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The first e-news from Localising Leanganook

The future is not some place we are going to, but one we are creating. 

The paths to it are not found, but made;

and the activity of making them changes both the maker and the destination.

Peter Ellyard, Australian Physicist (1)


Welcome to the first e-news from Localising Leanganook

 This first edition includes information about:

  • Our next community conversation: The Commons, the Cooperative and the Wardrobe with Ian Mc Burnie, Sunday April 2nd , 5.00pm, Castlemaine;
  • Upcoming Central Victorian Climate Action non-violent protest, Friday April 7th, 12.30pm, Bendigo;
  • An experiential learning energiser- Deep Play for our Common Futures– Saturday April 8th, Maldon
  • Summary of Cam Walker’s conversation starter in February;
  • Democracy 4 Dinner event, Wednesday April 5th, Castlemaine;
  • Art of Facilitation workshop, March 29th to April 2nd , Melbourne.

See below for more information.

NEXT COMMUNITY CONVERSATION:  The Commons, the Cooperative and the Wardrobe

 When: 5.00pm, Sunday April 2nd, 2017

Where: Ray Bradfield Room, Castlemaine, between IGA carpark and Victory Park

This event is the next in a series organised by the Localising Leanganook (Dja Dja Warrung name for Mt Alexander) network as follow on from some of the hearty presentations and discussion generated by the Local Lives Global Matters conference, hosted by the Castlemaine community in October 2015.

The speaker will be Ian McBurney on “The Commons, the Cooperative and the Wardrobe”.

Ian’s short talk will set a framework for a hearty and challenging discussion about ownership, money, stuff, the future of work, the mythical Mr. Jobson Growth, relocalisation and respect for people and place.

“Its 2017, the planet is still being wrecked, wealth inequality is staggering and the economy is stagnating. No wonder politics is either inaction or fundamentalism. The stories we tell about who we are and how we work together are broken. What new stories can we create? Once upon a time Lucy stepped through the Wardrobe into a whole new world. Lets do the same with the Commons and the Cooperative.”

The talk and discussion will be followed by a meal (please bring a plate to share if you can) where we can continue our talking informally.

A gold coin donation is welcomed if possible.

Note: April 2nd is the first day after the end of daylight saving!



Visit our new website which has become live this week. Click here to visit!

Send through notifications of upcoming events, other groups and links. Also, suggestions for readings, video clips and talks to be included in our ‘food for thought’ tab.

Spread the word about our e-news and invite others who might be interested to register so they can be in the loop.

We’re looking for good quality photos of local people to add to the home page slider.



When: Saturday April 8th, 9.00am to 5.00pm

Where: ELMS Retreat, Maldon


For more information- http://actionforesight.net/deep-play-for-our-common-futures/

For bookings- Eventbrite – https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/deep-play-for-common-futures-tickets-32718513956



A non-violent protest

When: Friday April 7th, 12.30pm

Where: Westpac Bank, 49 Mitchell St Bendigo

Public transport: from Castlemaine join the group on the 11.34am train to Bendigo

 A new group, but with many faces familiar to the re-localising network, “Central Victoria Climate Action”, is staging a nonviolent protest on Friday April 7th at the Westpac Bank, 49 Mitchell St, Bendigo.  We hope you can join us there at 12.30 pm in our campaign to stop Westpac from funding the Adani mega coal mine and associated Barrier Reef ports, rail lines etc.

This carbon time bomb, described as “game over for the climate” would be the biggest coal mine in the Southern Hemisphere and make viable a huge complex of coal mines throughout central Qld. Requiring one of the ‘big 4’ banks (who even post Paris have invested $billions in fossil fuels !) to fund it, Westpac is the only one to have remained completely silent on ruling out funding.  The fact that it is supported by the Federal Coalition and Queensland Labor Government, means that early 2017 is a defining historical moment for a people’s uprising to stop this before funding for Adani is signed off on.

Banks are extremely vulnerable to public pressure and reputational risk and we’ve already pushed the Commonwealth Bank away from Adani once in 2015.

To receive action updates, email us at centralvicclimateaction@gmail.com

Also search #stopadani or Galillee Blockade, or https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/jan/14/adani-coalmine-activists-gear-up-to-fight-this-will-dwarf-the-franklin-blockade


Democracy from the ground up

Thanks to Cam Walker, who kick-started Localising Leanganook’s conversations off in February this year. A local Castlemanian, as well as Campaign Coordinator with Friends of the Earth, Cam reflected on his recent trip to post-Trump-election USA; on the importance of how we frame issues and the narratives we use; on learnings from the anti-fracking campaign; on the credibility of the local community and the importance of identifying common ground, moving our focus away from divisions of us and them.


Generating lively conversation Cam’s presentation inspired thinking and discussion around the notion of a ‘citizen’s congress’ or a ‘community council’ for the shire or the region; also learning from Newstead’s community planning journey and  the renewable Newstead project.

These will be topics for future Localising Leanganook conversations.  Watch this space.



Sharing the burden of democracy

Democracy4Dinner is an event series where 1 or 2 attendees nominate a topic in advance and learn through teaching, and share the burden of being informed, engaged citizens with fellow attendees.

Events are held over dinner in a relaxed, conversational environment, and offer a way to engage with locals in your area.

Sign up to newsletters and to find out about D4D events in Castlemaine, other interesting events in central Victoria, and a monthly reading list here: http://eepurl.com/b8jIDX.

Join us on Facebook: facebook.com/democracy4dinner

And if you would like to run events in your own town / city, please contact Lexi: lexi.lestrange@gmail.com.

Here is the link to D4D’s most recent newsletter: http://eepurl.com/cGigjH.



What: Workshop-Whole people cooperating in a sustainable world

When: Wednesday March 29th to Sunday April 2nd, 2017

Where: The Campion Centre, 99 Studley Park Rd, Melbourne

For more information go to:  www.zenergyglobal.com

Note: the workshop is expensive but there are scholarships available as well as discounts.


Hope to see you on Sunday April 2nd at 5.00pm in the Ray Bradfield Room for conversation with Ian McBurney

from the Localising Leanaganook team: John, Emma, Mahesh, Ian, Carolyn, Richard and Nikki.

1.(Peter Ellyard, cited in Bollier, D and Helfrich, S: The Wealth of the Commons, Levellers press, 2012, p.340)

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