“It is difficult to relinquish the illusions of power and delusions of exceptionalism that come with privilege. But is it strangely liberating to realise your true status as a single node in a cooperative network. There is honour to be found in this role and a certain dignified agency. You won’t be swallowed up...
Community conversations are held every six weeks. These include presentations which challenge existing paradigms, which showcase creative and sustainable local initiatives, and which incubate ideas and strategies to strengthen community connection and resilience.
November 2019 newsletter
Worldwide more than 1 billion people are members of cooperatives. Cooperatives provide 100 million jobs worldwide, 20% more than multinational enterprises. (1) The commons asks us to think about the world in more organic, holistic and long term ways. We see that my personal unfolding depends upon the unfolding of others, and theirs upon mine....
September newsletter
History is instructive. And what it suggests to people is that even if they do little things, if they walk on the picket line, if they join a vigil, if they write a letter to their local newspaper- anything they do, however small, becomes part of a much, much larger sort of flow of...
August newsletter
‘In the stories we tell, we tell ourselves’ (Kwaikutl elder) (1) The universe is made of stories, not atoms. Murial Rukeyser (2) Our August newsletter has information about: Words in Winter– Daylesford, Newstead and Trentham Susan Murphy- Falling Awake in a Global Ecological Crisis Repair Cafe’s- Daylesford and Castlemaine Hepburn Herbal Group– getting started...
July 2019 newsletter
This we know: The Earth does not belong to Man; Man belongs to the Earth. All things are connected like the blood which unites one’s family. Whatever befalls the Earth will befall the sons of Earth. Man did not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does...
May 2019 Newsletter
The view of evolution as a chronic bloody competition among individuals and species, a popular distortion of Darwin’s notion of “survival of the fittest,” dissolves before a new view of continual cooperation, strong interaction, and mutual dependence among life forms. Life did not take over the globe by combat, but by networking. Life forms...
April 2019 newsletter
“Humanity is only beginning to awaken to the true magnitude of the crisis on hand….In all realms, from money to ecological healing to politics to technology to medicine, we need solutions that exceed the present bounds of the possible. Fortunately, as the old world falls apart, our knowledge of what is possible expands, and...
March 2019
Humanity is only beginning to awaken to the true magnitude of the crisis on hand…nothing less than a miracle is needed to heal our world…..The recent convergence of crises – in money, energy, education, health, water, soil, climate, politics, the environment and more – is a birth crisis, expelling us from the old world...
February 2019
“We need hope but the one thing we need more than hope is action. Once we start to act, hope is everywhere. The climate crisis has already been solved. We already have all the facts and solutions. All we have to do is to wake up and change. What we do or don’t do...
November 2018
We think the climate change strike is important because it’s a huge problem. The Earth is already too hot, with droughts in winter in NSW and the coral reef is dying. I would like our politicians to acknowledge climate change is an emergency and take the necessary steps in order to have a sustainable...