for performances, film and meetings for all citizens and in particular for young people;-who work to facilitate the provision of information, research, discussion, and Community action to maintain and preserve the Heritage of the Shire; who provide a sounding board and facilitate alternative pathways for community projects, In particular, A revamped and modern library for Daylesford and Hepburn, Public Toilets in Vincent Street Daylesford, Promotion of Local Products & Local Businesses & Local Art in Hepburn Shire.

    Hepburn Matters is meeting regularly. The Next meeting Sunday 30 June, Daylesford Bowling Club Upstairs 4-5.30pm. Please RSVP if possible. 

    For further information or to express interest email: hello@hepburnmatters.com

    Community Satisfaction Survey results for Hepburn Shire Council

    State-wide Community Satisfaction Survey results released earlier this week show that resident perceptions of services provided by Hepburn Shire results have improved in a number of areas but are still well below par compared with averages for Victoria and for small rural councils in the state. On seven of the 17 measures evaluated, Council performance was rated on par with state-wide and small rural group averages. On most other areas however, Council performance was rated significantly lower than both group averages.

    Performance perceptions on most service areas evaluated remained stable or improved significantly compared to 2023 results. However, in the two service areas which rated lowest of the 17 areas assessed, planning and building permits and sealed local roads, perceptions declined significantly.

    Council’s overall performance (49) rated statistically significantly lower than both the Small Rural group of Victorian councils (53) and the State-wide average of all councils (54). Council’s top performing areas were waste management, tourism development, appearance of public areas and recreational facilities although the latter two rated significantly lower than average ratings for small rural shires.

    Council’s lowest performing areas were sealed local roads, planning and building permits and slashing and weed control. All of these were significantly below the small rural council average.

    One in five residents (21%) rated the value for money they receive from Council in infrastructure and services as ‘very good’ or ‘good’. Almost twice as many rated Council as ‘very poor’ or ‘poor’ (39%). A further 35% rate Council as ‘average’ in providing value for money.

    (Image and story from the Wombat Post, 28/6/24)

    9. Workshops and Courses

    Personal Growth Workshop: Explore Family Dynamics

    SUN JULY 7TH – 9.30 – 4.30pm

    This workshop explores the dynamics within yourself and your family system. Counsellor and Art Therapist Amy Jones lives locally and has been a part of the constellations community since 2019.

    Cost by suggested donation $35 full, $25 concession

    Radius Art. 76 Main Rd. Hepburn Springs

    To join please contact Amy Jones Roberts amyjonesroberts@yahoo.com.au 0418 801 714

    More information



    10. Letters

    No letters for this month. Your letters are always welcomed.

    11. Food for Thought


    Cost of Living Maphttps://www.getup.org.au/campaigns/democracy/cost-of-living-map


    First edition of the Global State of Direct Democracy Report! This report spotlights the events and trends of direct democracy in 2023, exploring legal provisions, recent referendums, reforms, and key academic publications in English related to the topic Read report here

    World Localisation day films:

    Closer to Home features leading localization voices from across the world, including Bayo Akomolafe, Rupert Read, Rutendo Ngara, Iain McGilchrist, Vandana Shiva and many more- Watch now

    Showcasing 30+ community groups and businesses, organizations and networks on five continents working towards healthy and fair local economies, communities and food systems, The Power of Local is eclectic, hands-on, and super inspiring- Watch now




    Continue reading →
  • June 2024 newsletter

    What is clear is that the Earth is mandating that the human community assume a responsibility never assigned to any previous generation… Our task at this critical moment is to awaken the energies needed to create the new world and to evoke the universal communion of all parts of life.
    (Thomas Berry, priest and cultural historian)

    Earth Democracy connects people in circles of care, co-operation and compassion instead of dividing them through competition and conflict, fear and hatred.
    (Vandana Shiva, scientist, environmental activist and food sovereignty advocate)

    Welcome to the June edition of Localising Leanganook’s e-newsletter.  We recently decided that we would include interviews in this newsletter to spotlight some of the many local people who are doing exciting, inspiring things in our community and beyond. These will alternate with the articles from local writers that we have been featuring at the head of each edition. In this month’s newsletter, we are kicking this off with an interview with Dan and Nicola from Open Fields Co-Living Homestead in Muckleford, along with our regular update on upcoming local events and a selection of interesting articles we have come across over the past month. We hope you enjoy it.

    Cheers, Nikki, Keppel, and Laurel

    Note to Contributors and Readers

    As you can see, Localisising Leanganook’s e-news grows from strength to strength reaching more than 700 subscribers. The monthly newsletter  includes an ever expanding range of localising events, programs and creative initiatives  in  our central Victorian region.  If you’ve got items for inclusion in the July or future editions, let our editing team know – (nikki.marshall@mmnet.com.au). To help our editing team please email through information you’d like included in the following format:

    • program/project/event name plus date, time and location if relevant
    • summary of event/issue/program, in word format,
    • accompanying photo as a jpeg or png

    June’s edition includes:

    1. Special Feature: Open Fields Co-Living Interview
    2. Arts and Culture
    3. Food Growing, Farming and Food Security
    4. Ecology and Environment
    5. First Nations
    6. Sustainable Living Resources
    7. Building Community
    8. Local Government News
    9. Workshops and Courses
    10. Letters
    11. Food for Thought

    Special Feature: Open Fields Co-Living Interview

    Nicola and Dan are founding members of Open Fields Co-Living Homestead, an innovative new intentional community in Mount Alexander Shire. Situated on 10 acres in Muckleford, Open Fields is based on the model of a single, shared dwelling with communal kitchen, living room and garden. I spoke with them as they were putting the final finishing touches on the building in preparation for moving in with fellow residents in the coming weeks.

    Keppel: could you both tell me a bit about yourselves and what brought you to the point where you are now with creating this co-living homestead?

    Nicola: It’s been a dream that’s been percolating for a long time, but I think a good way to summarise it is that we both identify as activists, or we used to be activists, and we got pretty tired of fighting against things that we don’t want to see, and wanted to create what we do want to see, and this was a big part of that. It seemed to tick a whole lot of boxes. We just want to live in a way that is better for the planet, but we think that this way of living is better for people as well.  We wanted to create that and see if it was possible, and show other people that it’s possible.

    Dan: I was in a number of organisations, most recently Extinction Rebellion but also Earthworker and Food Sovereignty Alliance in the past, and I think often those organisations need support days and integration days if they’re planning a year, planning actions or coming together to rejuvenate, and so thinking about our property as not just housing or farming, but being there to support activists to come and camp and use the facilities, and be integrated into that broader network of people fighting for important causes.

    Keppel: Thinking about the housing model that you’ve created, what was it about that model (co-living under one roof) that appealed to you? Because there are more or less interconnected ways of doing community living. So I’m curious about what it was that made you decide that this was the right way for you?

    Dan: It’s a good question. I think it’s just from a pragmatic point of view as a starting point. If everybody is living under the same roof together it’s far more resource efficient, both initially and ongoing. The resources it takes to create a slightly larger kitchen and slightly larger bathroom space and things like that. It’s not that much harder to create a home for 10 people than it is for four people, but you can save a lot of money and a lot of embodied energy being under the one compact envelope. If everyone is in their own tiny house you have a greater area of building shell exposed to the elements, especially in somewhere like Castlemaine, so it’s about trying to moderate that energy use. My background is as a building designer. I studied architecture, but also have had a particular focus on passive solar design, high performance building, Passivhaus and that sort of thing. Having everyone nested together, it’s the same reason why you have everyone in those apartments in Europe, because it’s a very warm, tight typology.

    I lived in an eco-community called Wurrukan in Gippsland for 2 or 3 years in my 20’s. People had really little tiny houses, cob cabins and earth sheds, but they were all less than 10 square metres, and we all congregated in a retro-fitted shed for our living space, and that was very formative as an experience. All the meals were communally cooked and we lived quite close with each other. Sometimes it was hard, the conditions were pretty trying, but it was also really satisfying, nestling together as a team, all the shared meals, it was very beautiful. That was a homestead as well, where we grew a large amount of our own produce. It was a bit dank, but here we’re trying to do a lot of the things we did there, but in a nicer and more robust way I guess.

    Keppel: So how long have you been living there for now?

    Dan: We’ve been living onsite since February last year, and the house will be finished in about a week, so we’ll be moving into it very soon. The majority of the other occupants have been living offsite, so it’s mostly just been us here while we built the house. We’ve tried to do everything legally through the council, and you can get a permit to live legally on your property while you’re building.

    Keppel: So you’re at that stage where you’re about to enter into living together. Are you feeling excited?

    Nicola: We’re excited but in the same way like a marathon runner is excited when they’re getting near the finish line: exhausted and about to collapse and covered in sweat, but you’re sure that once it’s all over you’ll actually feel great (laughs).

    Keppel: And do you have all the people you need, or are you still recruiting, as it were?

    Nicola: Yeah, we’ve got all the rooms filled actually. Just last week we filled the last two, and it’s a full house now – just in the nick of time actually!

    Keppel: So how many people will be living there?

    Dan: There will be 11 adults and 4 kids, and one kid in utero.

    Keppel: So the general approach of your community is that you’ll be eating together and then doing other things on the property together: is that right?

    Nicola: Yeah that’s definitely the plan. We are thinking of food as the central theme: growing it and eating it as a point of connection. Having visited a lot of different communities and lived in various types of shared living for so very long, I’ve realised it needs to have a community glue; and without having a religious overtone – and we don’t, it’s kind of egalitarian and agnostic – you need to create a connecting theme. It’s about why are we living together, apart from having a roof over our heads?  If you look at cultures across the world, that’s when people come together, that’s what brings people together: food and sharing meals.

    Even the way the house is designed, with the garden out the front and the orchard out the back, the food comes into the house. It’s very zoned in a Permaculture way of food coming in and being literally at the heart of the house in the kitchen, like the kitchen is literally in the middle of the house.

    Keppel: So Permaculture has been another significant influence on the way you’ve developed this project?

    Nicola: Yeah for sure. I guess we see Permaculture as a type of systems thinking, and I think we’re really into systems thinking.  So we’re working with Permaculture principles in the stereotypical sense that people usually think of it, like gardens and orchards and land management, but also social Permaculture, how those systems function as well, and how different people use spaces. That’s probably been influenced by Dan’s architecture experience: how does place, structure and buildings shape people’s lives. And also with me as an allied health professional looking at more of a public health perspective: what influences people’s wellbeing psychologically, physically? What do people need to thrive? And we’ve kind of merged that together to create this project. This goes back to that idea that it’s better for planet and for people.

    Keppel: So the two things that often come up for people as concerns around community living are around personal space and around conflict resolution. How do you meet your own needs for balancing shared space and personal space? And then what strategies do you have for building collective cohesion and resolving conflicts?

    Dan: I probably trend introvert actually, I get most of my recharge from solo times. But as well as the (private) bedroom, trying to offer a whole buffet of spaces that you can head to. So if you’re feeling like you want something spicy, you can head for the main shared living space, where people are cooking and the kids are tearing everyone’s hair out; or there are a few other spaces in the main house, like the secondary lounge, which is more of a chill space for adults who are doing yoga, having a cup of tea or catching up with friends. Then there’s another space, a work from home study space during the day and more of a quiet space during the evening. Then we’re lucky enough to be on 10 acres, with a really lovely dam and the bush next door, so we’re creating lots of really nice outdoor nooks as well, several verandahs, some people will set up yurts, and long term maybe creating a tea house near the dam overlooking the forest.

    Nicola: I think it’s a fascinating question, anthropologically, to look back at other cultures in the past, and also other cultures across the world, and the idea of privacy and personal space is such a cultural one, a modern concept, and very British and European. My family are all from South Africa, and my grandmother was born and raised in Lesotho in a small tribal village, and you’d have 8 people living in a 15 square metre hut.  I think the concept of personal space is so different, and I think in contrast to have a whole 16 square metres all to yourself, and then also a kitchen and lounge and living and study space and deck… From that perspective, it seems really sufficient, but I know that for most people it’s not. It’s a bit of an unpopular opinion, but I think to adapt to climate change and use less resources, we actually need to start challenging some of those ideas a little bit.

    Dan:  I think this segues nicely into the question about conflict.  I think there are skill sets that you would have if you grew up living in community, like the way you use the space, how you interact with others, and norms that are created around that.

    Nicola: We’ve lost those skills as a culture, but we believe we can learn them again.

    Dan: We’re several generations deep in the nuclear family mode. I’d love to say I have a formula around conflict management, but to be honest I think it’s probably going to be a bit crap (laughter), as a lot of the residents have probably had some, but not super extensive years of share housing or whatever, and different levels of learning how to resolve tensions with others. There are lots of cool tools out there, like non-violent communication, we’re really supportive of that, the basic recipe of talking to what you’re feeling and what your needs are rather than making assertions about the wrongs of another. I think that’s a great starting point, and also having people who act as facilitators who keep people on track in the way we communicate with each other and bringing different voices into equality and things like that. I’ve shadowed some people who did the Commonground Glen Ochre approach to facilitation and group work, and I think that’s massive, and will be a key to holding people to account in the way they communicate and bringing out the best in each other.

    Keppel: And I think you mentioned on your Facebook the idea of a regular weekly meeting and sharing space to support community cohesion. Is that right?

    Nicola: Yeah, that’s a system we proposed, and a lot of the early residents who’ve been onboard for a while, they’ve also suggested. I lived in an 8 person share house before I moved to Castlemaine, and we did that. So the structure was a meeting every week, and one was more logistical and practical and making decisions, and the other one was what they called a ‘heart share’, talking about how you’re feeling and really getting to know each other, or doing some exercises that were about the emotional, relational side of being together. Some people might find that hard or offputting, but I actually found it so, so rich and rewarding and connecting, and from that process I felt like I knew these people so deeply in a way that I wouldn’t have otherwise.  When that emotional and personal stuff can be aired and cleared and heard – we have such a deep need to be heard and to belong! – once that need is met it seems like the challenges and little differences just melt away, they seem to be able to be resolved a lot more easily, because that foundation of trust and connection is there.

    Dan: I think that’s a big part of having dinners together most nights as well – it serves a similar function. Catching everyone’s stories at the end of the day and connecting. I think just having that time where you feel exposed and empathetic. A lot of eco-villages are designed where people are in their own houses, and maybe have some common facilities, but the vast majority of the time they’re just doing their own thing in their house of an evening, and I think in that situation you’d be missing a lot of the natural glue that would come from being together and around each other on a daily basis.  If you build that strong foundation of goodwill it should grease the wheels a bit.

    Keppel: What’s your vision for what Open Fields would be like in 10 years’ time? How would you like it to be?

    Dan: We’ll have a crop of kids who will be in that age range, and ideally we’ll have a crop of kids who are really practically minded and can milk the goats, etc. but also just running around in the forest and having that. Then having people who’ve been there for ages and feeling like really good friends, and having all the gardens and orchard really producing.

    Nicola: Trees growing, having the whole land filled with trees and shrubs.

    Dan: Maybe there are a few different rituals and rhythms, like having the passata day and the walnut harvest day.

    Nicola: And the smell of bread baking from the oven, mint tea from the garden, potato mash for dinner from your home grown potatoes, followed with an apple pie from your own apples… And of course in this world, everyone is completely harmonious and everyone is getting along wonderfully (laughs).

    Dan: No, no, I think that would boring.

    Nicola: It’d be too boring (laughs).

    Dan: I think healthy debate is a positive sign, it’s just that hopefully it’s done well, and we’re all arguing in a productive and connecting way, rather than a narky, destructive way (laughs).  That’s the dream, that we build those skills and those cultures.


    Arts and Culture

    Central Victorian Indigenous Film Festival- Yandoit, Castlemaine, Glenlyon, Bendigo

    When: 27th May – 3rd June; Where: Various locations across Bendigo and Central Victoria

    Cost: some events are free, others are ticketed

    More information and bookings: https://www.bendigo.vic.gov.au/sites/default/files/2024-05/CVIFF-2024-flyer.pdf

    Yandoit Cultural will be screening  a series of bush food short films set on Djaara Country, plus feature film:  ‘The Last Daughter’ –  Brenda’s first memories are of growing up in a loving white foster family, before she was suddenly taken away and returned to her Aboriginal family. A documentary about Brenda’s journey to unearth the truth about her past, and to reconcile the two sides of her family.

    The series of bush food short films, created by Auntie Julie McHale, feature local indigenous youth and teachers on Djaara country sharing knowledge and secrets of Australian bush foods. Created to accompany Auntie Julie’s tucker boxes and filmed in her private garden, these short films, produced by local film makers People Pictures, are warm intimate descriptions that reveal the quality and uses of these unique plants.

    When: Sunday June 2nd, 2024, 4.45pm for a 5.00pm start

    Where: Yandoit Cultural , Uniting Church Rd , off High St, Yandoit

    Castlemaine Documentary Film Festival

    The 2024 Castlemaine Documentary Festival Program is now live: https://cdocff.com.au/

    The Castlemaine Documentary Festival is a cinematic winter feast held at the iconic Theatre Royal Castlemaine. With a curated program of exceptional films from Australia and abroad, the festival offers an unforgettable immersive cinema experience. This year’s festival also includes a family friendly program screening in the YURT microcinema, filmmaker talks and a Saturday night post-screening party with The Afrobiotics. Get your festival pass early to be in the running for great prizes and to receive discounts on food and drink. Be there 14 to 16 June for this year’s 10th-anniversary edition. 

    This year’s Festival will be held on the weekend of 14-16 June in the heart of regional Victoria on Dja Dja Wurrung Country. Explore the programme and come together with fellow film-lovers to immerse yourself in this 2024 edition. We promise a stellar selection of films, each more fascinating than fiction.

    OPENING NIGHT starts at 5pm at Theatre Royal. Castlemaine-based ensemble Brazuzul will usher the Festival in with the joyous rhythms and sounds of forró – a vibrant music and dance form from north-eastern Brazil. Then our screenings begin with two short films celebrating regional culture and ingenuity: a beautiful moment, featuring Castlemaine’s own Corker Orchestra, Mainsong and Brazazul; and Ag Fab: From Paddock to Catwalk.

    Afterwards, stay on at Theatre Royal and step into the courtyard for warming, delicious sustenance at the Soup Bar, or head to Love Shack for a drink. Then find your seat for WINHANGANAHA, a brilliant new film – “a poem in five acts” examining archival records’ impact on First Nations people – by award-winning Wiradjuri poet and artist Jazz Money, whom we’re thrilled to welcome as a festival guest.

    LOCALS 2024: Fun for all, 5pm Saturday 15 June: LOCALS is our annual family-fun showcase, premiering fresh films by gifted creatives from Castlemaine and surrounds – from Bendigo to Ballarat and Gisborne to Maryborough. After the screening, show your support by voting for your favourite.This is a celebration of local stories told by the local voices who took a leap of faith with us. We commend them all!  Submissions have now closed; we’ll add details on the selected films to our programme page soon.

    Newstead Arts Hub- What’s On


    Just below the Surface- A reimagining of a creature and coral wonderland. Just below the surface is a reimagining of a creature and coral wonderland by artists Jody Galvin & Kylie Cuthbertson. Be immersed in their world of colour and delight.



    Traditional Straw Plaiting & ‘Corn Dollies’

    Workshop: Sun 16 June, 10am-3pm – with Elizabeth Woodroofe 

    Cost: $135 Hub members, $150 (full price) All materials included.

    Elizabeth is a member of the Guild of Straw Craftsmen. See more of her work on Instagram @corn_dollies


    Tripartite: Exhibition: Weekends, Sat 1 – Sun 23 June, 10am-4pm – Gallery 2&3 

    In ancient Egypt the word sculptor means  “…he who keeps alive.”

    Lawrence Winder’s Figurative Sculptures range from 1/3 life size to full size. Influenced by French 19th century artists Jules Dalou and Edgar Degas, by “Constructivist” sculptors of the “Dada” period and by Asian culture, particularly Kabuki dance and Japanese architectural space. Lawrence’s sculptures are from clay models and cast in resin then given a bronze or rusted iron patina. Lawrence has created a beautiful exhibition of sculpture in three parts.


     Fire Stories: Sat 22 June, 5pm-8pm. All welcome – Free

    Come along and warm yourself by the fire! Fire Stories marks the official opening of our wonderful Winter Program!!
    With a special reading by author Leni Shelton PLUS you can come along and tell a story of your own, or a favourite found elsewhere, around the fire. There will be mulled wine and soups with homemade bread rolls to buy.  All WELCOME – no tickets needed just come and enjoy the community spirit.

    Keep your eye out for our special edition Winter Program for more details.

    Charcoal Painting, Stories from the Fire

    Workshop: Sat 29 June, 10am-3.30pm – with Melissa O’Rourke
    Cost: $125 Hub members, $140 (full price) All materials included.

    Charcoal Painting, Stories from the Fire- A painting and drawing workshop. Facilitated by Melissa O’Rourke.

    Using charcoal we collect from the embers of our fire stories, work with artist Melissa O’Rourke to weave your own stories into free flowing charcoal drawings. Learn some of the process used to make her latest body of work The Company of Women. Suits all levels of experience from absolute beginner onwards. All materials are provided for you.

    Events at Radius Art Gallery- Hepburn Springs

    Evening of Soulful Sounds – A Night of Kirtan with Sarah and Nina


    Join us for sacred mantras and divine sounds in ‘call and response’ style. Raise your vibration and bring healing frequencies to your body and mind.
    Sarah and Nina will guide you on a magical journey of connection and free expression.

    Sat 15th June 6pm for chai | 6.15 Start



    Community Fundraiser – Sweet Sounds of Honey Tone

    Let the dulcet tones of our very own local town choir dance upon your ear drums.

    This annual fundraiser is bound to warm your heart and soul.  For more info contact Suzanne Hobson: 0448 564 362

    Monday 24th June @Radius
    7.00 pm – 8.30 pm


    Northern Arts Hotel

    THE COOLROOM DIARY [Click on links for event details]
    MUSIC GIGS  [Usually at 7.30pm, Sunday 5.30pm]

    Friday 24 May | Sally Ford and the Idiomatics
    Saturday 25 May | Kris Mizzi and Mandy Connell
    Fri 31 May | Enda Kenny: ‘After the Interval’ Album Launch Tour 
    Sat 8 & Sun 9 June | Castlemaine Jazz Festival
    Friday 14 June | Áine Tyrrell: People Like Me & You Tour
    Saturday 22 June | Ade Ishs Trio live at The Coolroom
    Sunday 23 June 5.30pm | Duos Concert Fundraiser for Castlemaine Graffiti Busters
    Saturday 29 June | Peter & the Wolves: Hibernation Hootenanny
    Sunday 26 May 2.30pm | Free Secret Movie Matinee
    Sunday 2 June 2.30pm | Film of the Concert in Support of Yes
    Monday 3 June 6pm | Workshop: Towards Collective Self Sufficiency
    Thursday 23 May 4pm | Maine-Ly Ukes
    Saturday 25 May 2.30pm | PoetiCas with Shari Kocher 
    Tuesday 28 May | Open Potluck Dinner at 7pm

    Food Growing, Farming and Food Security

    Community Apple Juicing Day

    When: Sunday 2nd June, 10am – 3pm

    Where: Harcourt Organic Food Cooperative, 69 Danns Rd, Harcourt

    We’re so thrilled to be hosting our annual and much-loved Apple Juicing Day this year at Harcourt Organic Farming Coop amongst the foothills of Leanganook. Bring along bottles for juice, a knife, chopping board, tea towels, and a cup for tea! Learn how to crush and press apples for juice to take home and drink fresh, or turn into cider vinegar.

    This will be a family-friendly event in partnership with Food Links Mount Alexander, and will be facilitated by Joel Meadows.


    • We will be using non-organic apples for this juicing day, and it is important that we respect the requirements of the Coop’s Organic certification. No pulp or juice is to be left on the property, and this will all be taken away on the day in food-grade tubs. If you’d like to take some home for your compost or animals, please bring a clean vessel.
    • Please carpool whereverpossible as parking is limited at the site. Send us a message if you have a spare car space or need some help finding a ride.


    Apple Harvest

    When: Thursday 30th May from 9.30am

    Where: Meet at Hub Plot Garden on Templeton St, Castlemaine

    Join us for the last apple harvest of the season TOMORROW in Harcourt. These apples will go towards our Community Apple Juicing day, but there will be plenty to take home, of course. Please bring a bag or box for your share.

    Meet at the Hub Plot Garden on Templeton Street at 9.30am and we’ll convoy from there. Send us a message on Facebook or via email for directions if you’re arriving a little later. We’ll be out picking until around 1pm on both days

    Tea and light snacks provided, please bring something to share if you’re able!

    Harcourt Organic Farming Coop

    Discover the Unique Charm of Hard-to-Find Multigraft Apple Trees

    If you’ve been following Carr’s Organic Fruit Tree Nursery for a while you’ll know we’re passionate about preserving and promoting heritage varieties. You’ve probably twigged to the fact that new things are happening around the farm, and the nursery is no exception.

    This year, we’re excited to introduce you to a truly innovative and versatile addition to your garden: multigraft apple trees.

    As members of the Harcourt Organic Farming Co-op (and the only certified organic nursery in Victoria), we focus on building healthy soil for our trees to give them the best possible start in life.We also specialise in hard-to-find varieties and multigrafts. However, it can be hard to persuade people to take a risk on a variety they’ve never heard of.

    In a light-bulb moment last spring, we came up with a solution! 

    Our brand-new range of multigrafts combines modern varieties like Gala, Fuji, and Pink Lady with the heritage varieties that desperately need to be preserved for the future.We’re hoping the security of planting a known variety will help people overcome the perceived risk of planting a variety they’ve never heard of. Plus, we had SO much fun creating this beautiful range of delicious multigrafts.

    Join Us for Two Special Events: Co-op Relaunch & Small Farm Enterprise Planning

    We are excited to invite you to two upcoming events designed to celebrate the relaunch of the Harcourt Organic Farming Co-op and to support aspiring and current small farmers. Whether you’re interested in joining our co-operative community, developing your own farm enterprise, or a keen eater who cares about your local food system, we hope these events will provide some valuable insight into what we’ve been working on, opportunities and ‘what’s next’ for the Co-op.

    All of these events are made possible thanks to our Innovate to Regenerate Grant from WWF-Australia.

    Event 1: Co-op Relaunch & Recruitment Webinar

    Date: Thursday, June 6th, Time: 7-8pm

    Join us for a celebration of the HOFC Co-op relaunch! This webinar will include:

    Screening of Our New Short Film: Get an inside look at our cooperative’s journey and achievements. We’ve been working with Mitch at MDP Photography & Video and are excited to share the results!

    Sharing of New Collaborative Farming Resources: Discover tools and guides to support sustainable farming practices. Interactive Q&A Session: Engage with our team and get your questions answered.

    This event is perfect for anyone interested in learning more about our cooperative and how you can get involved. Register here.

    Event 2: Small Farm Enterprise Planning Webinar & Ideas Jam

    Date: Tuesday 11th June, Time: 7-8pm

    For those seriously considering joining our Co-op or refining their farm enterprise plans, we are hosting a more focused session. This event will feature:

    Interactive Q&A: Ask detailed questions about the Co-op and membership benefits.

    Enterprise Proposal Shaping: Receive guidance on developing and refining your small-farm enterprise idea, and support with submitting an EOI to join the Co-op.

    Personalized Feedback: Get constructive critiques and suggestions from our crew.

    This session is ideal for those who want a deeper understanding of the Co-op and personalized support in shaping their farming ideas. Register your interest here. You can also read more about the opportunities to join the Co-op currently available here.

    Ecology and Environment

    Natural Newstead and Thornbills

    Find out more about the varieties of Thornbills in our area:  https://geoffpark.wordpress.com/2024/05/25/three-thornbills-2/

    Predictably the Brown Thornbills were foraging in the mid layer of shrubs, Buff-rumped Thornbills on the ground, with occasional forays into low shrubs, while the Striated Thornbills chased insects amongst the foliage of a sapling Red Box.

    When viewed close-up however the distinguishing features of the species in this group are evident. This blog post from 2021 provides a guide for sorting out our local thornbills.

    North Central Catchment Management

    June edition of the North Central Chat: https://www.nccma.vic.gov.au/resources/publications/north-central-chat-june-2024

    First Nations

    Reconciliation Week

    Murnong Mummas: Wurrumuk/Djurrung/Dhurra – Wirral/Burukil 2024 Update

    Murnong Mummas is an Indigenous-lead social enterprise involved in the native foods and botanicals sector.

    We’re pleased to share a little update on the progress at Murnong Mummas for the beginning of 2024. We’ve been busy on a number of fronts- focusing on soil health, cultural connection, plant diversity, and community engagement. We’ve been making use of foraged goods and getting excited about tasting some of the new things coming up in the Bushfoods plot.

    We’ve also been working on updating and expanding infrastructure in the garden, like our irrigation and fencing. With hungry chooks and an excited Jedda nearby, it’s become a little more pressing to add a barrier between pecking beaks and newly planted groundcover. Jedda isn’t as destructive, her morning greetings and mulch spreading has become an important part of our workday.

    We’ve also been going ham on the propagating and germinating front – germinating seeds from various fruits like Kangaroo Apple, Muntries and Ruby Saltbush, veggies like Murnong and Warrigal Greens, herbs like Old Man Saltbush and Native Lemongrass, weaving plants like Lomandra and Flax Lily, flowers to attract birds and insects like Native Broom and various Everlasting Paper Daisy varieties and even plants to grow seeds to flour – Kangaroo Grass and Bunya Trees. We’ve also been working hard to propagate 60 hardwood cuttings of Grevillea and Thryptamine – hoping to beef up our pollinator game after slowly reducing the number of non-indigenous plants still hanging around in the plot. As you can see, we have a lot on the go!

    We’re currently in the process of planning a range of workshops and tour updates that will delve deeper into our sustainable gardening practices, share valuable Indigenous knowledge with others, and introduce participants to the unique world of First Nations foods.

    Lots more information about the work of Murnong Mummas including nourishing the ground , celebrating women’s’ wisdom and indigenous knowledge , expanding plant palette, bunya bounty , kangaroo grass germination, and food sovereignty:  https://www.murnongmummas.com.au/

    Photo: Old Man Saltbush and River Mint in view of Leanganook

    New Sustainability and First Nations Knowledge Book Club Castlemaine

    The aim is to read books with a sustainability or First Nations knowledge focus. There are about 11 possible titles that have a set of 10 in the library’s current book club collection and we aim to alternate between those and other books that members recommend and share. Meetings will be Tuesday nights, monthly, at a venue (probably a pub) in Castlemaine and time to be agreed by the group.

    Contact if interested: Helen: Helenmathwin@yahoo.co.uk  or Kath: Kathw@ncgrl.vic.gov.au at Goldfields Library.


    Sustainable Living Resources

    YIMBY composter wins award!

    Grow It Local award-winner Mikaela Beckley (pictured) is one of 19 YIMBY composters in Mt Alexander shire.

    She collects and composts kitchen scraps from 20 of her neighbours each week, and has processed nearly 5,000 kilos of organics in her backyard using the unique YIMBY hot-composting method.YIMBY (Yes In My Back Yard) is a unique composting project based in Castlemaine, building community, diverting organics from landfill and improving our soil.

    Right now, there are 19 composters like Mikaela, collecting from over 250 households in the shire, and more are coming! To find out more, visit www.yimbycompost.com.

    Castlemaine Free University and Degrowth Central Victoria- Essentials Workshop



    When: Monday 3rd June at 6pm

    Where: Northern Arts Hotel, 359 Barker St, Castlemaine

    Following on from the Degrowth Central Victoria launch on May 13th the next CFU event will focus on essentials-  towards local collective sufficiency.

    For more information, visit Degrowth Central Victoria

    The image is a photo of a mural at the longstanding squat – social centre, residence, and community gardens – Can Masdeu, Collserola Park, Canyelles, Barcelona a project led by Beth Ferguson (photographer, Anitra Nelson).

    Castlemaine Free University- Occupy Wall Street




    When: Monday 3rd June at 6pm

    Where: Northern Arts Hotel, 359 Barker St, Castlemaine

    Come along to hear and chat with Marisa Holmes, occupier from day one of Occupy Wall Street, director of OWS film All day, All Week in conversation with Friends of the Earth Campaigns Co-ordinator Cam Walker. What lessons can we apply to climate action and social justice protests, blockades and social change today?

    Free event. Drinks can be purchased at the bar.

    Repair Cafes


    When and Where: Sunday June 16th, 1-4pm at Victoria Park Pavillion, Ballan Rd, Daylesford


    When and Where: Last  Sunday of each month, June 30th, 10am to 1.00pm  at Castlemaine Community House, 30 Templeton St.  For further information join our Facebook group, visit our website or call Chris on 5470 5508.

    Creswick Repair and Share

    When and Where: Third Sunday of each month at Creswick Community House and hall.

    Photo: Mara Ripani

    Renewable Newstead

    Are you interested in buying 100% green power from the Newstead Solar Farm? The retail offer from the company retailing the 100% green power from the Newstead Solar Farm, Flow Power, is now available.

    To sign up as a customer, download the Flow Power app from either Google Play or the App Store. For information about the offer, go to the Flow Power website https://flowpower.com.au/residential/ or read the attached information sheet.

    Here are three top reasons to sign up.

    • You’ll be buying 100% green power which is better for the planet
    • You’ll be supporting the Newstead Community Energy Project (solar farm and battery)
    • You’ll be eligible for a $100 bonus which you can choose to contribute to a Newstead club or organisation or you can keep it for yourself. More details about this Local Community Benefit offer are coming soon.

    While the Newstead Solar Farm is not yet generating electricity for commercial sale – construction is due for completion in June and commercial generation is expected to begin in July – here’s what happens in the meantime for households who sign up now as Flow Power customers. If you sign up now as a Flow Power customer and your electricity supply address is in or near Newstead, you will receive electricity via the grid that’s billed from one of Flow Power’s other renewable energy generation sites, at Karadoc near Ouyen, until such time as the Newstead Solar Farm comes online and begins to generate electricity. (Flow Power sources power from renewable energy sources – solar and wind – exclusively.)

    For Newstead Solar Farm news and project updates, subscribe to RN’s e-newsletter at https://renewablenewstead.com.au/news-resources/

    For further information: Email at info@renewablenewstead.com.au or call m: 0403 801 147

    Mt Alexander Sustainability Group

    7 Star Energy Rating Requirements for Builders

    When building a new home you must comply with the energy efficiency requirements of the National Construction Code Volume Two. These requirements aim to reduce the environmental impacts of buildings by reducing the amount of energy consumed. There are several options forcomplying with the energy efficiency requirements with the most common option being anassessment under the Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme (NatHERS).

    From 1 May 2024, new homes will be required to achieve 7-stars and a whole-of-home rating not less than 60 under the NatHERS option. A higher star and whole-of-home rating means the building is more energy efficient. MASG’s Mick Lewin recently ran a workshop for members of the building industry in Mount Alexander Shire to explain what this means for home builders.

    To learn more, head to the Victorian Building Authority website and watch the Nathers explanation video

    Building Community

    Castlemaine Community Co-op

    At our FIRST EVER fundraising Working Bee members set a goal of raising $10,000 for due diligence on the Hub (for building inspections, valuation, legal checks, etc). We have since raised $5,240, but need your help to find the final $4,760.

    There are two things you can do to help!

    1. Ask a friend to join and become a founding member before June 30 (so we double our membership): If every current member recruits one more member, we will raise the money we need! Word of mouth has been proven to be the best way for the Co-op to grow. Membership is only $40/$20.To help you explain what we are about we have provided:
      – A 2-page information leaflet about the Co-op (PDF Link);
      – A script you can use when talking to people;
      – An example of a caption you can share on Facebook (give our page a ‘like’ while you’re there!). You can also share our last post or other content that you think your network might be interested in.
    2. Donate: If you have some spare money sitting somewhere that was waiting to be put to a good use, please contact us at info@castlemaine.coop.

    We are very close to being able to launch an offer to buy the Hub. Please help us get over the line – together we can put Castlemaine’s assets in the community’s hands.

    Castlemaine Johannine Community aka the Grail Community

    The Castlemaine Johannine Community practises ‘pagan Christianity’, a spirituality based in the mystical tradition of St John, Mary Magdalene and the Rosicrucians, and grounded in deep reverence for the sacredness of the Earth and the wisdom of the ancient Celtic, Aboriginal and Native American spiritual traditions. Through both inner and outer work, we seek to collaborate with the impulse of Christ and Sophia to create bring healing and renewal to our communities and the Earth. We meet monthly for Eucharist services and other special events shaped by the sacred calendar of the seasonal Christian and Celtic festivals.

    This month’s events include a St John’s Tide Eucharist on Sunday 23rd June from 11am followed by a shared lunch. St John’s Tide (or St John’s Day) celebrates the life of John the Apostle who, along with Mary Magdalene, was considered the disciple who most understood the esoteric wisdom of Christ Jesus’ teachings

    Where: the Grail Chapel, 75 McMillans Rd, Green Gully

    Cost: all events are free, donations are welcome. Enquiries: contact Ken Killeen on 0423 194 878 or email: johannine@hotmail.com

    Yandoit Faith Community

    A faith community is evolving at the old Uniting Church in Yandoit. A community where we can explore the sacred and the spirit in our lives. At our next gathering we will be reflecting on the inspiring life of  Theresa of Avila, a 16th century mystic in Spain , who created the silent order of Carmelites.

    Supported by Castlemaine Uniting Church Minister, Rev Sarah Tomilson, and Church Council, and Yandoit Cultural.  

    Our next gathering is Saturday June 22nd, 2pm at Yandoit Cultural- the old church in the bush, Uniting Church Rd, off High St Yandoit. All welcome.

    For more information: nikki.marshall@mmnet.com.au or mobile – 0432 232 073

    Goldfields Libraries


    World Localisation Day

    World Localization Day is an annual celebration convened by the international NGO Local Futures. On June 21 and throughout the month of June, Local Futures and an array of amazing Global Partners host in-person and online events to highlight localization as a strategy for change. And not least, to celebrate the many efforts and initiatives that foster ecological economies, thriving communities and healthy local food systems.

    Take part in World Localization Day as a group or individual and join the growing movement of people building a better world, from the ground up.

    Register your WLD event

    Watch the introductory video:


    Local Government News

    Future Hepburn- Rural Hepburn strategy- Community Feedback Required

    Hepburn Shire Council has released its Draft Rural Strategy for community feedback. There are some significant changes proposed to Farm Zones in this draft plan. Download the Rural Hepburn Strategy at the website link below.

    Rural Hepburn: Agricultural Land and Rural Settlement Strategy will provide a comprehensive planning and action framework to manage the use and development of private rural land (land outside our main towns).
    The closing date for feedback is June 12th
    For details on other Community Information Sessions on both the draft Township Structure Plans and Rural Hepburn, to view the draft documents and provide feedback, visit https://participate.hepburn.vic.gov.au/future-hepburn
    There are also draft Town Structure Plans for Daylesford/Hepburn, Glenlyon, Clunes, Creswick and Trentham for feedback.
    These changes will shape the next 30 years of development and growth in Hepburn Shire.


    Hepburn Life Newsletter



    Upcoming Council Elections – One-on-one information sessions for Councillor candidates

    Are you thinking about running for Council this year? Mt Alexander Shire is offering one-on-one information sessions with our CEO, Mayor and Deputy Mayor to learn what it means to be a Councillor.

    Sign up for a session

    Have your say with Shape Mount Alexander

    We’re lucky to have a knowledgeable and passionate community. We use your valuable feedback to inform our projects and general decision-making.

    Let’s keep talking
    Find out how to talk to us, or leave your ideas and feedback on any topic, and at any time!

    Customer First Strategy
    We want to make it easier for you to connect with and use our services, so we need your stories, feedback and suggestions to help us understand which areas to focus on.

    Visit Shape Mount Alexander for details

    Workshops and Courses

    Work That Reconnects Workshop

    Growing our connection with all that lives, From The Work That Reconnects

    Date Saturday June 8 Time 1pm-5pm
    Venue: Green Gully Victoria
    A Community Event
    The workshops provide a safe space for a deep connection with all life and the opportunity to share that with fellow travellers.
    Processes include Loving Kindness Meditation, a Mandala activity and The Milling- an experience of shifting from overload to simply being present.
    It is led by experienced WTR facilitators to serve a cultural shift towards reconnection with all beings and the planet.
    Inquiries Shana 0457 496 864 or Diane 0421 510 017

    Booking essential via Email: dianethompson61@gmail.com
    Cost: By Donation

    Systemic Family Constellations – EXPLORE YOUR INNER DYNAMICS


    This workshop explores the dynamics within yourself and your family system. Counsellor and Art Therapist Amy Jones lives locally and has been a part of the constellations community since 2019.  For more information: amyjonesroberts@yahoo.com.au

    SUN JUNE 2nd – 9.30 – 4.30pm @RADIUS Gallery, 76 Main Rd Hepburn Springs 

    For more information about Radius Gallery : www.radiusart.com.au

    Make a Change online workshops

    Expand Your Impact is a FREE online initiative that challenges you to think a little differently & grow your success, in any area of life!

    Delivered by Make A Change in collaboration with 4 regional partners, this program is for anyone who wants to do more, learn more, connect better, or generally be more effective.

    All residents, businesses & organisations in Loddon, Pyrenees, Yarriambiack & Northern Grampians Councils
    are invited to take part from March to June 2024.

    Register NOW for next workshop series starting 5th June
    Sign up now to stay up to date with the latest on this project


    Chi Gong and Tai Chi on Wednesdays at Radius Gallery

    Chi Gong and Meditation with Damien Smith

    6.30 and 7.30am

    SHARON WOULF 5.30 pm 6.30 pm



    Helping Caregivers of Autistic Loved Ones

    Help caregivers of Autistic loved ones to find meaning and purpose and overcome stressful or negative thinking patterns.

    Transform anxiety and overwhelm into clarity and empowerment through the transformative power of deep listening

    Join me online Monday 10 June 6-7.30pm

    Samantha Wittenberg  Boost your Wellbeing Through Empathic Listening



    Earlier this month the local group, Central Vic Climate Action held a “Funeral for Fossil Fuels” in Bendigo to get the message across to our MP, Lisa Chesters that all extraction of coal oil and gas must end if we are to avoid catastrophic global heating greater than 1.5 degrees C.  A coffin full of “smouldering coal” was delivered to her door by veiled pall bearers dressed in black, and there were some songs, chants and speeches. This is an extract from a speech given on the day by Trevor Scott during a short funeral procession through the city.

    “All the storms, floods and fires that we see all-to-often on national television – they’re getting more serious and more frequent every day, not only here in Australia but also around the world. A lot of the people who lived in the path of the cyclone, or were downwind of the bushfire, have already lost their loved ones, their homes, their pets and all the things they held dear. Some unlucky ones have even lost their lives, not to mention the forests and the millions of wild creatures that have already perished. We can’t “fix” the climate by ourselves but because it’s Humans who have caused the Earth to overheat, I believe and so do many others, that Humans can fix it, but only if we act straightaway. We should have started decades ago so we are running out of time. The way I see it, stopping the juggernaut of climate change is firstly in the hands of the giant fossil fuel companies, secondly in the banks who lend them the money, and thirdly in the hands of our federal government members. All of them have shown that they have no will to do so, and, unfortunately for us, there are new fossil fuel projects on the table today in Canberra.

    Yes, it’s true that they have the lion’s share of the power and we have very little; but the big question for us is, how do we shift that power? You’ve all heard of Greta Thunberg. She alone recognised that there was a climate crisis and started striking every day outside the Swedish parliament until others joined her. In a relatively short time she had set up a global movement that is ongoing and is still growing. Another famous woman called Margaret Read once said “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed individuals can change the world. In fact it’s the only thing that ever has”.  After the procession the mourners gathered once more in front of Lisa Chesters’ office in Myers Street. Trevor Scott spoke again and said:

    “Lisa Chesters, you recently said that the federal government was transitioning out of coal into renewable energy. “But we can’t put the cart before the horse” you said. “We have to make sure that we’re building the renewable energy grid, that we’re building those transmission lines to get more renewable energy into our system. It’s got to be a just transition and that’s what our government is working towards” you said. This is admirable, Lisa and I’m very happy to hear this news. But decades have gone by without any action at all. My question to you is how long will these transmission lines be carrying fossil fuel- generated electricity while this government continues to allow new coal mines to open, and fracking and gas pipeline projects to continue, and worst of all, continues to pay out huge sums of taxpayers money to fossil fuel corporations in the form of rebates? I would appreciate an answer to this question Lisa, even if its only an estimate.”The question was delivered to her office in the form of a letter.

    Trevor Scott, 23 May 2024

    Food for Thought

    The Pollinators of Slovenia – an interactive documentary


    Milkwood – Skills for Living like it Matters


    Practising Transition- Being Yourself in Action


    Rasmus Nørgaard on building a sustainable future The Wisdom & Action Podcast


    Simon Michaux: Industrial transformation away from fossil fuels will not go as planned


    Earthworker practice, vision and strategy-  “Weathering the Coming Storm”.

    A series of four in-person talks in June.  The Earthworker ecosystem –  Sunday June 2nd 3pm: A discussion with members of the various worker-owned cooperatives in the Earthworker network, including Earthworker Smart Energy Cooperative, Hope Cooperative, Earthworker Construction Cooperative and Earthworker Energy Manufacturing Cooperative

    Rocking the FoundationsSaturday June 8th 3pm: Discussion and film screening on the history of the BLF and green bans and how it informs Earthworker vision and strategy

    Reflections on RedgumSunday June 16th 3pm: A presentation by Redgum Cooperative co-founders about the successes and failures and lessons of Redgum Cleaning Cooperative (followed by a bushdance with the Earthworker Bushband)

    History and politics of EarthworkerSaturday June 22nd 3pm: An exploration of the economic and political analysis out of which Earthworker emerged

    All talks will be held in Naarm at Black Spark Cultural Centre on Gladstone Avenue in Northcote. If possible please RSVP using the Facebook links above.

    Continue reading →
  • May 2024 newsletter

    “Our consciousness , rising above the growing (but still much too limited) circles of family, country and race, shall finally discover that the only truly natural and real human unity is the spirit of the earth” (Teilhard de Chardin). All humans are born from the earth , are nurtured from it, and are destined to return to it. ( Fox, Matthew, Original Blessing, Tarcher/Putman, 2000, p.15/16)

    Feature Article: Earth as Koan, Earth as Self, Susan Murphy Roshi

    Susan Murphy Roshi in conversation,  with Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee from Emergebce magazine,  about her new book: A Fire Runs Through All things – Zen Koans for Facing the Climate Crisis. Susan’s new book was launched in Castlemaine in March this year, a joint Castlemaine Zen and Localising Leanganook initiative. 

    Many Australians vividly remember the scene described in the opening paragraph to  her new book described below.  There are few times I have felt so viscerally jolted recalling the images of Mallacoota beach in Southern Victoria on that fateful week . (Ed)

    “On December 31, 2019 – coincidentally, the day on which the World Health Organisation officially confirmed COVID-19 – a huge crowd of silent people stood packed on a beach in southeastern Australia facing the ocean as if waiting for deliverance. It was midday but they massed under a sky as stop three sides force them together in the possible. Some sat and stared dumbly at the sea.  Others hugged a child, a pet, or one another.  Most just stood where they could very narrow spit of possibility between flame and water, labouring to absorb the sheer impossibility of what was happening. Among them stood a large and beautiful patient horse, lending a potent heraldic presence to the apocalyptic scene.

    Though few among them here in comfortable Australia thought so at the time, the dishevelled people huddled under that deep umber midday sky had just joined the world’s early wave of climate refugees.”

    Murphy goes on to say that the urgency of this book was ignited by those monster fires.   Later the rains came that extinguished the fires and shattered all records and previous highest flood levels, and overwhelming tens of thousands of households. The water became hypoxic drowning the tree root systems and collapsing the mountains.

    “As long as our priorities fail to match the urgency (of the emergency) we debase its power and tactically enable a form of doublespeak in order to accommodate both subtle and flagrant  forms of denial and malignant neglect that fully intend to forestall incisive response.”

    What becomes possible when we open and orient our consciousness towards uncertainty, emptiness, and a sense of relationship with the world beyond the self? Australian writer and Zen teacher Susan Murphy Roshi immerses us in the tradition of Zen koan and the power of the not-knowing mind to open a treasury of resources for navigating the climate crisis.

    “The fundamental koan is the Earth, which is also inseparable from the fundamental human koan of what is this self? They are the same koan in a way. They heal each other, like medicine and sickness do.  Here is the link to the conversation in the Emergence interview:  



    1. Arts and Culture
    2. Food Growing, Farming and Food Security
    3. Ecology and Environment
    4. First Nations
    5. Sustainable Living Resources
    6. Building Community
    7. Local Government News
    8. Workshops and Courses

    Food for Thought

    Arts and Culture

    Jim Robert’s Sculpture in Stone and Wood – Exhibition at Newstead Arts Hub


    When: 4-25 May 2024; Each weekend 10am–4pm
    Opening celebration: Saturday 4 May 2pm- To be opened by Kynan Sutherland, artist
    Where: Newstead Arts Hub (Old Newstead Railway Station) 8A Tivey St, Newstead, about 16kms from Castlemaine)

    Yandoit resident Jim Robert’s sculptural work has a central Australian theme- forming, folding and shaping.


    Braided Rag Rug Workshop with Ilka White

    When: Sunday 5 May, 10am-4pm

    Where: Riddells Creek Neighbourhood House

    A great way to recycle old clothes and fabric. This braiding technique weaves in as we go so there is no stitching up required afterward. Bring your own material to recycle and find out what riches can come from rags…

    Info and Bookings:https://www.ilkawhite.com.au/allclasses/braided-rag-rugs-riddells

    Yandoit Cultural Open Mic


    Yandoit Cultural’s Open  Mic events are an excellent way for those living around central Victoria to share, and listen to locals as they share,  a story, a poem, a song or a tune.  Our May Open Mic has a theme of Autumn. Everyone can have their 5-10 minutes and the afternoon promises to be a joyful potluck, followed by country hospitality and a cuppa at the end.

    When: Saturday May 11th, 3-5pm

    Where: Uniting Church Rd, off High st, Yandoit

    Entry by donation. Contact Nikki or Katy if you’re interested-  0432 232 073/0430 530 868 or email:  ycfcpg@gmail.com

    Radius Arts Space Hepburn Springs

    Radius Gallery showcases and promotes local artists through curated exhibitions, events and an online store.

    We foster creative learning with workshops, classes and the exchange of skills and expertise. We encourage the curious mind within us all. We understand that art is subjective and not all art is beautiful. Art may challenge us, confound us and make us think.

    We are inspired by the artists, ideas and creative possibilities that flourish in our amazing community.

    HOURS: Thursday – Saturday 10 – 4pm

    76 Main Road,  Hepburn Springs VIC Australia.  Ph: +61 3 5348 1199  email- radius@designscope.com.au

    Website: https://www.radiusart.com.au/

    The Bedridden Band Play at Yandoit

    When: Saturday May 25th, 7.30pm 

    Where: Yandoit Cultural -Uniting Church Rd, off High St, Yandoit

    The Bedridden were formed in Canberra in 1989. Five albums and several line-up changes later, they are now based in Central Victoria and are the undisputed kings and queens of acoustic psycho muppet punk.

    Listen via youtube  and spotify:



    Newstead Arts Hub- Writing and Clay Hand Building

    Hub Writers Group

    Come along to the Hub Writers Group and be part of our informal monthly ‘shut up and write’ sessions on the 4th Friday of every month at the Newstead Arts Hub. From March 2024 onwards, the group will hold an afternoon writing session from 1-5pm, and then an evening session from 6.30-8.30pm. Between the two sessions, there will be a chance to talk about writing (including sharing some of your own writing if you wish). Please bring along whatever food you’d like to eat: the Hub has a well-equipped kitchen. Next session is 24 May.

    No need to book: just turn up (at 1pm or whenever you can get there) with your writing gear – notebook, tablet, laptop – and get going. There are tables and chairs ready to go at the Hub plus coffee, tea and herbals available.

    Quirky Clay: Hand-building for beginners

    Create three quirky pots that will be glazed and fired, guided by ceramicist and teacher Gerry McDonald.

    In this workshop for beginners, Gerry will teach you the basics of pottery in a fun and inspiring way. He will expertly guide you, step by step, to make 3 quirky pieces over two weekends,  a pinch bowl with curly legs, a coil pot and a gorgeous little cylindrical birdhouse! As well as learning great new skills, you will get to take home three wonderful works of art made by you!

    Day 1 – Sat 18 May 10am-3pm -Working with clay, learning techniques and building your pieces.

    Day 2 – Sat 25 May 10am-12.30pm – Glaze your pots, learn & play with glazes and explore the wild and wonderful colours Gerry uses in his work.

    Join us for this wonderful clay workshop. No previous experience necessary!! All welcome

    Booking link here

    Northern Arts Hotel

    THE COOLROOM DIARY [Click on links for event details]
    MUSIC GIGS  [Usually at 7.30pm, Sunday 2.30pm]

    Friday 26 April | Kaiyah Mercedes + Candice Alisha
    Saturday 27 April | The Anticlinal Fold 
    Friday 10 May | Double Shot of Roots: Ben Jansz + Simon Phillips
    Saturday 18 May | Dave Graney & Clare Moore
    Friday 24 May | Sally Ford and the Idiomatics
    Saturday 25 May | Kris Mizzi and Mandy Connell
    Sat 8 & Sun 9 June | Castlemaine Jazz Festival
    Friday 14 June | Áine Tyrrell: People Like Me & You Tour
    Sunday 28 April 2.30pm | Free Secret Movie Matinee
    Tuesday 30 April 12.30pm | International Jazz Day: Virtual Tour of National Portrait Gallery
    Sunday 2 June 2.30pm | Film of the Concert in Support of Yes

    Castlemaine Johannine Community aka the Grail Community

    The Castlemaine Johannine Community practises ‘pagan Christianity’, a spirituality based in the mystical tradition of St John, Mary Magdalene and the Rosicrucians, and grounded in deep reverence for the sacredness of the Earth and the wisdom of the ancient Celtic, Aboriginal and Native American spiritual traditions. Through both inner and outer work, we seek to collaborate with the impulse of Christ and Sophia to create bring healing and renewal to our communities and the Earth. We meet monthly for Eucharist services and other special events shaped by the sacred calendar of the seasonal Christian and Celtic festivals.

    This month’s events include a Samhain bonfire and healing service on Saturday 4th May from 6pm, a Mother’s Day Eucharist on 12th May at 11am followed by a shared lunch, and a Pentacost Eucharist on 19th May from 11am followed by a shared lunch.

    Where: the Grail Chapel, 75 McMillans Rd, Green Gully

    Cost: all events are free, donations are welcome.  Enquiries: contact Ken Killeen on 0423 194 878 or email: johannine@hotmail.com

    Food Growing, Farming and Food Security

    Two Fold BakeHouse- Community Supported Bakery

    We bake naturally leavened, organic loaves, using organic stoneground flours, and work with the seasons; changing our loaves to suit what’s growing around us. We support regenerative agriculture and small family farms, who together form a part of a movement towards a local grain economy.

    Buy bread weekly on Thursday, ordered online weekly as a one off, or monthly as a subscription with pick up each Thursday from Daylesford, Yandoit or Kyneton hubs. Daylesford Sunday Railway market Fortnightly. Hepburn Wholefood Collective – Fresh every Thursday from 3pm

    Website: https://twofoldbakehouse.com/

    Ecology and Environment

    Bird of the Month- Laughing Kookaburra

    Welcome to Bird of the month, a partnership between Connecting Country and BirdLife Castlemaine District.

    Laughing Kookaburra, the blue on the wing and rufous on the tail and rump is clearly visible.

    Find more information on the Laughing Kookaburra, including their calls, click here.

    Photo by Damian Kelly

    Central Vic Climate Action- Rise Up Event


    When: Wednesday 8th May,12.30pm
    Where: Lisa Chester’s office, Bendigo

    To illustrate the need for an immediate end to fossil fuels, pall bearers dressed in black, along with our red rebels, will carry a coffin full of smouldering coal to Lisa Chesters door. Please join us for a seriously fun time.

    For more information and to express your interest, contact Trevor Scott- 0412 250 392

    Castlemaine Field Naturalists


    Castlemaine Field Naturalists Club (CFNC) hold a meeting with a guest speaker on the second Friday of the month, followed by a group excursion or field trip the following day.

    All are welcome to attend.

    For more information on CFNC, visit their website – click here


    2024 Landcare Link-up: Caring for Significant Old Trees.


    The 2024 Landcare Link-up will be on Sunday 19 May 2024, from 2pm-4.30pm at the Maldon Community Centre.

    Great opportunity for anyone not yet engaged in Landcare to learn more about what’s involved and hear about the amazing success stories in our region.

    Afternoon tea will be provided for free during the event.

    Bookings are essential for catering purposes. To book your place, please -click here Everyone is welcome!

    Victorian Landcare Forum in Bendigo : May 9-10th,

    for info & bookings: https://events.humanitix.com/2024-victorian-landcare-forum

    Sutton Grange Landcare Field Days

    Sutton Grange Landcare decided to run a series of field days to look at what people are doing on private properties. This was in response to discussion at our meetings around what members would like to do. So far, we have had three.

    The highlight of visiting these sites is not just the physical attributes and what works and what doesn’t but the discussion that takes place, the suggestions that are put forward and the knowledge that is exchanged. The groups have consisted of long term members and more recent members wanting to tap into local knowledge.  (by Marge Townrow), 

      Photo: Before and after direct seeding 

    First Nations

    Uncle Rick Launches his Waaman Cultural Tours

    When : Sunday April 28th, 3-6pm 

    Where: Theatre Royal Castlemaine

    Join Uncle Rick Nelson and the community this Sunday for a day of celebration and Cultural connection at the launch of his Waaman Cultural Tours.

    Welcome to Country and Smoking by the Waaman himself. Waaman Tours are led by Senior Djaara Elder Uncle Rick himself out on Country and offer an immersive experience into the rich history of Djaara Culture in the Castlemaine region. Participants will have the opportunity to visit sites such as scar trees, rock wells and grinding grooves, alongside receiving a traditional Welcome to Country.  Uncle Rick expressed his excitement, stating, “Taking people on tours out on Country has been a long-held dream of mine, inspired by the vision of my father, Uncle Brien Nelson.”

    Music lineup includes: D’Arcy Spiller, Peter and the Wolf playing the Backyard Blues, Yambra

    Limited edition merch for sale. Sausage and vego sizzle. There will also be a Nalderun information stall to learn about the impactful work this grassroots Aboriginal-led organization is doing in the region.

    Bookings for upcoming tours can be made at waamantours.com.au or for further information, please email cdemarco@nalderun.net.au.

    Kulin Nations Seasons Calendar

    We are now in the Waring season according to the Kulin Nations Aboriginal calendar. This season marks the shift to cooler misty mornings, shorter days and longer nights and is the time when wombats emerge and feed on new shoots of grass.

    The information on the Waring season is shared in Nalderun Education Aboriginal Corporations ‘Our Mob’s Season Calendar’ which you can purchase through their website. It is a great resource to help understand the local Indigenous seasons based on nature observations over tens of thousands of years. It is a reminder that the four European seasons applied to Australian conditions can be out of touch with what is happening around us in nature.  



    Sustainable Living Resources

    Degrowth  Central Victoria Launch:  A Castlemaine Free University event

    When: Monday 13 May 2024, 6 pm (doors open 5.30 pm)

    WHAT What’s ‘degrowth’? Find out at our launch and hear what degrowth advocates are doing and plan to do in locally. On degrowth book below, see https://www.celinekeller.com/who-is-afraid-of-degrowth

    WHO — Nikki Marshall, Peter Yates, Ben Laycock, Anitra Nelson, and Kirsten Moegerlein  introduce the degrowth idea and reveal activities they’ve started and visions for more to come. We hope you’ll be enthused enough to join/support us. We’ll have a cheeky questions Q&A.

    For a sneak preview — https://degrowthcentralvic.org/

    And check out the DCV Substack https://degrowthcentralvictoria.substack.com/

    WHERENorthern Arts Hotel, 359 Barker Street, Castlemaine, 3450

    FREE — Free event with degrowth snacks. Drinks for purchase at NAH bar

    Repair Cafes


    When and Where: Sunday May 19th, 1-4pm at Trentham Community Centre joining with Trentham Sustainability Group and Clothes Swap


    When and Where: Last  Sunday of each month, 10am to 1.00pm  at Castlemaine Community House, 30 Templeton St.  For further information join our Facebook group, visit our website or call Chris on 5470 5508.

    Creswick Repair and Share

    When and Where: Third Sunday of each month at Creswick Community House and hall


    Building Community

    A new faith community in Yandoit

    A faith community is being developed at Yandoit Uniting Church in addition to, but separate from, Yandoit Cultural.

    Several gatherings have been held over the past few months to explore the kind of faith community we feel inspired to create.  Directions include multi-faith, keeping the spirit alive, recognising the seasons, reconciling with our first nations people, and incorporating rituals meaningful to our community and to the times we are living in.

    Our first gathering was on April 24th . We are supported in this exploration by Rev Sarah Tomilson, Uniting Church Minister, as well as the Sipwell Faith Community in Castlemaine.

    More information: Contact Nikki if you are interested in joining this community or if you have any questions on 0432 232 073

    Grounded Community Land Trust


    Help us make affordable housing a reality before The Australian Dream becomes an urban myth. Our work in Daylesford continues with the steering group honing in on a former disused caravan park.  Hopefully we will gain access to the site, but as we know with government land, it can take time – even during a housing crisis.

    These government submissions might be tedious but they help us understand the handouts insiders receive, fortifying our asks. Recent high level meets have included the Victorian Department of Treasury, Hepburn Shires’ Director of Planning and senior management at the Dja Dja Wurrung.

    Grounded is a not-for-profit organisation established to advocate, incubate and accelerate the development of Community Land Trusts in Australia. Become a Member

    Castlemaine Community Coop

    Today we are 98 members strong! The board met recently, and we:

    ✔️ are nearly fully registered: ABN, tax exempt, registered as not for profit

    ✔️ are ready for local lawyers to look over the disclosure statement for our investment mechanism

    ✔️ have started looking at the business model for the Hub

    If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to reply to this email and drop us a line:  https://castlemaine.coop/

    Local Government News

    Hepburn Matters and Upcoming Council Elections

    Hepburn Matters is concerned that Council elections are loomimg at the end of October with a completely new scenario. The change to seven councillors elected across the Shire without wards and a voting system similar to the Tasmanian state elections or a Senate election has implications for who can get elected and how. This has consequences for candidates who wish to stand so we are planning a roundtable with people who have been engaged in community matters of varying kinds relating to the council. We know  that many of you have views about how we can get the best Council to meet the community’s needs in the next four years.

    Hepburn Matters is developing a set of criteria which set out the sort of credentials which we think would best serve the community. We are holding two informal meetings to discuss the next steps at the Bendigo Bank Room next to the Palais in Hepburn : Saturday 4 May from 11 am – 12 pm      and     Sunday 5 May 11am-12pm

    Mt Alexander Democracy Group

    A group of Castlemaine locals is engaging community to increase understanding of council, amplify community voices in what we want for our shire and in our elected representatives, and to encourage people to run for council in the October elections.

    The group is entirely independent and volunteer run. The team will be facilitating discussion and sharing information over the coming months.

    If you would like to organise a discussion in your area, get involved or otherwise help out, get in contact.


    All Aboard at Bullarto Station

    Locals and visitors alike can now step back in time and enjoy a vintage railway experience at Bullarto Station thanks to a redevelopment of the historic station.

    The works have created a replica of Bullarto Station as it appeared in the 1930s complete with historical exhibits. Families, train lovers and history buffs can get a taste of rural life in the 1930s, learn about the history of Victorian Railways over the last 140 years and enjoy the restored platform and surrounding gardens.

    Daylesford Spa Country Railway (DSCR) manages the operation of the tourist rail, which runs restored heritage trains on return trips from Daylesford to Bullarto through picturesque farmland Wombat State Forest.

    This series of works at Bullarto Station will also complement the forthcoming development of the Daylesford Macedon Rail Trail, enabling people to transport their bikes on the train between Daylesford and Bullarto.

    Have questions or want to learn more about this project, contact our Project Manager: eatkin@hepburn.vic.gov.au

    Workshops and Courses

    Beyond the Polarities – a Thrutopian Perspective for Climate Coaching

    When: Tuesday 7 May 2024, 2:00pm – 3:30pm Melbourne time

    Where: Online

    Who for: Facilitators, leaders and climate coaches who want to be better informed about how to support clients

    A Thrutopian perspective is the foundation from which we create a viable future for all beings, one that we would be proud to leave for the next seven generations.   It arises from a new genre of writing, filmmaking and communicating about the future that can inform how we can best support people and groups they are working with. clients.  Thrutopian perspective recognises: -Where we are at now individually and collectively as a planetary civilisation, and the gravity of our situation; – shows a pathway, (perhaps many pathways),  towards a possible viable future that we would be proud to leave behind for future generations.

    The concept of Thrutopia was coined by Prof Rupert Read in 2017, when he saw that much of our climate communication and stories about the future are polarised between somewhat delusional happy ‘everything-will-be-alright utopian face’- and the doom and gloom dystopian stories of a future that leads to inaction and despair, either fighting or giving up.  For more information to to Climate Coaching Alliance  To Register go here

    Understanding Human Behaviour to Influence Community Change

    When: Tuesday, 14 May 2024 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
    Where: Ballarat: 910 Pleasant Street South Ballarat

    Are you passionate about sustainability and keen to find out more about how to motivate and create change in your community? Then this workshop is for you. Sustainability Victoria and Behaviour Works Australia are partnering with the City of Ballarat to offer a free workshop to help volunteer and community groups understand the role human behaviour can play in driving successful outcomes for your sustainability projects.

    click here to express your interest

    Growing our connection with all that lives, from the Work that Reconnects

    When: Saturday June 8. Time 1pm-5pm

    Where: Green Gully Victoria

    Cost: By donation

    The workshops provide a safe space for a deep connection with all life and the opportunity to share that with fellow travellers. Processes include Loving Kindness Meditation, a Mandala activity and The Milling- an experience of shifting from overload to simply being present.
    It is led by experienced WTR facilitators to serve a cultural shift towards reconnection with all beings and the planet.

    Inquiries Shana 0457 496 864 or Diane 0421 510 017
    Booking essential via Email: dianethompson61@gmail.com

    Food for Thought

    International Day of Transition Practise on Sat, 27th April (online)

    Hear from Transitioners and Transition groups who’ve succeeded in making changes in their communities. Learn more about the practices and conditions which supported this and what they learned along the way. Explore how to apply these practices and learnings in your own context. Join us for the Australian session, or register for sessions around the world!

    “Stories of Transition” is a series of online talks held every three months where we hear stories from three different Transition or other related groups from around Australia and the world. Attendees get to hear what different groups are currently doing and may be inspired to try similar ideas in their own area.

    Read more & register here for session

    Continue reading →
  • April 2024 Newsletter

    Love doesn’t just sit there like a stone. It has to be made like bread. Remade all the time. Made new. 

    (Ursula LeGuin, cited in Milkwood Newsletter,  March 2024)

    Welcome to the April edition of Localising Leanganook’s e-newsletter. There’s lots of local news and events as well as a thought-provoking feature article, in podcast format, on Cycles of Renewal – an interview with permaculture co-originator and Hepburn Springs resident David Holmgren.

    Cheers, Nikki, Keppel, Laurel, and Samantha

    Note to Contributors and Readers

    As you can see, Localisising Leanganook’s e-news grows from strength to strength reaching more than 700 subscribers. The monthly newsletter  includes an ever expanding range of localising events, programs and creative initiatives  in  our central Victorian region.  If you’ve got items for inclusion in the May or future editions, let our editing team know – (nikki.marshall@mmnet.com.au). To help our editing team please email through information you’d like included in the following format:

    • program/project/event name plus date, time and location if relevant
    • summary of event/issue/program, in word format,
    • accompanying photo as a jpeg or png

    April’s edition includes:

    Feature Article: Reskillience Podcast

    1. Arts and Culture
    2. Food Growing, Farming and Food Security
    3. Ecology and Environment
    4. First Nations
    5. History, Books and Libraries
    6. Sustainable Living Resources
    7. Building Community
    8. Local Government News
    9. Workshops and Courses

    Letters – 

    Food for Thought

    Feature Article- Reskillience Podcast

    Looking for fresh ear food? Reskillience is a podcast born and raised in Hepburn featuring lots of familiar voices. It explores the intersection between permaculture, rewilding and non-irksome self help, highlighting the hard and soft skills that’ll help us stay resilient into the future. Hosted by Catie Payne and released every Monday, Reskillience brings you provocative and peace-loving convos with people like David Holmgren, Meg Ulman, Suzy Muir, Su Dennett, Patrick Jones, Devon Harris and many, many more. David’s episode “Cycles of Renewal” is a great place to start. 🎧 Have a listen on iTunes, Spotify or wherever podcasts bloom.

    Arts and Culture

    CresFest- Creswick’s Folk  and Roots Festival

    When: Friday April 5th to Sunday April 7th

    Where: Assorted venues in Creswick

    This CresFest World Podcast created by Neil Adam. What other festival goes to this much trouble to tell you the stories behind the music – ten episodes and more coming weekly, with in depth interviews with artists past and present.

    For more information and to book: https://cresfest.com.au/


    Northern Arts Hotel

    THE COOLROOM DIARY [Click on links for event details] MUSIC GIGS  [Usually at 7.30pm, Sunday 2.30pm]

    Friday 29 March | The Cartwheels
    Saturday 30 March | The Great Unknown
    Friday 5 April | The Duck Downpickers
    Saturday 6 April | Jack Pantazis Group
    Friday 19 April | Michael Plater + Friends
    Saturday 27 April | The Anticlinal Fold 
    Saturday 18 May | Dave Graney & Clare Moore
    Sunday 31 March | Secret Movie Matinee
    Thursday 28 March, 4pm | Maine-ly Ukes
    Sunday 21 April 2.30pm | Pride Secret Movie
    Monday 22 April 7pm | Pride CFU: LBGTiQA + Asylum Seekers
    Thursday 25 April 7pm | Best of BQFF Short Films
    Friday 26 April 7.30pm | Kaiyah Mercedes + Candice Alisha

    Newstead Arts Hub

    Through My Eyes: Exhibition – Dawn Robinson 
    Weekends Sat 6 – Sun 28 April, 10am-4pm
    In this exhibition, sculptor and artist Dawn Robinson, explores the interplay of natural and urban environments. Her new series of limestone sculptures and abstract expressionist paintings are full of contrasts; movement & stillness, solidity & emptiness, negative & positive, light & dark. Dawns’ captivating works explore and test these dualities. Sat 6 April, 2.30pm: To celebrate the opening of Through My Eyes, Dawn has arranged some special treats for us.
    There will be tastings of award winning Macedon Ranges gin from Travelling While Standing Still and gorgeous sounds by Smith & Appleby Duo Jazz

    Slow Stitching: Workshop
    Sat 14 April, 10am-3.30pm – $110 Full $100 Members 

    Scrap Piecing in the ‘boro’ style with Liz Sardone. Boro stitching is an art form that grew out of necessity in medieval Japan. Using slow, meditative stitches, scraps are transformed into something beautiful and practical. In this workshop you will use  pre-loved fabric scraps to construct your own piece of cloth, then turn it into a small bag.  BOOK HERE After a brief outline of the history of Boro, you will select your fabric scraps and decide how they go together. Liz will teach you different stitching techniques and you’ll be on your way to creating a beautiful piece of fabric. This workshop will suit people who have done some stitching and who have access to a some old and used fabrics (or you could visit your local op shop!).The ultimate in upcycling and repurposing.

    Finding your Creative Self Through Experimentation
    Workshop:  Sat 27 April, 10am-3pm – $135 Full $120 Members

    A fun, mixed media workshop for beginners, facilitated by the fabulous Julie Patey. Julie will guide you in exploring colour, texture & materials. Using wet and dry media to create abstract imagery which could lead to paintings, fabric design, cards or artworks. Come for the joy of playing with materials in a friendly environment. No pressure to create a finished piece. It’s all about enjoying the process. Ages 12-100! No experience necessary. BOOK HERE  Julie is a Central Victorian artist who exhibits regularly across the country.The love of paper and its potential to take stains, textures and colours is endlessly fascinating to her. She concentrates on mood and texture and the memory of the landscape. Natural pigments are combined with both collagraph and etching to create textual nuance.

    Radius Art Gallery- Hepburn Springs

    • Peter Sparkman’s Photographs delve into the lives, loves and interactions of our local queer community.  The images span the past 15 years of ChillOut Festival. MORE INFO UNTIL SAT 13TH APRIL
    • Julian Assange Film – “The Trust Fall” at Radius.  27th & 28th April from 7pm  Tix will be $15 with some $ to Julien (also to Radius and the film company).  P.  Trailer here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wcYOv2SorgY
    • Spoontastic – again some details below.  A quirky culinary exhibition as Radius is transformed by giant spoons hanging from walls & ceilings.  A long table will be laid out for a meal in the middle: set with hand crafted bowls, cups and plates. During the exhibition a number of dining-performances allow audience members to sit at the table and partake in a shared meal and story together. REGISTER YOUR INTEREST

    76, Main Rd, Hepburn Springs


    Food Growing, Farming and Food Security

    The Orchard Keepers

    Harcourt’s fruit is still available at market and online sales for a couple more months! The Farm Shop will still be open for collection of pre-ordered fruit. Please note, it will only be staffed until about 1pm Wed-Fri, but if you’ve ordered a box it will be in the black fridges (inside the door to the left) with your name on it. Thanks so much to everyone who has visited the farm this season.

    Hepburn Wholefoods

    Opening hours: Mondays 9.30-11.30am
    Wednesdays 2-4pm
    Thursdays 3-5pm
    Saturdays 11am-1pm

    Location:   11 Perrins Street · Daylesford.  Find us here,


    Mt Franklin Organics

    Give your garden beds a boost with green manure seeds – fava beans and oats&peas $8/500g. Also broad bean seeds.
    A range of organically gown fruit and vegetables,  as well as trees and organic seeds.
    Available at Daylesford’s Sunday Market or  PICKUP from farm on Saturday, (180 church Rd, Mt Franklin, come down the driveway and park at shed, your order will be there).   Please pre-order produce by FRIDAY EVENING.

    Ecology and Environment

    Support Local Climate Activists


    Dean Bridgfoot, Laura Levetan and Bernie Tonkin, – 3 Castlemaine Climate Activists, who occupied the Bendigo NAB, were tried for trespass at the NAB bank in Bendigo during the first week of  March. They have  each been fined and welcome contributions from other concerned climate activists to help pay their fines

    Please contact Bernard- bernard.tonkin@gmail.com if you can help out.

    Wildlife Nest Boxes- Newstead Landcare

    Newstead Landcare and Wildlife Nest Boxes are installing twenty new nest boxes. Meet us at Rotunda(less) Park from 9:30am on Sunday 7 April 2024 for a short on-site talk from Miles Geldard of Wildlife Nest Boxes. Miles will talk about the importance of nest boxes and hollows for our local wildlife, share some of his learnings from years of experience building and installing nest boxes, and answer questions from the audience. Hollow dependent fauna can be found throughout Australia, however, some of them are on the threatened species list. It’s generally understood that species decline is primarily driven by habitat loss. Installing a nest box helps restores this habitat – it is a form of emergency housing for wildlife.

    Food and organics collection starting in Hepburn Shire  


    A weekly food and garden organics bin collection is coming for township households in Creswick, Trentham, Daylesford, Hepburn and Hepburn Springs, following on from the successful trial held in Clunes since 2021.  The new lime green-lidded bins and kitchen caddies will be delivered in mid-to-late-March, with the collection starting just after Easter on 8 April. Here’s a short video clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01fO0jXNEP4


    2024 Nest Box checks

    Connecting Country is seeking volunteers to monitor the Brush-tailed Phascogale during April and May  2024. This nest box volunteer role involves: Travel within the Mount Alexander region, Following safety procedures, Carrying ladders and equipment to sites, Helping to navigate to sites, Writing observations and recording data, and Taking photos. For more information on our nest box monitoring – click here

    If you are interested send a brief email to anna@connectingcountry.org.au

     Photo by Geoff Park

    Safeguard Harcourt’s wildlife corridors: Petition

    Harcourt Valley Landcare Group have been busy working on a campaign to protect Harcourt’s wildlife corridors and biodiversity assets from inappropriate development, for future generations. Harcourt is a special part of our region, and has significant vegetation that is critical habitat for threatened species such as the Brush-Tailed Phascogale, Brown Toadlet and Sun Moth Orchid, as well as many majestic large old trees and habitat corridors. The Harcourt Valley Landcare Group have started a petition on Change.org, to request the Mount Alexander Shire Council protect such natural assets from inappropriate development and ensure our wildlife and biodiversity thrive into the future.

    Posted by Connecting Country:  https://connectingcountry.org.au/

    Join Harcourt Valley Landcare Group’s call for Mt Alexander Shire Council to protect wildlife corridors that allow safe passage for our precious native species from Leanganook (Mt Alexander) to the Walmer Forest. These wildlife corridors include roadside vegetation corridors like Elys Lane, Douglas Lane, Shady Lane and Eagles Rd; and waterways such as Barkers Creek and Picnic Gully Creek. We call for strong protections for Large Old Trees, habitat for the Brush-tailed Phascogale, Brown Toadlet and Golden Sun Moth Orchid. Click hereto sign the petition and for more information.

    Bird of the Month

    Bird of the month is a partnership between Connecting Country and BirdLife Castlemaine District.

    Varied Sitella (Daphoenositta chrysoptera): The Varied Sitella is a small grey bird that is often hard to see, although it is widespread in our region. One distinguishable behaviour is that it often runs down a tree trunk or branch or hangs upside down as it searches for food. A gregarious species, it can usually can be seen in groups of 2 up to 20 when foraging in its preferred woodland haunts.

    As the name implies, plumage can be quite variable within the species and there is extensive and complex variation in different geographical areas. DNA evidence supports a few distinct subspecies, and there is widespread hybridisation between these different subspecies – all in all a bit confusing!

    It can be found across Australia (but not Tasmania) in a variety of habitats from southern Victoria all the way up to Cape York, in Western Australia and is also lightly spread throughout the inland.

    At times it can be found foraging in mixed species flocks which include Buff-rumped and Striated Thornbills and occasionally Scarlet Robins. It is rarely seen on the ground, preferring to move along tree trunks and in the foliage. It tends to favour higher spots on trees compared to other bark-feeding species such as Treecreepers and Crested Shriketits and can be seen 8-14m above ground level, which of course makes observation that much more tricky.

    The Varied Sittella is a small songbird native to Australia. Photo: Damian Kelly

    Sustainable Living Resources

    Repair Cafes

    Castlemaine: Last  Sunday of each month, 10am to 1.00pm  at Castlemaine Community House, 30 Templeton St.  For further information join our Facebook group, visit our website or call Chris on 5470 5508.


    Repair Cafés are about keeping things out of landfill, saving you money, and giving members of the community the opportunity to volunteer. Bring along broken household appliances, sewing repairs, toys, etc. Learn bicycle maintenance. Join the Mending Circle and swap tips on crochet, darning, knitting, hand sewing, etc. or learn to do these so your clothes continue to be usable. There’s also help with mobile phones, wiping information before recycling, settings etc.

    Daylesford: Third Sunday of each month, 1pm-4pm _ Tner April Cafe will again be  at Radius Gallery,  76 Main Road, Hepburn Springs, For further information: Nikki 0432 232 073 or  https://www.facebook.com/daylesfordrepaircafe/

    Gold Coin donation.

    Creswick Repair and Share : Third Sunday of each month at Creswick Community House and hall


    Degrowth Central Victoria

    Degrowth Central Victoria has been meeting regularly over the past few months. Degrowth aims to achieve socio-political equity and ecological sustainability in our everyday practices. Degrowth addresses questions such as — How can we be more ecologically efficient? How can we care for one another and Earth more?

    Degrowth has become an international movement in the last couple of decades. Degrowth embraces many principles and aims of other environmental and social movements. But, degrowth is unique in its focus on the growth fetish – as in growth of monetary GDP (gross domestic product), productivity and profits. Market economies are driven by an abstract concept of limitless monetary growth at the cost of human lives, quality of life and Earth’s regenerative capacity. Think out-of-control carbon emissions threatening our futures. Degrowth is about transforming our everyday practices towards respecting and working with the fragile, limited, yet bountiful Earth on which we rely to exist. Degrowth aims to reframe our economies away from socially and ecologically destructive growth. The regenerative capacities of Earth and of ourselves need to be restored and preserved. Everyone’s needs – and more general ecological needs – must be met, neither more nor less.

    Degrowth Central Victoria is a collective of people supporting degrowth aims by experimenting with degrowth practices in our local area. Here is the new Website — https://degrowthcentralvic.org/ which offers details of such activities, and how to get involved in them or engage with us, along with resources to learn more about degrowth. There’s also regular articles published via substack:  https://degrowthcentralvictoria.substack.com/

    Castlemaine Community Investment Cooperative

    The Castlemaine Community Investment Co-operative was launched on the 6 of March with about 60 founding members joining in singing and playing Big Yellow Taxi with Lena Mitchell and Meg Corson. There were community guardian sculptures by Eliza Jane Gilchrist. Directors – Warwick Smith and Angus Gratton – provided updates on the preparations for the the co-ops proposed first investment in the Hub, and the board answered questions from the audience.

    The co-op is aiming to collectively purchase and manage profitable local properties, taking them out of the speculative real estate market for good. It will offer locals a way to invest in their own community to protect and support the things we value. Our community members democratically determine the direction of the co-operative and we are nearly 100 members strong. You can join for $40/$20 at  https://castlemaine.coop/join/. New members welcome!
    You can find out more at https://castlemaine.coop/ or follow us on Facebook for details https://www.facebook.com/castlemainecoop. 

    Solar offer for Hepburn Shire locals

    Have you heard about our Hepburn Solar and Battery Bulk Buy? We are working with long-term solar partners Solar Savers to offer a bulk buy on solar PV, and also batteries.

    Get in touch on 1300 548 598 to discuss with one of the Solar Savers team or visit www.solarsavers.org.au


    Free Mulch

    Are you looking to give your garden some extra TLC? Hepburn Shire  transfer stations have mulch ready and waiting in Daylesford, Trentham and Creswick. And guess what? It’s absolutely FREE if you roll up your sleeves and load it by hand.

    If you need assistance loading, our trusty front loader machine at the Daylesford site is on standby for just a small charge of $12 per load.  The mulch comes from the green waste you all shared during our free disposal period in November. Your contributions are coming back to help your gardens grow.

    Affordable Housing

    The issue of housing affordability is a concern for many people in Mt Alexander (and other ) shire, and the shire is committed to making more homes available for more people. Find out what actions we’re taking to address affordable housing in a bi-monthly e-newsletter.

    Visit Shape Mount Alexander and click ‘Follow’ for updates on what we’re doing : https://shape.mountalexander.vic.gov.au/affordable-housing

    Sign up for affordable housing updates

    Castlemaine Seed Library

    Next working bee- April 4th, 11am at Castlemaine Library

    Join our friendly group for seed packing and gardening chats. All welcome.

    On the board for March there are Western Red carrots, Mustard, Coriander, Flat leaf parsley, radish, Globe Artichoke, Painted lady lettuce, Brocolli, Tuscan black kale, Broad beans, Mixed lettuce, Spring onion, Red and Green Silverbeet, Wasabi mustard, Mizuna, Beetroot and Russian kale.


    Building Community

    Castlemaine Free University

    In collaboration with Castlemaine Pride 2024, CFU hosts a LGBTIQA+ Refugees & Asylum Seekers event on Monday 22 April 2024, 7pm,  Norther Arts Hotel —

    For Palestine Fundraiser

    Gaza is unsafe, with Palestinians living in tents or temporary shelters, lacking essentials like water, food, and electricity. Aid is
    insufficient for the over two million residents due to blockages.On the 21st of April 2024, join us at the Theatre Royal as we show our solidarity and raise much needed funds for the people of Gaza. All proceeds will go to providing much needed food, water, and electricity for the writers (and their families) from We Are Not Numbers (WANN), who—despite the very real fear of being killed—are continuing to write and tell their stories.This will be a peaceful event with music from The Double Dole String Band, Eliza Hull, Baby Velvet, Charlie Needs Braces, Angie Hart, Nokomi Achkar, and The Freedom Singers. With poetry by Andy Jackson and Declan Furber Gillick.There’ll be an art auction and a raffle made up of donations by Castlemaine’s incredible local businesses. There will also be screen
    printing on the day, so bring along your t-shirts!Food and drinks at bar prices.Auslan Interpreted. Accessible Venue.

    When: SUNDAY 21ST APRIL 3-6 PM 

    Children are free entry.

    This project is an initiative of We Are Not Numbers, supported by the Middle East Children’s Alliance, a registered non-profit organisation.
    Tickets –

    Jumpleads- Programs to grow your community impact

    FREE programs: For creatives, local leaders & regional communities.
    A feast on offer! With lots of practical & supportive initiatives for you to: progress ideas, take care of yourself & others, grow your community impact.

    All delivered by Jumpleads, Make a Change & Pop Up Art

    Programs include local leadership, big weather, supercharging community energy, and climate conversations.

    Local Government News

    Community Grants

    There are three grant opportunities currently open via Hepburn Shire for community groups.

    Council’s Quick Response Grants – support community groups who may have experienced an unforeseen disruption, urgent issue or to facilitate small projects. Grants of up to $1,000 are available until the allocated budget is exhausted.

    Biodiversity grants – for  community-based projects that enhance and protect the biodiversity of our Shire.

    Sustainable Hepburn grants – for community-based projects and initiatives that aim to reduce future impacts of climate change.

    Biodiversity and Sustainable Hepburn grants close on 8 April. More information on grants here. 

    Workshops and Courses

    Alexander Technique Workshops in Daylesford

    Foot Workshop | Walk with Ease     + Smart Yoga Workshop

    When: Sunday, 14th April, 2024

    Where: Daylesford Neighbourhood Centre

    Cost: $80 per workshop or $140 for both

    Bookings:  https://www.alexanderschool.edu.au/daylesford

    Highly engaging & interactive workshops.  David Moore is an Alexander Technique of 35 years experience,  Director of the School of FM Alexander Studies in Melbourne, and  an internationally renowned yoga teacher and author.  His book, Smart Yoga brings fresh and practical insights into how the Alexander Technique can contribute to yoga practice: https://www.alexanderschool.edu.au/smart-yoga-by-david-moore

    Smart Yoga book will be available for sale ($45).  David is available for Introductory One Hour Lessons, $110 (GST Included). Lessons will be held in Hepburn Springs, on Saturday 13th April.

    For all lesson bookings, contact Peter O’Mara 0439 761 150  Any enquiry/chat is welcomed.


    NAB Climate Protesters on wrong side of law and right side of history.

     Three climate protesters fined in court in March maintain they are on the ‘right side of history’, even though found to be on the wrong side of the law. The magistrate said they had a moral not a legal case. Bernard Tonkin, a carpenter and domestic violence men’s counsellor; Laura Levetan, retired lecturer in carbon economics and senior corporate strategy advisor; and Dean Bridgfoot, a veterinarian, appeared in the Bendigo Magistrate Court this week charged with trespass.

    Following a vigorously contested three-day trial – in which the 3 protesters represented themselves in court, without a lawyer – Magistrate Joanna Metcalfe today found the trio Guilty of trespass. Unusually for a charge like trespass, the Castlemaine residents all pleaded Not Guilty and employed a rarely used defence. In at-times emotional testimonies in court the protesters said they had had no choice but to escalate their campaign of non-violent direct action as all previous efforts – such as writing letters, to stop NAB bank’s financing of coal, accelerating climate change – had failed.

    The trespass charges and trial stem from a protest at the Bendigo NAB branch on 31 March, 2023 – part of a wave of protest action at more than 60 NAB branches nationwide to ‘Move Beyond Coal’.  A group of Central Victorian citizens, including the three defendants, entered the Bendigo NAB branch asking to talk to a bank manager about their climate concerns. They also intended to show a film highlighting NAB’s ‘greenwashing’ while funding coal projects with billions of dollars. The group handed out popcorn to customers, and asked to speak to the bank’s senior management, a request which was refused. The Bendigo 3 defendants were arrested when they refused to leave the bank and were charged with trespass. Four months later NAB withdrew its planned financing of Whitehaven Coal.

    The accused 3 sought to establish that their refusal to leave the NAB Bendigo bank branch during the March 2023 protest was reasonable and necessary conduct when faced with the threat of harm caused by climate change, and by NAB’s $1b financing of new coal projects in particular.

    Magistrate Joanna Metcalfe permitted the 3 to use the defence of Duress never before used in an Australian environmental court case.

    Contact Defendants: Laura Levetan, 0412 887 835; Dean Bridgfoot, 0403 160 091; Bernard Tonkin, 0459 472 558; bernard.tonkin@gmail.com

    Food for Thought

    Deep Time Diligence: Tyson Yunkaporta in conversation with Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee in Emergence Magazine-  https://emergencemagazine.org/interview/deep-time-diligence

    North Central Chat- Information from North Central Catchment Management Authority:

    North Central Chat March 2024 | North Central Catchment Management Authority (nccma.vic.gov.au)

    Milkwood’s Recipe for growing green manures for our gardens: 


    Local Futures- lots to read and listen to about promoting localisation globally including Planet Local Voices- podcasts and video clips 


    Transition Network Australia-Inspiring and supporting local communities as they build a sustainable future- You can subscribe to their newsletter.


    Ballarat Gold Mine put on notice after tunnel collapse


    Stories of Transition- Transition Australia

    Online Stories of Transition for 2024, on the theme of exploring community land use. Monday 8 April 2024 8.00pm- 9.15pm AEST (6.00pm WA, 7.30pm SA) 

    Read more and register here for zoom link

    Agrariansim and the Relocalisation of farming – Chris Smaje

    Chris Smaje is an author, small-scale farmer, social scientist, and food system analyst. In this episode, Chris explains how the organization of food systems is ultimately an energetic question; one that, in the modern era, has been answered by an over-reliance on cheap fossil fuels. He argues that, in a future of lesser energy abundance and mounting crises, localized food systems will be vital for survival. Listen to the podcast or  Watch the video


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  • Special Bulletin- Palm Sunday Peace Walk in Castlemaine

    Dear Localising Leanganook e-newsletter subscribers,

    Please find below a special e-news bulletin about next Sunday’s Palm Sunday Peace Walk in Castlemaine. Localising Leanganook wishes to support this important local initiative.

    Please Note: Our usual monthly e-news will be published at the end of March.

    Palm Sunday Peace Walk- Castlemaine

    When: Sunday March 24, 2024, 11.30am

    Where: Gather at the Uniting Church on Lyttleton st, at 11.30am, and arriving at 12.15 at Jaara (Victory) Park, for speeches and music.

    Uniting the traditions of Palm Sunday Peace Marches with the weekly Free Palestine rallies, the Castlemaine community are invited to gather together across race, culture, faith and politics – for peace and justice for all.  

    Based in Christian traditions, over the past several decades Palm Sunday Peace marches have become a place for ecumenical and non-faith based communities to come together with “the common purpose of compassion for others and a passion for justice”[1] (https://www.insights.uca.org.au/the-palm-sunday-peace-march-some-history/)

     The Castlemaine community has been gathering every Sunday to bear witness and show solidarity with the Palestinian community as horrors in Gaza continue to be live-streamed on our devices, but dismissed by governments and media.

     Palm Sunday brings us the opportunity to broaden out this event and focus together on working for bringing peace and justice everywhere. From here in Australia where First Nations peoples continue to be impacted by colonisation and refugees are often met with suspicion and racism, to the many conflicts active across the world, we need to be tackling the root causes of such violence and offering compassion and support to those displaced and damaged by these systems of oppression.

    Rev Sarah Tomilson from the Castlemaine Uniting Church said: “It’s time for us to come together, regardless of religion or culture, to meet on Country in the spirit of peace to keep alive the hope for a greater humanity. This is what we can do. This is what we must do. “

    We will be gathering at the Uniting Church on Lyttleton Street for a walk ending at Jaara (Victory) Park for speeches and music. Participants are invited to bring gum branches for the walk. All are welcome. 

    This event is co-hosted by Castlemaine Commons and Free Palestine Central Vic and supported by the Castlemaine Uniting Church.
    Like all Free Palestine Central Vic events this is a safe and inclusive event. We condemn and oppose all forms of racism, including antisemitism and Islamophobia.
    Please get in touch if you have any specific accessibility requirements.
    We acknowledge Dja Dja Wurrung as the Traditional Owners of the lands on which we live, work and organise. We pay our respect to their Elders past and present, and their emerging leaders. We recognise that the ongoing land theft, occupation and genocide of the Palestinian people is deeply connected to First Nations struggles here and across the globe.

    For more information, contact Emma King on 0428 818 109

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  • February/March 2024 newsletter

    I think the task before us is to re-learn what it means to walk as if everywhere is a temple. To approach how we are in relationship to the Living Earth as if it were a temple.
    Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee- Emergence Magazine

    Welcome to the February/March edition of Localising Leanganook’s e-newsletter. There’s lots of local news and events as well as a thought-provoking feature article on de-growth and supermarkets.  Let our editing team know (Keppel, Laurel, Samantha and Nikki) if you’ve got items for inclusion in the March/April edition – (nikki.marshall@mmnet.com.au).

    1. Arts and Culture
    2. Food Growing, Farming and Food Security
    3. Ecology and Environment
    4. First Nations
    5. History, Books and Libraries
    6. Sustainable Living Resources
    7. Building Community
    8. Local Government News
    9. Workshops and Courses


    Food for Thought

    Feature Article- Angst in the Aisle by Peter Yates

    I went to the supermarket. I do that sometimes. More than I want to. More than I intend to. I have principles. It’s just hard to stick to them all the time.

    I just stood there, stunned. Partly it was the plenitude. Row after row of stuff. Partly it was the bright lighting, the bright packaging, the cacophony of attention-seeking plastic. Partly it was the fact that most of this stuff was stuff that nobody needs, that is nutritionally dubious at best. Partly it was because so much of this stuff is produced and packaged and delivered and put on a shelf because it might draw you or I into a ‘comfort purchase’, a momentary hit of sugar, fat, salt and dopamine.

    In that supermarket, with its exhortations to buy, buy, buy; with its lies about freshness; its lies about affordability; its lies about caring for the consumer, the farmer, the environment, I felt like I was entrapped in a great snarl of evil – a fabric of falsity, woven of threads that are designed to conceal, though I fear that the deception is barely necessary, so normal is the violence embodied in all that stuff.

    Hannah Arendt wrote about the “banality of evil”. She was writing about the (almost) unspeakable violence of the Holocaust. I don’t want to diminish the trauma of that event with a glib comparison – but I don’t think that I am. The banality on display on the supermarket shelves is as crushingly banal as a 1930’s German functionary accepting morally repugnant instructions because he needs a job. And the end result – the destruction of living ecosystems, the destruction of a planet – is not less than the extermination of a people. It just happens more slowly and seems to happen a long way away. What I think I felt, what paralyzed me in the supermarket that day, was that part of the destruction of the planet was very present and very immediate, because I felt a part of myself starting to die in that place.

    All that stuff.

    I could go along and put some of it in my trolley. In the end, when I had recovered a little, when I had pushed down the moment of lucidity, I did go along and put some things in. Everything in plastic. Nice clean plastic. Durable, hygienic plastic. The yogurt I picked up comes in plastic. The yogurt will be gone in a day or two. The plastic container will be around for a few hundred years. Perhaps it will be buried out of sight in a landfill? Perhaps it will slowly decompose in the sun, breaking into ever smaller pieces until the particles are so small they can enter the blood and brains of children and small birds. The cows that gave the milk probably didn’t have terrible lives (in Australia at least). But it is true that their milk production is dependent on their producing calves every year, and that the calves were removed soon after birth, causing genuine grief and trauma. My yogurt is infused with a mother’s sorrow. It doesn’t make it taste better, but it does make it much cheaper.

    I didn’t buy the bacon. It too was in plastic, but it is the lives, and deaths of the pigs that trouble me here. Pigs are social and intelligent, I’ve kept them on the farm at times, humorous, cheeky and boisterous, I had to give them up because I hated killing them. But the lives of the pigs that go for supermarket bacon? These are lives confined, on concrete floors where a pigs’s strongest urge – to dig – is thwarted. Their pig-ness is irrelevant to their lives. These are not so much pigs as economic units. They are future bacon. Living their short, miserable, un-realised lives before they are forced onto a crowded truck, delivered to an abattoir where they are gassed en-mass, dismembered and soaked in vats of saline. In that saline is a solution of nitrates that will give you and I colon cancer.

    One of the things that gets me into the supermarket is peanut butter. True, I can get it from other sources, many of them allowing me to grind my own. But the nuts always seem to be undercooked. I have a favourite brand at the supermarket. The nuts are grown in Queensland. The soil rich red soil of Kingaroy is ploughed and enriched with synthetic fertilisers. It is sprayed with herbicides. The peanuts are sown and grow under the protection of repeated applications of insecticide and fungicide. The only life allowed in that field is peanuts. After harvest they are shipped to New Zealand, where someone knows how much to roast a peanut. Given the strictness of New Zealand’s quarantine, one wonders what the raw nuts are treated with? They are then shipped back to Australia, where I buy them, somewhat shame-facedly. In a plastic tub. The tubs are good. I use them for lots of things. But there are limits. There is poetry under the label (Aren’t they cute, these Kiwi’s?)

    It’s Christmas, so the supermarket is full of chocolate. Is there a product in the world (other than some of the minor ingredients of your smart phone), that is more ethically dubious than chocolate? There is the deforestation making way for the cacao plantations, and the deforestation making way for the oil palm that is used in many (most?) cheaper brands. There is the child labour, there is the below-living-wage labour and there is the slave labour. There is the sugar, a vast industrial crop sustained by synthetic inputs that wash into and pollute waterways, a further stress on the already devastated Great Barrier Reef.

    The canned veggies and beans seem innocuous enough. But these days, every can is lined with plastic. The cheap Italian tomatoes seem a good buy. But understand that the canned tomato industry is Mafia controlled, and the cheapness come from the exploitation and forced labour of undocumented migrants. Have you ever grown your own tomatoes and bottled your own passata? Then you know how crap those commercial versions really are.

    Don’t go down the water aisle! Do you even realise there is an aisle dedicated just to bottled water? Water, pumped from aquifers that are owned by the people, owned by the ecosystem, and put in plastic bottles, with or without sugar, bubbles or colouring. Water brought to you from the other side of the world. Water that costs more than petrol. Drink the water, throw the bottle away. Somebody is prepared to lie to you that the bottle will be recycled.

    I could go on. You know I could. But I’ll spare you, and myself. I consider my point made. That supermarket is the focal point and enabler of countless industrial processes that extract value from the world and from people. The value that shapes every facet of every contributing activity is economic optimisation. The environment, the animals, the soil, the workers: there is no room for care of these things.

    And we go to the supermarket because? Is it the cornucopia of stuff? Is it the convenience of having everything in one trolly? The easy parking? Is it the cheaper prices and the ‘specials’ that make our budgets a little easier to manage? Whatever the reason, we go, and in going we participate in a thousand acts of banal evil.


    Arts and Culture

    Michael Leunig’s Cartoons in Music and Song Come to Yandoit

    When and Where: Saturday, March 9th, 7.30pm at  Yandoit Cultural, Uniting Church Road, (off High St) Yandoit

    After a sell-out performance in Castlemaine in late January, Fay White and musical friends are bringing this fabulous concert to Yandoit Cultural on Saturday March 9th at 7.30pm. Castlemaine resident Fay White, composer and choir leader, was commissioned to write songs drawing on Leunig’s poems and images that are short, can be learnt by ear and are easy to learn for novices and experienced singers.  Leunig’s images will be projected and the concert will include songs, stories and audience participation in song.

    The concert will be in two halves, followed by refreshments at the end.

    “Fay White is a poet of our times. For the past five decades she has written songs that reflect and inform contemporary living.  Fay’s singing compels and inspires. She can turn a crowd into a choir in three minutes.” 

    Entry by donation– Suggested donation: $15/10. Monies raised will contribute towards the Dharrak Djanga Bush Tucker Project run by Nalderun Education Aboriginal Corporation, based in central Victoria.  Bookings Essential: ycfcpg@gmail.com or Nikki  (0432 232 073) or Alison (0415 555 081)

    Waking Up a Fiery Love For The Earth- Book Launch

    Join us for the launch of Susan Murphy’s new book, A Fire Runs through All Things: Zen Koans For Facing The Climate Crisis (Shambhala, 2023).

    Susan will be in conversation about the ecological heart of the Dharma, its potent resonance with indigenous sense of Country, and how to wake up a fierce love for the earth.

    Don’t miss this unique opportunity to engage in the most fiery questions of our time.

    What: Book Launch and Conversation with Susan Murphy
    When: Monday March 18, 2024, 5.45pm for a 6pm start — 7.30pm

    Where: Northern Arts Hotel, 359 Barker St, Castlemaine
    Cost: FREE- (Nibbles provided, drinks will be available for purchase at the bar)

    Copies of the book will be for sale and Susan will be available to sign them after the conversation.

    Co-hosted by Castlemaine Zen and Localising Leanganook

    About Susan Murphy: Susan is a familiar presence in Castlemaine. In 2015 she gave a keynote address at Local Lives, Global Matters. This conference gave birth to Localising Leanganook, a thriving network of members committed to viable economies, social and ecological justice, reclaiming democracy and revitalising spirit.Susan has also written numerous books on Zen and the climate crisis we face, including Upside-Down ZenMinding the Earth, Mending the World, and Red Thread Zen. Since 1999 she has been teaching and leading Zen retreats in Victoria (Melbourne Zen Group), Tasmania (Mountains and Rivers Zen, Hobart) and New South Wales (Zen Open Circle). She is widely recognised nationally and internationally for unearthing the ecological heart of the Dharma, and the potent resonance of Zen mind with indigenous sense of Country.

    Singalong Book Launch-New Book- A Basket of Songs

    Castlemaine’s Trace Balla and Andrew McSweeney invite you to come along to a singalong book launch for a new book A Basket of Songs.
    When and Where: 11 am Sat 16 March 2024 – the Good Op Shop, 4 Lewis Drive, Castlemaine
    The Castlemaine Launch will be in the courtyard cafe (yes you can buy cuppas and cake!) of the Good Op Shop (yes you can go op shopping before and after!).
    Trace has written the lyrics and stories behind the songs, and illustrated the book. Andrew McSweeney has made them into songs- the book comes with music sheets as well as a link to online recordings.
    Cost $20- cash or card- (correct cash is faster!)
    The book will be available for sale at the op shop for a couple of weeks after the event, and as an e-book.

    Northern Arts Hotel

    THE COOLROOM DIARY [Click on links to see event details]  MUSIC GIGS  [Usually at 7.30pm, Sunday 2.30pm]

    Saturday 17 February | Langue de Chat | French Musette and Chansons
    Saturday 24 February  | Peter and the Wolves 
    Friday 1 March | Andy Baylor’s Cajun Combo
    Saturday 2 March | Smith & Holiday
    Friday 8 March |  Mic Conway & Friends
    Saturday 9 March |  Emma Gilmartin and Gianni Marinucci
    Thursday 14 March | Curtis Eller and Gleny Rae
    Sat 16 & Sun 17 March | The Sentimental Bloke
    Friday 22 March | Keppel Cassidy and The Constant Gardeners
    Saturday 23 March | Maggie Jackson NY Jazz Trio
    Sunday 18 February 2.30pm | Secret Movie Matinee
    Thursday 15 February, 4pm | Maine-Ly Ukes
    Thursday 15 February 7.30pm | Guildford Folk Club
    Saturday 17 February, 2.30pm | Celtic Singing Circle
    Saturday 24 February, 2.30pm | PoetiCas
    Monday 4 March, 7pm | Castlemaine free Uni | Wage Peace

    Forest Film Society

    Forest Film Society 3461 is a community-run initiative under the auspices of the Glenlyon Progress Association. It’s designed to bring together residents living within the district of postcode 3461 to enjoy a season of films, along with a bowl of home-made soup, crusty bread and even a glass of wine!

    Season 5 – March to September 2024
    Venue: Glenlyon Hall
    When: First Friday of the month – March 1st, 2024
    Time: From 6.30pm for a bowl of home-made soup and bread or BYO snacks/drinks/plate/glass etc.
    Film commences at 7.15pm
    Cost: See membership options below
    Scheduled films
    March 1 – EMPIRE OF LIGHT – drama (UK 2022)  A drama about the power of human connection during turbulent times, set in an English coastal town in the early 1980s. Writer/Director: Sam Mendes. Stars: Olivia Colman, Micheal Ward, Collin Firth.

    Here’s the trailer link: https://www.imdb.com/video/vi193119513/?playlistId=tt14402146&ref_=tt_pr_


    Newstead Arts Hub- Events in March

    Mysterious Landscapes – Weekends Sat 2 – Sun 24 March, 10am-4pm
    Opening celebration Sun 3 March 2.30pm – all welcome

    Mysterious Landscapes explores shared artistic connections to nature, myths and the imaginary realms. Join the three artists – Kaye Dixon, Jane Wells and Margund Sallowsky – to discover the mystic, the uncanny and the dark corners of the world we inhabit through a powerful combination of photography, printmaking, and sculpture. Kaye Dixon combines painting, photography, and the alchemy of cyanotype to present prints and sculptures on the theme of Bone Women: Re-membering the Journey Home. Jane Wells presents sculptural figures constructed from found items and other materials on the theme Internal worlds. Margund Sallowsky’s work, Iceland from the Air is a series of landscape and aerial images shot from a helicopter, offers abstracted landscapes accompanied by audio stories and sagas from Icelandic mythology.

    Barry Lacey Bonsai- Weekends Sat 2 – Sun 24 March, 10am-4pm
    Barry is a local legend and much loved member of the community. Come along to see his spectacular exhibition of beautiful bonsai, which he has masterfully shaped and tended to over decades.Barry hopes that this exhibition will encourage people to try the art of bonsai. He says, ‘With the right help anyone can learn to make a bonsai, the art is to make your bonsai look old’.

    Newstead Open Studios Art Trail-  9, 10 & 11, 16-17 March, 11am-5pm

    Newstead Open Studios Art Trail will offer visitors the chance to look behind the scenes in local artists’ studios over two weekends 9,10 & 11 March (the long weekend) and 16-17 March, 11am to 5pm.  There will be lots of beautiful and diverse art for sale at each of the studios, you might even make a purchase or two. Look out for the Art Trail guide, available NOW, or join the Newstead Open Studios mailing list.

    For more info re whats on: www.newsteadartshub.org

    Cresfest’s Folk and Roots Festival

    Enjoy three days of dance and music in the beautiful heritage town of Creswick. A huge range of performers, from international stars to local newcomers, will entertain you over the weekend of Friday 5 April – Sunday 7 April.

    More than concerts, you’ll have the chance to participate through a dense packed program of workshops including singing, dancing and playing. Learn new skills and take part in the mayhem when KlezFest comes to CresFest and the streets are filled with klezmer dancing.

    Budding performers can enter our IGA Busking Competition for great prizes or sign up for open mic spots. It all happens on the streets of Creswick, the weekend after Easter in 2024, and during the school holidays.

    Kids 12 and under are free and we cater for them across the weekend with our (new) KidsOwn KidZone in 2024.

    Castlemaine Documentary Film Workshops

    Editing workshops for film makers of all levels
    Saturday 2 March at  Senior Citizens Centre, Castlemaine > Workshop

    The Disappearance of Shere Hite
    Thursday 7 March & Saturday 9 March Theatre Royal, Castlemaine > The Disappearance of Shere Hite

    CLUB CDOC Club CDoc is an informal get together for makers and lovers of film … people interested in story, creative non-fiction and media more broadly. It will be a regular event, happening the first Thursday of every month. No booking required, just roll up.

    Thursday 7 March — 6:00pm Casual drop-in on the 1st Thursday of the month
    The Love Shack > March Club CDoc

    Submit your film by 1 May- if you are toying with the idea of making and entering a short documentary film into LOCALS 2024 – (seeing it on the big screen at Theatre Royal on Opening Night of the Festival) – then this would be the perfect opportunity to sound out your film idea with others who might help you, and get inspired to make it.  Locals 2024

    Event on Facebook

    Food Growing, Farming and Food Security

    Mt Franklin Organics

    Daylesford Sunday market again this week. However for those of you who can’t make it to the market, you can come to the farm after 2 pm pm on Saturday   180 church Rd, Mt Franklin, come down the driveway and park at shed, your order will be there. FOR PICKUP from farm on Saturday,  please preorder produce by FRIDAY EVENING. Please call or text me on 0412 517 013 to let me know beforehand.
     Produce list- Rhubarb  $4.50, Strawberries  $4.50 punnet, Carrots  $5/bunch. Green beans  $6.50/500g, Zucchini  $5/kilo,  Zucchiniflowers  $1.20, Spring onions $3/bunch, X-large new season garlic $3/each or 4 for $10, Garlic 250 punnet  $7.50, Blackberries   $6/punnet, Chioggia beets ( italian heirlooms) $5/bunch, Chives, garlic chives,  thyme, tarragon, sage, Vietnamese mint  $2.50/bunch, Dutch cream potatoes from wombat organics $4/kg, Sebago potatoes  (good roasting)  $4/kg, Cherry and heirloom tomates  $7.50/500g, Sweet  basil $3.50/bunch, Thai basil  $3.50, Green gage Plums $7.00/kg, Apples “Gravenstein ” $5/kilo, Fig trees $12 -$30 depending on size, Red or black currants  $8
    Huge selection of organic seeds $4.00 each/packet. Happy to rycycle small punnets and pots to reuse. To find out whats fresh and available, subscribe to Florian’s newsletter: newsletter@mtfranklinorganics.com.au

    Two Fold Bakehouse


    We bake naturally leavened, organic loaves, using organic stoneground flours, and work with the seasons; changing our loaves to suit what’s growing around us. We support regenerative agriculture and small family farms, who together form a part of a movement towards a local grain economy.

    Buy bread weekly on Thursday, ordered online weekly as a one off, or monthly as a subscription with pick up each Thursday from Daylesford, Yandoit or Kyneton hubs. Daylesfore Sunday Railway market Fortnightly. Hepburn Wholefood Collective – Fresh every Thursday from 3pm

    Castlemaine Seed Library

    Next working bee 7th March 11am, at Castlemaine library. All welcome!

    On the board this month you will find: Amaranth, Carrot, Coriander, Dill, Garlic Chives, Globe Artichoke, Leek (cross), Mixed Lettuce, Royal Oak Leaf Lettuce, Mustard, Wasabi Mustard, Radish, Flat Leaf Parsley, Rocket, Spring Onion, Landcress, Swiss Chard (silverbeet) and Watercress.

    Orchard Keepers- Castlemaine Weekly Market

    Specials on 10kg boxes of ripe plum seconds this week – perfect for a bottling session so you have delicious organic plums all winter

    CLICK HERE TO ORDER SPECIALS at our online shop

    Getting here

    • Come to 69 Danns Road, Harcourt. There is a Harcourt Organic Farming Co-op property sign at our entrance, then a long driveway to the farm carpark. The speed limit on the driveway is 25 km/hr. Please drive slowly and enjoy the view of the cows and kangaroos.
    • Park in the carpark at the big green shed. Please don’t park on the concrete apron (as we need access to the shed to bring fruit in and out) or in front of the blue shed (this is Sellar Dairy and Tess needs to be able to access her shed). Come to the Farm Shop and we’ll show you where to pick

    Growing Abundance and Fruit Harvests

    • Join us for our Summer Gathering with the Food Links Project on Wednesday March 6th to launch our ‘Year of Abundance’.
    • Keep an eye out on socials and your email inboxes for updates about upcoming blackberry, apple and pear harvests.
    • Please get in touch if you know of a tree that would love to be harvested by us

    Over the past few weeks, our new Harvest Coordinator Thea has been harvesting plums, pears and blackberries which are making their way to Castlemaine and Maldon Community Lunches. With a hotter summer than we’ve has a for a few years, fruit is ripening noticably sooner than we’ve become a little accustomed to. We’ve been in a bit pof a transition period over summer with a change in Harvest Coordinators, so it’s exciting to be getting into the swing of things now, feeling ready to go with apple and pear season upon us already!  Keep an eye on your emails for details about harvest in the coming weeks.


    Ecology and Environment

    Natural  Newstead



    Geoff Park’s regular blogs are a good way to learn more about native grasslands, plant and bird species. One of the signature plants is Tufted Burr-daisy Calotis scapigeraconsidered rare in the district, and a magnet for insect pollinators including butterflies, wasps and native bees.  To learn about volcanic grasslands and Geoff’s latest post go to or subscribe to Geoff’s blog: https://geoffpark.wordpress.com/

    Bird of the Month

    Welcome to Bird of the month, a partnership between Connecting Country and BirdLife Castlemaine District. 

    Brown Goshawk: Solid looking Brown Goshawk in Campbells Creek, showing the heavy brow, long rounded tail and middle toe is similar length to other toes. Photo by Jane Rusden

    Observed one morning when walking through the bush on my block, a Brown Goshawk pursued an Australian Owlet-nightjar in a fierce dog fight, flying at full speed down the gully, dodging trees by millimetres. The Brown Goshawk managed to catch the desperate Owlet-nightjar just before they saw the two humans, then they tumbled to the ground still locked together. the poor little Owlet Nightjar looked stunned and worse for wear, while the Brown Goshawk flew up into a tree, reluctant to loose it’s prey. The Owlet-nightjar at least got a bit of a breather, before both birds went their separate ways. I have no idea if the Owlet-nightjar survived the lethal body-puncturing talons of the Brown Goshawk, but the Goshawk certainly went hungry that morning. Read more: https://connectingcountry.org.au/bird-of-the-month-brown-goshawk/

     Biolinks Central Vic Workshops

    An important Local to Landscape initiative this year is Glideways in Central Victoria – which includes 12 projects (across private and public land) either underway or planned with our Network Members or other conservation groups. This strategic and collaborative endeavour can deliver a lasting, positive impact for gliders and phascogales in our region. Now at the funding stage, we are reaching out to philanthropics, government and our NGO partners.

    2024 Monthly Webinar Series.

    We are also launching our 2024 monthly webinar series in March – so you have an easy and accessible way to learn more from our small but expert team about the ecology of our beautiful region, its many precious native species and what you can do to help save our environment.

    This webinar series is set to explore topics that challenge conventions on conservation issues facing Central Victoria and beyond, and aims to educate and mobilise people to take action for our environment.  Put it in your diary! The first webinar in our webinar series – Secrets of the Wombat Forest – will take place on International Day of Forests on 21 March from 6pm.

    Connecting Country

    The Misunderstood Magical Mistletoes: ABC Online Article

    Connecting Country has a long history of raising awareness about the often misunderstood native mistletoe in our region and the benefits it provides to a large array of birds, insects and marsupials. Our bird walk for beginners along Forest Creek, Castlemaine VIC, highlights various patches of healthy eucalypt and acacia species that host the semi-parasitic mistletoe plant and provide a healthy ecosystem function for many of our woodland birds. Read the full article on this link.

    Photo competition

    Connecting Country – To celebrate our Instagram debut and celebrate our latest project – Habitat Trees for Phascogales – we’re hosting an exciting giveaway for one of our Instagram followers via a photo competition. We will be giving away a phascogale nestbox* for the best large old tree photograph taken in the Mount Alexander region during February 2024. To enter, simply upload your favorite photo to Instagram and tag @connectingcountrycastlemaine. Link to competition details:

    We would love to hear from you, so please share your thoughts in the comments, and join the conversation using our official hashtag, [#connectingcountrycastlemaine]. Your feedback will help shape the content you want to see!

    Brush-Tailed Phascogale!

    The brochure is aimed at educating our community and raising awareness of the Brush-tailed Phascogale and their habitat needs. It is available for download immediately – Click Here, or you can pick it up from the Connecting Country office in Castlemaine VIC.  The brochure is part of our ‘Habitat trees for Phascogales’ project that aims to protect and enhance habitat stepping stones for the Brush-tailed Phascogale and other native fauna, by protecting existing large old trees on grazing land.


    Lerderderk Track Project (from Wombat Post- 2/2))

    The Great Dividing Trail Association last week launched a project which involved the installation of interpretive signage along the 87km Lerderderg Track from Daylesford to Bacchus Marsh.

    Trailhead sign at Lake Daylesford. (Photo: Tim Bach)

    The signage is installed on large trailhead signs at entry points to the Track and on trail marker posts along the Track. Signage tells the history and the stories of the people who lived and worked in the area and the unique flora, fauna and geology of the Wombat and Lerderderg State Forests. The stories on the signage are brief but each sign includes a QR code which links to more extensive information and images on the GDTA website (gdt.org.au)

    About 40 members of the GDTA  watched last Sunday as Mayor, Cr Brian Hood and Mark Rak, Chair of the Community Bank Daylesford and District, unveiled a trailhead sign at the Lake Daylesford Lookout in Bridport Street. The ceremony started with a smoking ceremony Welcome to Country by local Dja Dja Wurrung elder, Uncle Ricky Nelson. After the ceremony, GDTA President, Tim Bach, led a pleasant walk along the Lerderderg Track from the Lookout to Jubilee Lake and back.

    “Our goal was to make the Track more interesting and attractive for walkers and cyclists,” said Tim Bach. “It’s easier and more compelling to engage with your environment if you know the stories that are embedded in it.”

    Hepburn Shire Mayor, Cr Brian Hood, congratulated the GDTA on the completion of their project. “We’re very fortunate to have a beautiful, natural environment surrounding us,” he said. “This project will enhance the experience of visitors to the area and make their visit more meaningful.”

    Placard sign at Square Bottle Track near Mt Blackwood. (Photo: Gib Wettenhall)

    The interpretive signage project is the second stage of the GDTA’s work to refurbish the Lerderderg Track. The Track was built by the GDTA as the final stage in the 310km Great Dividing Trail Network which includes the Goldfields Track from Ballarat to Bendigo. In recent years, the Lerderderg Track had fallen into disrepair. The GDTA obtained a substantial grant from Victorian Department of the Environment (currently DEECA) in 2018 to renew posts, signage and other infrastructure along the Track. This first stage of the refurbishment was completed in 2020.

    In 2022, additional funds were obtained from Moorabool and Hepburn Shire Councils and from the Bendigo Community Banks in Daylesford, Trentham and Bacchus Marsh to design and install interpretive signage and develop web-based resources to enhance the visitor experience for users of the Lerderderg Track.

    “We’re proud to support this project by the GDTA,” said Mark Rak. “We have a good relationship with the GDTA and also supported their publication of the Central Victorian Highlands Walk and Ride Circuits Booklet which has been very popular. Since the Bank was established, we have reinvested more than $1.25 million in community projects like this for the benefit of our local community.”

    Local historical societies in Daylesford, Blackwood and Bacchus Marsh provided information, images and inspiration for the project.

    For more information see www.gdt.org.au/tracks/lerderderg-track/lerderderg-track-interpretive-signage

    North Central Catchment Management

    Keeping you up to date with all the Landcare and WaterWatch news – dates, new appointments, new projects in link below.

    North Central Chat February 2024 | North Central Catchment Management Authority (nccma.vic.gov.au)


    First Nations

    Nalderun Annual Report


    Nalderun is a not-for-profit Aboriginal run and led organisation, on Djaara Country in Castlemaine, under the guidance of Elder Uncle Rick Nelson.

    Nalderun is a Dja Dja Wurrung word which means ‘all together’ , because we believe by moving forward together we can make the change needed for our children, local mob and the wider community in the region to thrive. We know what our Community needs, as we are a part of it. Over 12 years we have seen our children become stronger, proud and deadly.  Nalderun came about through the work and legacy of Uncle Brien Nelson who believed that sharing is the way forward for everyone. Aunty Julie McHale has also worked tirelessly for over 40 years and has carried on this legacy which we continue today.



    Newstead Post-Referenum Ally Group

    A new group has formed in Newstead.  Arising from a post-referendum gathering, local people from Newstead are meeting monthly to connect and learn as allies in practical and visible ways.   It is early days for this self organising group and already themes and possible activities about how to be good allies to first Nation people are beginning to emerge.  Themes so far are – connection, learning, field trips and events, practical and visible allyship.  Possible activities – field trips like Franklinford, making signs about caring for country and more, book sharing sessions,  supporting local indigenous events, history of local region.  For more information about next group meeting contact Andrew Shirres on andrewshirres@gmail.com  or Laurel Freeland laurelfreeland@bigpond.com


    History, Books and Libraries

    2023: Dr Deborah Wardle  Subterranean Imaginaries and Groundwater Narratives. Published by Routledge, Environmental Humanities series.


    This book interrogates the problems of how and why largely unseen matter, in this case groundwater, has found limited expression in climate fiction. It explores key considerations for writing groundwater narratives in the Anthropocene.

    2024: Susan Murphy’s new book, A Fire Runs through All Things: Zen Koans For Facing The Climate Crisis (Shambhala, 2023).

    “The koans point firstly at ourselves-at the very nature of “self.” Until we hold “self” as a live question rather than its own unquestioned answer, we’re stuck looking on from the “outside,” hoping to engineer change upon a problem called “climate crisis,” all the time oblivious to the fact that we’re swimming in a reality with no outside to it, an ocean of transformative energy. Do we dare relinquish our wish for absolute control and fearlessly surf the intensity of our feelings about the suffering earth?” See details of book launch March 18 in Arts and Culture section of this newsletter.


    Sustainable Living Resources

    Sustainable Hepburn Day

    Saturday, 16 March 2024

    10:00 AM to 03:00 PM

    Volunteer shifts available



    Castlemaine Community Co-operative Official Launch

    When and Where: Wednesday 6 March, 5:30pm- 6.30pm, Castlemaine Town Hall.

    Come along and hear about our vision, where we are up to, and what help we need to set up our first offer (to buy the Hub).

    Members and friends  are welcome. You can also join beforehand  at: https://castlemaine.coop/join/   $40 annual full/ $20 Concession/Strapped/Under 18

    You can also buy a founding member t-shirt for $20/$15.


    Focus on Trees – Tree Photography Workshop with Alison Pouliot

    Large old tree Photography workshop with Alison Pouliot


    Fri, 15 Mar 2024 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM AEDT

    2905 Lancefield-Tooborac Rd2905 Lancefield-Tooborac Road Tooborac, VIC 3522

    More info  about the event

    More info about the  large old trees project here



    International Women’s Day 2024

    ♦  Hepburn Shire

    ♥ Silver Apron Award- Hepburn Wholefoods Collective

    Friday 8 March 5.30 – 7.30pm
    Hepburn Wholefoods Collective, 66A West St, Hepburn

    ♥ Celebration of extraordinary women in our Shire at the International Women’s Day (IWD) Heather Mutimer Honour Roll event 

    Thursday 7 March 2024 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
    Daylesford Town Hall,  76 Vincent Street , Daylesford VIC 3460
    Bookings and info

    We encourage you to think about a woman you know who deserves to be recognised. Nominations will open again in August 2024.


    Mt Alexander Shire

    My Home Network- Castlemaine and Surrounds


    Tiny Homes On Wheels (THOW), vacant dwellings, collective housing models, tenants working group

    For more info or to join a MHN working group-, contact Kaz cneilson@castlemainehealth.org.au

    For more information 

    Mt Alexander sustainability group- (MASG)

    Community Energy Conference 

    6 – 7 March
    In Sydney or hybrid (online) or in Bendigo hub
    More info


    ♥ Wash Against Waste Trailer – Volunteers needed

    March 10thTaradale Mineral Springs Festival

    March 17thBendigo Sustainability Festival

    If you can help please phone Chris Hooper on 5470 5508 or email Chris at chrislhooper1050@gmail.com with your phone number and times available.

    ♥ Mount Alexander Regenerative Agriculture Group (MARAG) – 2024 program

    ♥ Home Energy Audit – Free Workshop

    Limited to 20 people.
    To book, email wer.energygroup@gmail.com
    When: Sunday 25th February
    Time: 10.30 am to 12.30 pm – morning tea provided.
    Where: Castlemaine, address provided after registration

     Repair Cafes

    Castlemaine and Daylesford…Bendigo  Ballarat Creswick ….

    In 2024, the Repair Café turns 15! We’re for repairing, but also for collaboration, volunteering and a shared commitment to a sustainable future.


    Online Permaculture series: Do with Su: Season Two is on pre-sale now!


    Learn seven more essential homesteading skills,
    including cheesemaking
    and Su’s guide to bulk foods
    – from permaculture’s radical grandma.



    Building Community







    Castlemaine Free University Wage Peace Event

    Monday 4th March, 7pm Northern Arts Hotel, 359 Barker St, Castlemaine

    WAGE Peace is part of a global campaign for Earthcare not warfare.

    Listen to podcasts and their back story in the WAGE PEACE series.
    de-militarisation, non-violence, on creating peace… https://anitranelson.info/cfu/

    Local Government News

    ♦  Mount Alexander Shire

    Reflecting on Australia Australia Day – Survival Day 🖤💛❤️

    Watch the event, which was filmed live, on our YouTube channel.

    Mayor, Matt Driscoll, shares the latest Council news

    Repairs to the Market Building: Read more about these works

    Flood recovery works continue Learn more about these works

    Have your say by signing up to Shape Mount Alexander

    Find out what’s on in the shire

    ♦  Hepburn Shire

    ♣ Kerbside bin collection is set to change in townships in Hepburn Shire, with a weekly food and garden organics service starting on Monday 8 April. Read more about this service.

    ♣ The annual Community Satisfaction Survey for Councils is underway and you may receive a call from National Field Services. We want to hear how you think we’re performing. From roads to parks and open spaces, community support and more, this is an important opportunity to give us your feedback.

    ♣ Update on structure plans: One of the major components of our strategic planning project, Future Hepburn, is the development of structure plans for Trentham, Clunes, Creswick, Daylesford/Hepburn and Glenlyon. These structure plans will guide the future development in each township to 2050. Find out more

    Central Springs Reserve refresh : The rejuvenation of Central Springs Reserve is underway, with a major project starting to install new mineral spring pumps, a shelter with an electric BBQ, new park furniture, landscaping and connecting path network.
    Find out more.

    Solar savers for pensioners: Get in quick to secure one of the last few places in this year’s Solar for Pensioners program. More info

    Reconciliation advisory opportunity
    We are inviting expressions of interest to join our Reconciliation Advisory Committee (RAC).  Complete an expression of interest by Thursday 15 February. Want to have a chat about the RAC to see if it’s for you? Call our Reconciliation Officer on (03) 5348 2306.

    ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌

    Workshops and Courses

    Nature course for Hepburn, Mitchell and Macedon residents: Are you passionate about the environment and keen to learn more about nature? If so, consider becoming a nature steward. The ten-week program kicks off in March.
    Find out more.


    Build Your Organisation’s Capacity to Support Autistic People:

    online 90 min webinar run by Castlemaine resident, Samantha Wittenberg. For teachers healthcare professional, first responders or parents, this event is designed to equip you with practical tools and resources to enhance your capacity to support Autistic individuals.
    To book and find out more


    Castlemaine based Trevor Scott’s statement  to the Magistrate at his court hearing in January 2024:

    “Your Honour, I’m 76, a retired architect, a father & stepfather of  five children and grandfather to 5 more. I live in central Victoria.  Millions of human lives have already been lost to Climate Change caused by Global Heating, not to mention the lives of  billions of wildlife creatures. Many species have already become extinct, all of the above due to storms, fires, floods and other disasters around the world. This is something that our state and federal governments continue to ignore; in fact they make matters much worse by opening new coal mines and continuing to export coal while not counting the cost of its emissions. I’m no longer prepared to expose myself, my children and grandchildren to this threat, so blocking the shipping channel in the Port of Newcastle on 26th November last year without permission was an opportunity I took to shine a light on this predicament. I regret that I had to break the law to do this and I regret that the Court’s time has to be spent on my defence, when I have always been hopeful that in the light of scientific evidence, common sense would prevail”.

    This was my statement to the court when my case came up before the magistrate in Newcastle on Thursday, 25th January.  Earlier I had pleaded guilty to the charge of occupying a waterway with a vessel, with more than a hundred others, at the entrance to the Port of Newcastle without permission. It was actually an only-just seaworthy raft made from 44 gallon drums tied together with bamboo poles and wire and there were five of us on board with 4 paddles.

    Pertinent to this is the statement issued in April last year by Antonio Guterres, Secretary-General of the UN:- “Climate activists are sometimes depicted as dangerous radicals. But the truly dangerous radicals are the countries that are increasing the production of fossil fuels”.

    We know from recent announcements by Environment Minister Plibersek that during this climate emergency which we are currently experiencing, not only has the export of coal increased, but also new coal mines have been opened and existing mines have been expanded. So, in my eyes the need to protest has not gone away. My journey to Newcastle in November last year was the 4th time I had travelled there to protest against the largest coal port in the world.

    In 2016 I was part of a group of locals who drove up to Newcastle in a van powered with recycled oil from a fish and chip shop. We had our canoes stowed neatly on a trailer following close behind. This action was called “Breakfree from fossil fuels”. At the time Tony Abott was PM and he infamously declared that he would “turn back the boats” referrring to the boats that arrived on Australian shores carrying “illegal immigrants”. I recall that the “Breakfree” action was one of the first of its kind in Newcastle where a solution was negotiated. What I mean by this is that with more than 2,500 people taking part in this action and their safety being of paramount importance, Nicola Paris and the other organisers were able to negotiate with the Police and the Harbourmaster for our safe occupation of the entrance to the port for a whole day. So the very next morning, actually the Sunday of that weekend, more than 100 of us got into our kayaks and canoes and whatever else would stay afloat, and paddled out into the water. I remember how much we laughed at the sign that someone was holding up that said “Look Tony, we stopped the boats!”

    My second visit was in 2019 and the huge stockpiles of coal were our target. The coal was enclosed in a large fenced-in area where there were huge machines that loaded it into the ships. Early in the morning someone cut the wire and about 50 of us broke into the enclosure. Many of us locked on to one of the coal loaders, once again effectively shutting down the port for a whole day. I recall being held in police custody for an hour or so, and then being released without being charged. As we walked back to the buses that we had come on, we noticed much to our amusement, that there were 3 police officers on horseback, carefully guarding the hole that we had made, earlier that morning in the fence.

    My third visit to Newcastle was in 2020 during the Covid pandemic. I planned to do an arrestable action – lock on to the railway line and stop a coal train that would have been carrying hundreds of tons of coal to the port. I was all set to do it the next day, but unfortunately the group that was called Blockade Australia, held an emergency meeting that evening and the action was sensibly called off. It was agreed that rather than being arrested and charged for a Covid offence, which was very likely, we would abort until that emergency was over.

    So this, my fourth visit to Newcastle in November of last year, was the first time that I actually took part in an arrestable action, and actually got arrested. Although initially there were 109 of us who were arrested, eventually only 99 of us were given notices, and ordered to attend court on 11th January of this year.  As it turned out, my case was adjourned to Thursday 25th January but, following legal advice from the EDO (Environment Defenders Office) in Sydney, I decided to plead “guilty” and not return to Newcastle for the hearing.  I heard later that those who appeared before Magistrate John Chicken on Thursday came from Queensland, Victoria, and Canberra – as well as locally. Apparently many represented themselves, though the Environmental Defenders Office took up the case for a few. In the end, probably due to the large number of us offenders, the EDO was not able to defend us all, and I ended up putting my case to the court in a written plea.  As in the previous hearing, this one on 25th January included people from a broad range of professional backgrounds such as teaching, nursing, psychology, environmental engineering. It even included a 97 year-old minister of the Uniting Church and a former Navy serviceman. Of the 36 people who entered a plea on Thursday, 30 had their charge dismissed. The largest fine was $400. The ruling for each individual’s case was based largely on their prior record, the court heard. I was one of the lucky ones in that category and did not receive a conviction, a fine or even a good behaviour bond.

    Magistrate Chicken said the protesters had “noble intentions, albeit they ended up in an infraction of the law”. He said they were motivated by “selflessness” and “out of genuine concerns for the climate and the future of the earth”, which was a mitigating factor in sentencing. And he praised police for their handling of events as they unfolded. “In all of the material before me, there has not been one suggestion of inappropriateness of police on the day,” he said. While Magistrate Chicken said peaceful protests were important in democratic societies, they should take place legally. “There is no suggestion the protest was anything other than peaceful,” he said. “There’s no doubt that the people involved in this protest were all doing so out of a genuine desire to better the world. There is not one person here who has been charged with this offence who did so out of an act of selfishness.”

    So maybe the tide is turning. If magistrates and judges are at last realizing the need for real action on the climate, maybe there’s still hope that our leaders will wake up too. But we’re not there yet. Join us this year in November when Rising Tide plans to have 10,000 people join in a protest lasting 10 days. You can contact Rising Tide at  www.risingtide.org.au, or for details on local action call myself (Trevor Scott) on 0412 250 392 or Serena on 0408 550 110.


    Food for Thought

    Watch this short video (2 minutes) about our recently completed 138-hectare Spring Plains Watershed Repair Pilot Project.

    This pilot project offers a beacon of hope and demonstrates what can be achieved through simple but strategic ecological interventions.


    New episodes from Planet Local Voices, new video and podcast series featuring cutting-edge thinkers, writers, movement-builders and activists from across the world.








    Sustain food network – https://sustain.org.au/

    Continue reading →
  • January/February 2024 newsletter

    I will train myself to look deeply to see your true nature: you are my loving mother, a living being, a great being—an immense, beautiful, and precious wonder.

    (From Ten Love Letters to the Earth, Vietnamese Buddhist monk and Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh- cited in Emergence Magazine 24/12/23)

    Welcome to the January/ February edition of Localising Leanganook’s e-newsletter. There’s lots of local news and events as well as a thought-provoking feature article on Housing and Community Land Trusts. Let our editing team know (Keppel, Laurel, Samantha and Nikki) if you’ve got items for inclusion in the February/March edition – (nikki.marshall@mmnet.com.au).

    1. Arts and Culture
    2. Food Growing, Farming and Food Security
    3. Ecology and Environment
    4. First Nations
    5. History, Books and Libraries
    6. Sustainable Living Resources
    7. Building Community
    8. Local Government News
    9. Workshops and Courses


    Food for Thought

    Feature Article: It’s Time for a Housing Disruption- Karl Fitzgerald

    CLT’s remove land from the speculative market by placing a legal covenant on the land and housing’s resale value. A CLT may limit the resale value of a home to 60% of the median price in the suburb. Or it may use a formula where it limits housing costs to 30% of the median income for the bottom 40% of income earners in that region. This is known as the 3040 rule.

    Long term affordability is the central aim of the Trust, with both legal and economic protections put in place. The land is managed by an independent board that is composed of ⅓ residents, ⅓ neighbours and ⅓ civic minded individuals. The board holds the land in trust to ensure it is perpetually affordable for residents and maintained as an important community resource. Residents sign a contract accepting this arrangement, in effect agreeing that the trust will give them access to this land in acceptance that little financial return will occur for this ownership.

    Deposits required to get into a CLT home can be up to 70% lower. This can help renters find security of tenure up to a decade earlier than on the open market. By ensuring an affordability lock is placed on the land and housing, this grounds pricing growth to the reality of our wages. In doing this, we place a shield over housing, recognising it as a place of shelter – as a human (rather than speculative) right.

    Grounded is advocating to improve the right for community led housing. There must be an alternative to market-led cookie cutter homes. We have no statutory definition of CLTs anywhere in the country. This means government hasn’t provided a legislative definition of the concept. Banks are therefore less likely to lend to a housing model more popular in permaculture circles than on the pages of the AFR. Building confidence in the banking sector is a major objective. With Bank Australia joining the Global Alliance for Banking on Values, the move towards ethical banking is growing. They have lent to the ACT’s Land Rent Scheme – a public land trust, so a precedent exists.

    At the Federal level, a number of tax incentives have been established to support Environmental Land Trusts. We need similar reforms in place for community owned trusts in either the residential or affordable farmland sectors too.

    CLTs: history and why they’re important

    The history of Community Land Trusts is compelling. They have been in operation since the early 1970’s in the US, with examples going back to the early 1900s under land rent colonies. In 1973, landless African American farmers understood that the battle against segregation in the deep south meant little if one couldn’t afford a roof over their head or land upon which to stand. This led to the world’s first CLT – New Communities, Inc Farm, established by Slater King, Charles Sherrod and Dr Bob Swann. Unfortunately, their tenure was challenged with racist impediments relentlessly thrown at these pioneers. From building delays to watered down fertiliser, they fought a valiant battle that was finally recognised in a multi-million dollar payout decades later.

    Now with over 50 years of CLT history, the data is revealing. Community-led housing leads to better outcomes – just like it does in health, education and many other core components of life. Many CLTs incorporate financial planning into their community ethos, helping residents plan for unexpected events. During the GFC, US foreclosure rates were 82% lower in CLTs than in the mainstream market. Over in the UK, the health, well being and income distribution positives are such that for every $1 invested in CLTs, there is a $3.1 return over 30 years. This is virtually unheard of in housing. Policies such as the Albanese government’s Help to Buy policy and the wretched Regional First Home Buyers grant both act to inflate land values.

    With less spent on land by a CLT resident, the homeowner can afford to invest more in resilient buildings. UK CLTs have been estimated to reduce CO2 emissions by 15-50%. US CLTs in places like Florida are being built to be hurricane resistant, and in Alamedia, a bushfire retardant bunker is incorporated into the design. We look forward to a future where we can incorporate permaculture design into housing developments so that our entire living envelope can be more resilient to the climate shift we are witnessing. Underpinning this is a need to recycle the ever increasing value of location, location, so that it helps to make our communities stronger – rather than falling prey as a gentrification target. Without stable and secure housing, there is no freedom, no matter who we vote for. We need more than democracy, we need an economic democracy where we all share from the rising value of living in effective communities.

    (Written for the 145th edition of Friends of the Earth’s Chain Reaction magazine.). Karl Fitzgerald is the Managing Director of Grounded CLT Advocacy. He lives in Malmsbury. Karl ran the Renegade Economists podcast on 3CR for 13 years, whilst working at Prosper Australia as Research Director. 

    What’s on in Central Victoria

    Arts and Culture

    Newstead Live 2024


    Where: multiple venues around Newstead (see website for details)

    When: Thursday 25th January – Sunday 28th January

    Cost:weekend pass $160, youth/student weekend pass: $90, day and evening passes $50-90 – see website for details

    Australian folk-roots music festival in the historic country town of Newstead. Newstead Live Music Festival takes place over the last weekend in January, when a range of diverse and highly regarded international and national artists perform in live music venues, concert spaces, workshops, impromptu sessions, spoken word performances and open-mic sessions. Music for all ages and a variety of genres.

    For more information and to book tickets: https://www.newsteadlive.com/

    Mechanics Lane Spring/Summer Program- Castlemaine

    When: Thursday 25 to Sunday 28 January 2024

    What: Street Latin Dance: Summer Salsa

    Where: Mechanics Lane, Castlemaine

    This is an outdoor space that runs live music, performances and community events. To view our upcoming events, visit Mt Alexander shire’s Events Page.

    For more information contact Sam Thomas, Creative Programs Officer on 5471 1700 or s.thomas@mountalexander.vic.gov.au.

    Learn easy, sizzling salsa steps in a group class, then put them into action with some of the hottest Latin tunes. It’s all about fun and encouragement with top-notch dance instruction.

    Yandoit Cultural and Yandoit Faith Community

    We’ve recently received the good news that the lease at Yandoit Uniting church has been extended for a further 12 months. This has been supported by the Castlemaine Uniting Church minister and church council as well as regional Presbytery.  So, for 2024 Yandoit Cultural is planning a varied program of  music,  spoken word, Open Mics, with an emphasis on local, acoustic and quality. Our historic church is an intimate community space, seating 100/110 people, with excellent acoustics. Let us know if you’d like to perform and/or give it a go with at of our seasonal Open Mic’s . (Nikki on 0432 232 073)

    We will also be establishing a ‘faith community’ at the old church in the bush- something we, as a community, can develop in a way meaningful to us in these times. The faith community will be supported by Minister Sarah Tomilson. We will be holding a faith community dreaming/visioning session towards the end of January/early February. Contact Nikki if you are interested in participating- nikki.marshall@mmnet.com.au or 0432 232 073.

    Guitar Concert- Music of Spain and South America

    When: 6.00pm, Friday 23rd February, 2024

    Where: Yandoit Cultural– the historic church in the bush, Uniting Church Rd (off High St), Yandoit.

    Classical Guitarist, Darcy King returns to Yandoit Cultural in collaboration with Ross Morris (UK), a partnership formed during their studies at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland. With a programme of solo and duo music for guitar, this concert is a celebration of the vibrant and expressive music of Spain and South America.

    Entry by donation.  Bookings: ycfcpg@gmail.com or Nikki on 0432 232 073

    Open Mic- Locals sharing stories, songs, poems, history and more

    When: Sunday February 11th, 2pm

    Where: Yandoit Cultural– the historic church in the bush, Uniting Church Rd (off High St), Yandoit

    Join us at Yandoit Cultural for an afternoon of stories, song, music, poetry and history shared by locals. Anyone and everyone can have their 5-10 minutes. You’ll enjoy a variety of performances and you’ll discover and experience the many talents within our neighbourhood and surrounds. And stay for a country-hospitality afternoon tea at the end, where you’ll meet other locals and Open Mic contributors.

    Entry by donation.  Bookings: ycfcpg@gmail.com or Nikki on 0432 232 073

    Castlemaine Johannine Community aka the Grail Community

    The Castlemaine Johannine Community practises ‘pagan Christianity’, a spirituality based in the mystical tradition of St John and the Rosicrucians, and grounded in deep reverence for the sacredness of the Earth and the wisdom of the ancient Celtic, Aboriginal and Native American spiritual traditions. Through both inner and outer work, we seek to collaborate with the Christ impulse to create bring healing and renewal to our communities and the Earth. We meet monthly for eucharist services and other special events shaped by the sacred calendar of the seasonal Christian and Celtic festivals.

    February’s events include the Lammas/Lughnasadh service on 4th February from 11am followed by a shared lunch, the Ash Wednesday/Valentine’s Day service on 14th February at 7.30pm, and a Full Moon service on 24th February at 8pm.

    Where: the Grail Chapel, 75 McMillans Rd, Green Gully

    Cost: all events are free, donations are welcome

    Enquiries: contact Ken Killeen on 0423 194 878 or email johannine@hotmail.com

    The Coolroom at the Northern Arts Hotel

    The Coolroom at the Northern Arts Hotel's logo

    Upcoming events:

    27th Jan: The Anteclinal Fold with Jo Huf $18-22 + booking fee

    3rd Feb: Daniel Champagne $30 + booking fee

    10th Feb: The Amazing Magic Lantern Music Show $15-20 + booking fee

    17th Feb: Langue de Chat French Musette Quartet $18-22 + booking fee

    24th Feb: Peter and the Wolves $18-22 + booking fee

    All events start at 7.30pm.

    For more information and bookings visit: https://events.humanitix.com/host/the-coolroom-at-the-northern-arts-hotel

    Inkwareny Artists of Yuelamu come to Castlemaine

    When: Throughout February 2024- Opening Friday 9th February at 5-7pm.  Katherine Coff from Nalderun will open the exhibition. The gallery will be open over three weekends in February: 9,10,11, then 16,17,18 and 23,24,25.  11am -4pm.

     Where: Lot 19 Gallery, Castlemaine
    Inkwareny Artists is the Anmatyerr people of Yuelamu’s new art centre and gallery. We are situated three hours northwest of Alice Springs at Yuelamu in the Tanami desert, Northern Territory, Australia. We only just formed in October 2023 from a desire to assert Anmatyerr identity through art and this is our very first exhibition.  We are presenting paintings from almost all of our artists and four of our most prolific painters including: Alison Ngal Daniels, ShonellePwerrerlStafford, Lisa Mpetyan CookeandJuliette Napaljarri Morris. Three of the artists will be attending the opening and gallery sessions over the first two weekends. Inkwareny Artists of Yuelamu is self-funded and governed by the Anmatyerre people and artists of Yuelamu. 
    In Anmatyerr, Inkwareny means ‘honey ant’ and is from the inkwareny anengkerr (songline). This exhibition will express Anengkerr (songlines) of: inkwareny (honey ant); Irrkwely (women); mwelyar (stone curlew); arnperrk (centipede); ankara (emu); yerrakwerr (bush onion); anek (bush potato); anakety (bush tomato) and kwaty (water).
    RSVP if attending the opening:  to Natalie Moxham – 0448 372 466; nataliemoxham@wantaac.org

    Newstead Arts Hub- Musical Instrument makers…  plus much more

    What: Musical Instrument Makers

    When:  Friday 26 & Saturday 27 January 10am-5pm, Sunday 28 Jan 10am-12noon  A special event as part of Newstead Live

    The Hub will host a brilliant array of musical instrument makers during Newstead Live 2024. A chance to see and hear some of the most skillfully crafted instruments around, and to talk to the makers about their craft.

    Nine instrument makers will be there during the festival: guitar makers Jack Spira, Roderick Octigan; Ray Black – banjos & mandolins; Joe Gallacher – guitars, mandolins & Irish bouzoukis; Trevor Phillips: guitars, banjos, ukuleles; Patrick McNamara – ukuleles, hollow body electric guitars, dulcimers, banjos, banjo ukuleles; Mark Aspland– Cajon percussion; Andy Rigby harps; and Jeff Wilmott, clay ocarinas (and the gumleaf!).  Danny Silver and Marcus Goddefroy will demonstrate the gentle art of slow making!

    To find out what else is coming up  at Newstead Arts Hub go to: https://newsteadartshub.org/

    Radius Art Gallery

    An art space for the inspirational creative people living in a radius around us.

    re:create – the art of sustainability

    Join us for a month of all things renewable at Radius!  We have joined forces with SideShow & reAWARE to celebrate the National Sustainable Living Festival 2024. and Daylesford’s Repair Cafe. Included in our program is a host of things to help us all get creative & eco!  Giving life to forgotten materials, learning skills, repairing, swapping and foraging.


    The Tap Room- Mill Markets


    A variety of music, locally brewed beer and pizzas made on site,  at the Mill Markets complex . For details go to: https://www.facebook.com/castlemainetaproom/

    Theatre Royal- Castlemaine


    Cinema, music, pizza and more .


    Castlemaine Art Gallery- Ancestor Treasures: First Nations Tools and Adornment on Jaara Country

    Many of these items are being exhibited for the first time in Ancestor Treasures, under the direction of Uncle Rick Nelson (Jaara), Dja Dja Wurrung Traditional Elder; Alvin Darcy Briggs (ADB) (Yorta Yorta, Taungurung, Ngarigo Walbunga), Artist; Tiriki Onus (Yorta Yorta, Dja Dja Wurrung), Associate Dean of Indigenous Development and Head of the Wilin Centre for Indigenous Arts and Cultural Development, University of Melbourne; and Sharnie Hamilton (Djaara), Cultural Values Manager, Djandak.

    This exhibition follows a private viewing for First Nations people of the region. Ancestor Treasures also includes traditional tools made by contemporary artist ADB (Yorta Yorta, Taungurung, Ngarigo Walbunga), in response to the Collection, and a video by First Nations photographer James Henry in collaboration with Henry Harmony Nelson’s Descendants – the Saunders family from Mooroopna, documenting their Meeting at Marna bulatj dharak (Meeting of arms), Lake Eppalock.

    Registered as significant on the Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Register (VAHR) [2015], the majority of these works were obtained by settler Australians through largely unknown means and primarily donated during the early years of the Museum’s operation. These works hold significance for First Nations communities across Australia. In 2019, three items were repatriated, while the rest of the Collection has since been safely rehoused in handcrafted museum storage.

    For more information: https://castlemaineartmuseum.org.au/

    Castlemaine Documentary Festival Call-for-Entries for LOCALS Opening Night Showcase

    Real stories, Real Issues, Real Characters, Real Conversations.

    Be part of the Castlemaine Documentary Festival’s tenth anniversary and realise your big screen dream. We are calling for filmmakers (from all walks and experience levels) to submit a 6-minute documentary film for screening at our LOCAL’S Opening Night showcase. Works can be about anything in any style and entry open to all who live, work, play (or have some meaningful connection) with Regional Victoria.

    Deadline is May 1, 2024. Entry is free. For support and advice with editing for screen, attend our full day Workshop for filmmakers, led by Bergen O’Brien and Rob Buttery. Happening March 2, 2024 in Castlemaine.

    For more information, visit: https://cdocff.com.au/locals-2024/


    Food Growing, Farming and Food Security

    Mt Franklin Organics


    A variety of fresh organic veggies, fruit and seedlings. Available at Daylesford’s Sunday market or order and pick up from Florian on Saturday afternoon.

    To get updates via the newsletter, subscribe : newsletter@mtfranklinorganics.com.au

    Orchard Keepers- Harcourt Organic Farming Coop

    A variety of fresh organic fruit including: boxes of plums and apricots, you-pick and by the kilo available at

    Castlemaine Farmers Market weekly on Wednesday afternoon, Farm Shop in Harcourt and Wesley Hill Market, weekly on Saturday morning.

    The Farm Shop will be open on Friday 26 January- 10 am to 4 pm; and Sunday, 28 January-  10 am to 1 pm.

    You can pick-your-own (PYO) fruit or buy it pre-picked.

    There’s also the beginning of Gravenstein  apples-  a very old heritage variety from Europe. They’re not like modern apples – the flavour is more complex, with both sweet and tart flavours.

    For more information: https://hofcoop.com.au/


    Trewhella Biodynamic Berry Farm

    It’s blueberry harvest time. After a couple of challenging years from which much has been learnt to improve the flavour of our Blueberries,we’re now back on track & just commenced harvest.

    To access our berries contact via email or txt to 0408 548 359 or leave a message on (03)53485593.


    Hepburn Wholefoods

    At Wholefoods, we are continually trying to keep packaging waste to a minimum by talking to our farmers and suppliers about packaging, ordering bulk whenever possible, and re-using buckets and bags.  This is by no means a perfect system, but it helps. There’s a few ways you can help us as well. We welcome donations of large clean un-labelled jars; Sometimes packaging can be returned for re-use. This includes medicinal cream brown jars, clean egg cartons, clean berry plastic containers. We have a compost system behind the shop that takes small food scraps, and we also sometimes need donations of straw to add to the compost. You can also help by tending to the wicking beds – watering, weeding and harvesting are all welcome.

    Where: 11 Perrins Street · Daylesford

    Opening Hours: Mondays 9.30-11.30am; Wednesdays 2-4pm;Thursdays 3-5pm; Saturdays 11am-1pm

    Two fold Bakehouse

    LOCAL BREAD FOR THE LOCAL COMMUNITY. By ordering Thursday bread you are joining our bread family of farmers, millers and bakers who work to regenerate the land and value small scale, local food systems. Your support means we can bake to order, with no bread going to waste.

    Where can you buy our bread?  THURSDAY BREAD, WEEKLY; ordered online weekly as a one off, or monthly as a subscription with pick up each Thursday from Daylesford, Yandoit or Kyneton hubs. DAYLESFORD SUNDAY RAILWAY MARKET- FORTNIGHTLY . HEPBURN WHOLEFOODS COLLECTIVE-Fresh bread every Thursday from 3pm



    Ecology and Environment

    Natural Newstead


    Geoff Park’s regular blogs are a wonderful way to learn more about local bird species. Here’s a Diamond Firetail which recently arrived at the Rise and Shine Bushland Reserve (between Clydesdale and Strangways). An adult arrived first, announcing its presence from a distance with a couple of mournful whistles, followed by a wary juvenile. Both birds drank and bathed briefly before departing. It’s always good to see evidence of successful local breeding by this declining woodland bird.

    To see more or to subscribe to Geoff’s blog: https://geoffpark.wordpress.com/

    Mapping Precious Large Old Trees

    Connecting Country is asking the local community to map our precious large old trees, through their online mapping portal. The mapping portal aims to engage with the community about the importance of the old, and often large trees of central Victoria, as part of Connecting Country’s larger project, ‘Regenerate before it’s too late’. Anyone can access the mapping portal. To date, we have mapped over 30 old trees on the database and are keen for the community to continue mapping trees that are important to them and our local wildlife.

    Coppiced long-leaved box of Chewton- Joel B: Its story is literally etched on it – first lopped, it has regrown with multiple branches, having survived a wildfire, multiple axe wounds and sawn-off branches, this is a living example of bush resilience!

    The mapping portal is now open for any community member to record the old trees in your area. You will need to register with the Atlas of Living Australia (ALA) (its quick, easy and free), then upload a photo and enter the field details needed for the survey. The portal will ask you simple questions about the tree location, size, species, age (if known), health status and habitat value. By recording these trees, you will help build our understanding of the large old trees in our region, and contribute to the largest biodiversity database in our country. As the database grows, you can also access the portal to learn about other wonderful large old trees in our area and view the photos.

    For more information:  https://connectingcountry.org.au/

    Wombat Forest Care


    Wombat Forest Care’s December 2023 newsletter includes stories on mountain skinks, salvage logging, Blue Mount’s woodland herb-land, and a variety of birds that live in and visit the forest including the white-bellied cuckoo shrike, blue winged parrot, and rufous whistler and the barking owl. There’s also information about the Victorian State of Environment Report 2023.

    Visit the website –https://www.wombatforestcare.org.au/ 

    Don’t Undermine Daylesford

    Protecting the aquifer, and Daylesford in particular, from exploration and mining. The group is urges the completion of legislated new National Parks in Wombat Forest as this would be a major step in protecting the mineral water resources. The Daylesford-Hepburn Springs region holds over 80% of Australia’s mineral springs, a truly unique and ecologically important resource. The extraction of gold can have a number of negative impacts, including the release of heavy metals such as mercury and arsenic into the environment. These substances can be harmful to both the ecosystem and the health of local communities.

    First Nations

    Australia Day – Survival Day Event 


    Join us for a free, family-friendly event on Friday 26 January from 10.00am at Castlemaine’s Victory Park. The day will include a Welcome to Country, citizenship and awards ceremony, and Survival Day concert programmed and hosted by Dja Dja Wurrung Elder Uncle Rick Nelson.

    The line-up will offer some incredible performances. Last year’s Survival Day concert saw world-class musicians such as Bart Willoughby, Yung Warriors, Tjimba Possum Burns, Darcy Spiller, The Rattlers, and more.

    Where: Victory Park/Djaara Park, Castlemaine

    When: Friday 26th January from 10am – 2pm

    Self-reflection Conversations- Djaara Country

    When: 4 x Tuesdays: Feb 20th, 27th and March 5th and 12th, 5.30-7.30pm

    A series of facilitated conversations for and by local non-Indigenous people to reflect on privilege, allyship and structural racism. Created in conversation with Nalderun Education Aboriginal Corporation.

    To work in effective allyship, non-Indigenous people need to reflect on our understanding and attitude surrounding significant events impacting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and our own beliefs and values – privilege, structural racism and cultural bias. It is only when we have some knowledge and critique of the dominant culture and its systemic racism, and our own ingrained and often unacknowledged privileges and biases that we can go with open hearts and minds to find ways to work with and support First Nations people.

    To book in or find out more email reflectionconversations@gmail.com

    Overview of Nalderun Education Aboriginal Corporation

    by Floria Maschek

    Nalderun (Nalderun Education Aboriginal Corporation), meaning ‘all together’, is a local Aboriginal run and led organisation and registered charity that predominantly focuses on providing opportunities for young, local First Nations People, whilst also supporting their families. The organisation also provides historical and cultural learning opportunities to the extended community, instilling the values of Country, truth telling and Indigenous world views, having many partnerships in government, community, education and health. Connection to Country, Community and Culture is at the core of Nalderun’s work – walking together for a thriving future for all. 

    For more click here:     Walking Together- Nalderun overview (final).doc

    History, Books and Libraries

    History of Werona

    Local historian Ken James has produced a book about the history of Werona, a village on the outskirts of Mt Alexander and Hepburn shires. Ken has previously written books on Guildford, Sandon, Strangways and Joyces Creek to mention a few. The book is 265 pages in length and made up of 11 chapters, 16 appendices, a list of references as well as a surname index.

    It is to be launched at Strangways at Don & Floss Hepburn’s residence on Sunday March 3 at 2pm.  To determine the number of copies to be printed Ken is taking pre-orders. If you are interested in ordering a copy, contact Ken on 0457 600 668 or knjames47@gmail.com  If you wish to attend the launch, contact Carmel Longmire for details on 0427 766 256 or longmire3@bigpond.com

    Free IT help for seniors at Castlemaine Library

    Oldest adults may have much to gain from social technology | Stanford News

    Need help navigating the ever-changing digital world?  Access free one-on-one training and support at your local library.

    Drop in or give us a call, tell us what you would like to know about or learn, and we’ll make an appointment for you.

    Where: Castlemaine Library and other Goldfields Libraries

    When: during library hours

    Cost: free

    Happy Birthday, Dickens

    Andrew Barrie shares his exuberance over the life, time and works of Charles Dickens in celebration of Dickens’ birthday (7th Feb, 1812).

    When: Thursday 8 February, 5.30-6.30pm

    Where: Castlemaine Library 


    Sustainable Living Resources

    Do with Su: Online Permaculture Series

    Join renowned permaculture elder Su Dennett as she shares her passion for food and nourishment, and her wisdom on the household non-monetary economy with a generous dash of frugal hedonism.

    Where and When: online and  access any time

    Cost: $45 for 7 sessions plus resources, $75 including access to a live Q and A with Su, $295 including a private online Q and A with Su

    Bookings and more information: https://hub.holmgren.com.au/lp/do-with-su/season-one/online-permaculture-series/

    Castlemaine Free University: Creative Community Participation for Social and Environmental Change


    Participatory designer and Castlemaine resident Dr Michael Chew explores a range of creative grassroots experiments reflecting community participants’ engagement with environmental sustainability and social justice, Michael offers space for discussions around using creative participatory methods in community engagement projects.

    Where: Northern Arts Hotel, 359 Barker St, Castlemaine

    When: Monday 5th February at 6.30pm for 7pm start

    Cost: free, drinks are available  for purchase from the bar.

    Newstead Solar Farm

    Construction of the Newstead Solar Farm is underway and will be completed in the first quarter of 2024.Households in Newstead will be able to formally sign up to source their electricity from the farm next year.* We expect this will be in May and will update you when that offer becomes available. Solar tracking systems are going in. Solar panels will be installed next. Next will installation and connection of Battery, Power line to be extended from the Pyrenees Highway to the site, and Panels to be connected. (Underground wiring will mean sheep can graze beneath the panels.)

    Watch out for two key next steps in the first half of this year. They are: a community open day on site; and an offer from our farm builder and electricity retail partner Flow Power to sign up as customers. You have previously signed an expression of interest (EOI) via the RN website so don’t need to do so again. When the retail offer becomes available, Flow Power will email you inviting you to formally sign up.

    For more information: www.renewablenewstead.com.au   e: info@renewablenewstead.com.au 

    Sustainable Hepburn Newsletter

    Find out what’s happening around sustainability and the circular economy  in Hepburn Shire.  The newsletter includes:

    • Sustainable Hepburn Day on Saturday 16 March 2024 at Victoria Park in Daylesford;
    • Nature Stewards- short educational course which aims to foster a connection with nature and provide ways to get active for the environment. The ten-week program will allow people to discover more about their local environment, connect them with others in their community, and help them learn how to volunteer for nature as a citizen scientist, advocate for nature or a nature guide.  Find out more here. 
    • the soon-to-be-released Circular Hepburn Toolkit for Businesses;
    • Purchase low-cost e-waste items at Creswick and Trentham Transfer Stations.  Electronic items that pass safety inspections are available through the Resource Recovery Shops (aka tip shops). The function of second-hand items cannot be guaranteed, and they are sold as-is.
    • Food and garden organics collection coming soon- a weekly kerbside collection of food and garden organics for township residents in 2024, which will help to divert thousands of tonnes of organic material from landfill.
    • Solar Savers program- For more information, including eligibility and the special rates charge, visit Hepburn Shire Solar Savers;
    • Establishment of Sustainable Hepburn Community Advisory Committee- a diverse group who represent business and community leadership across the Shire and who share a passion for making our Shire more sustainable.
    • Noxious weed guide-  explains which weeds are noxious and ways to manage them, as well as providing images to help residents identify common weeds. The guide is available at transfer stations, customer service hubs and online. 
    • Biodiversity assessments inform township planning as part of the ‘Future Hepburn’ program.  For more information check out Future Hepburn

    To subscribe to the Sustainable Hepburn newsletter go to: https://vic.us1.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=ed7363da7342d76568c38d847&id=ac5ba36264


    Repair Cafes

    Castlemaine: The Cafe resumes for 2024  on Sunday January 28th, 10am to 1.00pm  at Castlemaine Community House, 30 Templeton St.  For further information join our Facebook group, visit our website or call Chris on 5470 5508.

    Repair Cafés are about keeping things out of landfill, saving you money, and giving members of the community the opportunity to volunteer. Bring along broken household appliances, sewing repairs, toys, etc. Learn bicycle maintenance. Join the Mending Circle and swap tips on crochet, darning, knitting, hand sewing, etc. or learn to do these so your clothes continue to be usable. There’s also help with mobile phones, wiping information before recycling, settings etc.


    Daylesford: The Cafe resumes for 2024 on Sunday February 18th, 1pm-4pm , this time at Radius Gallery,  76 Main Road, Hepburn Springs, as part of the Sustainable Living Festival. In addition to repairs there’ll be a clothes swap, an exhibition of repurposed and environmental themes; a chance to fix, learn, up-cycle, swap and share knowledge; and a series of talks and speakers to inform and inspire us with sustainable journeys & information.  For further information: Nikki 0432 232 073 or  https://www.facebook.com/daylesfordrepaircafe/

    Gold Coin donation.

    Castlemaine Seed Library

    The First working bee for the year is Thursday 1st Feb 2024. 11am at Castlemaine library, as usual. All welcome! Come along and pack seeds with us.

    We are having a quick AGM on Friday 26th January 2024, at 3pm, in the Hub Plot garden.  There will be tea and cake, and we’d love to see you there.

    Hands on Seed Saving Workshop – Start the year with some solid, useful training in seed-saving by coming along to our Hands-On Seed-Saving Workshop at Newstead Community Garden.  Gregg Muller will be facilitating the workshop. The garden is ready so the workshop will be  17th February.  

    Building Community

    Tiny Towns Funding Available

    Funding is available through the Tiny Towns Fund for local government and community organisations to deliver infrastructure projects to build stronger local connections. The fund offers grants between $5,000 and $50,000 to deliver infrastructure projects, such as hiking trails, splash parks, playgrounds, barbeques, community hall and library upgrades, public art and more. Applications open until February 25, 2024. Further rounds will be available from 2024. Eligible applicants include community and non-profit groups and councils in towns with under 5,000 people across regional Victoria and outer metro-Melbourne.

    To find out more about the fund, visit rdv.vic.gov.au/tiny-towns-fund.

    Fixed wireless broadband for Sailors Falls

    A fixed wireless broadband project at Sailors Falls will replace existing satellite service providing improved mobile and broadband connectivity to Sailors Falls and surrounding areas in the Hepburn Shire.

    The rollout schedule will be published on the carriers’ websites once contracts are executed.


    Resident-led Housing

    The Resident-Led Housing workshop held as a Castlemaine Free University session at Northern Arts Hotel on 8 November 2023 attracted a lot of interest. Local follow-through involved a brief discussion at the My Home Network Forum (MHN) on 30 November 2023. The Forum supported a Monday 12 February 2024 6 pm ‘springboard’ meeting at Northern Arts Hotel for all interested in forming and joining a MHN working group you wish to progress, such as cohousing, purchasing land jointly, sharing existing owned land, a tiny-house ecovillage, or any other model you would like to come along and propose.
    Contact Carolyn Neilson (Kaz) for more information – cneilson@castlemainehealth.org.au

    Wombat Post

    A community run newsletter for Daylesford, Hepburn Springs and surrounds published every Friday afternoon.

    The most recent edition includes an update on Dan Murphy and the VCAT decision: In VCAT case P493/2023 – Banco Properties v Hepburn Shire Council, VCAT has denied the appeal which would have allowed the sign ( to be installed on the corner of Central Springs Road and Bridport Street, Daylesford. VCAT agreed with Council and the objectors that the sign was not in keeping with the aesthetics of the area. The original design of the sign had a height of 6.4 metres, width of 1.6 metres, and a panel area of 10.2 square metres. The sign was to be double sided, and internally illuminated with a lux level of 1500 and have Dan Murphy’s face on it. However, the applicant changed the sign prior to the hearing, to the design below and to reduce the height to 5.0 metres, change the width to a maximum of 3.2 metres, increase the overall area of the sign, and reduce the internal illumination to 1000 Lux.

    However, the overall design was determined by VCAT to be “not compatible with the character of the area or the streetscape or setting.” The member stated in the findings: “The introduction of a 5-metre-high pole sign with internally illuminated display areas will be inconsistent with the character of this area, both the commercial land to the north of Central Springs Road and the residential land to the south.” Thanks to VCAT, the pole sign will not be going ahead.

    To read the full VCAT findings you can click this link https://www.austlii.edu.au/cgi-bin/viewdoc/au/cases/vic/VCAT/2024/4.html?context=1;query=banco;mask_path=au/cases/vic/VCAT

    Local Government News

    Have your say with Shape Mount Alexander

    Help us prioritise our budget spend for 2024-2025
    We have a nifty new online budget tool where you can tell us how you’d allocate our budget. Tell us how much you’d spend on roads, arts, venues, waste management and more. Sign up to Shape Mount Alexander

    2024 Community Grants

    Do you have an idea for a community project or event? Apply for the next round of Community Grants to get it up and running. Applications open on Monday 22 January and close on Monday 12 February. Apply for a Community Grant

    Free pool entry on 26 January

    Our outdoor pools in Castlemaine, Harcourt, Maldon and Newstead are open for summer fun. Each pool offers lap-lane swimming, aqua aerobics, swim classes and free entry on Australia Day!

    Find out what’s on in the shire

    Upcoming Council meeting

    Our next Council meeting will be held at 6.30pm on Tuesday 20 February. To raise a question at the Council meeting email the Governance team at governance@mountalexander.vic.gov.au or write to them at PO Box 185, Castlemaine VIC 3450. Messages must be received by 12.00pm on the day of the meeting. You can also Livestream the Council meeting via YouTube

    Hepburn Shire Community Grants Program

    The Grants program has reopened for Round 2.   Submit a project idea for funding of up to $5,000. Applications close on 12 February 2024.

    The Community Grants Guidelines are available at www.hepburn.vic.gov.au/grants.

    Workshops and Courses

    Systemic family Constellations


    When: Sunday February 18th, 10am – 4pm

    Where: Wesley Hill Hall

    Explore dynamics within yourself and within your family system.

    For more information:  amyjonesroberts@yahoo.com.au 





    The People’s Blockade of Newcastle Harbour, and the largest coal port in the world, was always going to be big. It was well organised from start to finish by the climate action group, Rising Tide.  Around 500 visitors from all around Australia zeroed in on Newcastle between November 24-27, 2023 and camped at the reserve adjacent to Horseshoe Beach. Up to 2,500 more arrived over the next 4 days to support and take part in the blockade. Camping on the reserve was authorised by the city council and it all went smoothly except for a few motorists who received parking fines.

    Horseshoe Beach, at the mouth of the harbour was a colorful and spectacular scene over the weekend of 24th-27th November. The tiny beach was awash with canoes and kayaks and seaworthy vessels of every shape, size and colour. There were inflatables, yachts, pedal driven vessels and even a few rafts made of bamboo. By agreement with the police and the harbour master, we occupied the shipping lanes and kept the coal ships at bay for 30 hours from 10am on the Saturday morning to 4pm on the Sunday afternoon. The vigil was maintained throughout Saturday night and into the wee small hours of Sunday morning by canoeists and kayakers working in shifts.

    What was not so widely known was a secret plan for as many of us as possible to continue to block the shipping lanes after the cutoff time of 4pm Sunday. During the protest, there were many, many people on the beach. Most of the better-known climate action groups were represented: Extinction Rebellion, the Pacific Climate Warriors, Knitting Nanas, Doctors without Borders, Bob Brown Foundation and SS4C (school strikers). The Greens were also represented. Most of these groups had little marquees higher up on the beach. Although the main action was to stop the coal ships, the blockade also included many activities for children such as face painting, sand sculpture, and kite making to name a few. There was even a pirate school taking place in the Kids’ Tent. One of the highlights on Saturday was an inspiring speech by former Greens leader and champion of the Franklin River Blockade, Bob Brown.

    On Sunday, the second day of action, at around 3.30pm, we slipped into our canoes and kayaks and headed out. I looked around for a boat but almost all had left the shore. So we were directed to the remaining vessels, a couple of rafts made from 44 gallon drums tied together with bamboo poles and wire ties. They looked seaworthy enough so 5 of us with our life-jackets and paddles, clambered aboard. As the police boats lurked about in the background, we paddled out and joined the flotilla. I felt really empowered to be part of this mass protest. I felt that I was in exactly the right place at the right time. After staying out on the water for at least an hour longer than the 30 hour deadline one of the police boats came alongside and told us that by remaining in the shipping lane we were breaching a maritime law, and that if we didn’t desist, we would be under arrest. At this stage, every one of us was aware that this was our opportunity to make a powerful statement. So we remained in the channel until the police boat pulled alongside and we were informed that we were under arrest. Most of us arrestees were charged and given CAN’s (Court Attendance Notices) for January 2024. 

    Food for Thought

    Degrowth Central Victoria (and the World) -A collection of writings concerned with the need, philosophies and practicalities of degrowth, with particular emphasis on Central Victoria, Australia, but with relevance to, and sometimes contributions from, the World. Click to read Degrowth Central Victoria (and the World), by Peter Yates- https://degrowthcentralvictoria.substack.com/

    Return of the Fourth Bark Petition to Yirrkalahttps://thewombatpost.com.au/2023/12/22/return-of-the-fourth-bark-petition-to-yirrkala/

    Friends Don’t Let Friends Destroy Themselves – Charles Eisenstein Essay, 29/12/23 – https://charleseisenstein.substack.com/p/friends-dont-let-friends-destroy

    Transcript of conversation with my son Philip – Charles Eisensteinhttps://charleseisenstein.substack.com/p/transcript-of-conversation-with-my?utm_source=substack&publication_id=427455&post_id=139831485&utm_medium=email&utm_content=share&utm_campaign=email-share&isFreemail=true&r=1r08bh 

    Post Carbon Institute- Indigenous voices on the great unravelling – with Dilafruz Khonikboyeva, In our conversation, she discusses how people can live through collapse while maintaining their core identities and values, by grieving, but then drying their tears and carrying on.  https://holdingthefire.buzzsprout.com/

    Final Snapshots of Planet Local Conference : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLcItcv-Djo

    Milkwood Permaculture skills and blog : https://www.milkwood.net/


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